Structural Vegetation (1993) obsolete
Obsolete - Structural vegetation mapping of forest in Victoria based on the Land Conservation Council (LCC) vegetation classification scheme.
The layer is independent of land tenure and is a combination of existing data from multiple sources (predominantly LCC) and primary mapping based on satellite image interpretation dated around 1993..
It was formerly known as SVEG100 but has now been superceded by a 1995 version. (see SVEG100).
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2021) Structural Vegetation (1993) obsolete Department of Transport and Planning |
- Title
- Structural Vegetation (1993) obsolete
- Alternate title
- SVEG100_1993
- Purpose
- This layer has been produced to provide a non tenure specific structural vegetation layer for the state. SVEG100 has been used to service requirements of the NFI (National Forest Inventory), MDBC (Murray Darling Basin Commission), old growth forest and tree cover studies, but will have wider application for planning activities within NRE. This layer replaced the older LCCVEG100 layer and has now been superceded by SVEG100..
- Status
- Obsolete
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Biota
- Farming
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Description
- General - Victoria
Acquisition Info
RFQ Number
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
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