Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Fire History Records of Fires across Victoria showing the fire scars
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803008515
This layer represents the spatial extent of fires recorded since 1903 primarily on public land.  The layer includes bushfires and DELWP planned burn information. This dataset only shows the fire scars (boundaries) - to allow a simplified view of fire history.
CFA data on fires occurring on private land has also been included since 2009.

This data set was updated in August 2023 and is current for the 22/23 fire season.

This dataset presents aggregated historic fire severity classification from 1998 onward for wildfires. It currently has all of the fire sev classification done from FIRE_SEV98 to FIRE_SEV09 as well as Grampians victoria valley complex 2013 and Grampians northern complex 2014 (additional years of severity mapping will be added to this dataset as they become available).  Datasets has been reclassified using the Level 2 Classification described in the Post fire Burn Classification Procedure SOP v.1.0 (FEMD, 2014). 
Aggregating the old (more detailed) historic severity classes into the current broad level 2 classes is a more conservative approach than aggregating them into the current level 3 classes. . The reason for this approach is that the percentages for the degree of crown scorch do not line-up closely enough to directly transfer the old classes into the new level 3 classes.  In all of the classification work documented above, canopy burn remains the highest severity level, canopy scorch is divided up in the levels below this depending on a description or percentage range.
In this coverage the most resent (last burnt) severity mapping is displayed, however, where an area has had previous fire events they can be mapped out (interrogated)  by using definition query or attribute query or other GIS techniques. 
Severity classification of non-forest areas: 
In 2003 (Alpine fire), 2005 (Wilson's Promontory Fire), 2006 (Grampians Ballarat and Moondarra fires), 2007 (Little Desert and Boulder Creek fires) 2009 (Kilmore - Murindindi fires) polygons have been reclassified to the following classes:

Burnt = High Severity
Scorched and Burnt = High Severity
Partially Burnt = Medium Severity 
Scorched and Unburnt = Low Severity
Unburnt = Unburnt
Unclassified = Unclassified
Search Words: Environment
Publication Date: 24 January 2024
Dataset Status: Wildfires information has been collected for the East Gippsland old-growth study area. The dataset for the central highlands is essentially complete, however no new records beyond 1993 have been recorded. The datasets for the North East and Goldfileds areas are currently being compiled. Statewide
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Fire History Records of Fires across Victoria showing the fire scars
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803008515
Jurisdiction: Victoria
This layer represents the spatial extent of fires recorded since 1903 primarily on public land.  The layer includes bushfires and DELWP planned burn information. This dataset only shows the fire scars (boundaries) - to allow a simplified view of fire history.
CFA data on fires occurring on private land has also been included since 2009.

This data set was updated in August 2023 and is current for the 22/23 fire season.

This dataset presents aggregated historic fire severity classification from 1998 onward for wildfires. It currently has all of the fire sev classification done from FIRE_SEV98 to FIRE_SEV09 as well as Grampians victoria valley complex 2013 and Grampians northern complex 2014 (additional years of severity mapping will be added to this dataset as they become available).  Datasets has been reclassified using the Level 2 Classification described in the Post fire Burn Classification Procedure SOP v.1.0 (FEMD, 2014). 
Aggregating the old (more detailed) historic severity classes into the current broad level 2 classes is a more conservative approach than aggregating them into the current level 3 classes. . The reason for this approach is that the percentages for the degree of crown scorch do not line-up closely enough to directly transfer the old classes into the new level 3 classes.  In all of the classification work documented above, canopy burn remains the highest severity level, canopy scorch is divided up in the levels below this depending on a description or percentage range.
In this coverage the most resent (last burnt) severity mapping is displayed, however, where an area has had previous fire events they can be mapped out (interrogated)  by using definition query or attribute query or other GIS techniques. 
Severity classification of non-forest areas: 
In 2003 (Alpine fire), 2005 (Wilson's Promontory Fire), 2006 (Grampians Ballarat and Moondarra fires), 2007 (Little Desert and Boulder Creek fires) 2009 (Kilmore - Murindindi fires) polygons have been reclassified to the following classes:

Burnt = High Severity
Scorched and Burnt = High Severity
Partially Burnt = Medium Severity 
Scorched and Unburnt = Low Severity
Unburnt = Unburnt
Unclassified = Unclassified
Search Words: Environment
This layer represents the spatial extent of fires recorded since 1903 primarily on public land.  The layer includes bushfires and DELWP planned burn information.  This dataset only shows fire scars not fire severity.

This data set was updated in august 2022
Geographic Extent Polygon:
Geographic Bounding Box:
141 150
Beginning to Ending Date: 1992-01-01 - now
Maintainence and Update Frequency: Annually
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL - All major formats available
Positional Accuracy:
Precision: 10m to 300m - 1:25,000
                50m to 300m - 1:100,000
Determination: Fire records are registered to 1:25,000 & 1:100,000 base features. Map errors of 0.5mm to 3mm translate to a positional accuracy of between 10m and 300m, depending on the scale.
Attribute Accuracy:
Based on attribute checking procedures, an error of 1 in 20 is reasonable for the fire year, ie. 95% attribute accuracy.
Logical Consistency:
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Record search, aerial photographs, and regional fire records in the form of fire history maps. Dataset standardisation has occurred to bring all datasets into line with current structure.

Dataset Originality: Primary
Contact Organisation: DEECA
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2023-09-28T16:01:06
Additional Metadata:
                              Relationship to other Datasets: The fire_history data set is used to derive lastburnt100.
This dataset is created from the FIRE_HISTORY_MASTER dataset
This dataset is a subset of FIRE_HISTORY -with no severity data being included

Current Design Issues: The current layer design reflects the structure of DELWPs  FIRES (FIREWEB) and FUEL MANAGEMENT (FMS) databases and emap spatial extents.  The firekey attribute in the dataset provides the link to these two FFMVIC databases and CFAs IMS database.  Other dataset attributes allow information annotated on source maps to be entered, especially in the case of historical fire information where no fire key is often provided to allow referencing to the relevent Fire database.  

The location attribute (that is replicated as part of the firekey attribute) can be either the former Forests Commission of Victoria (FCV) district, former Fire region, or current Fire District.  It is currently proposed that only fire history information from the 1996/97 season inclusive will require the location and firekey fields to be completed.  If historical fires are to have the firekey attribute recorded then this issue, particularly validation checks, will require further consideration.
This dataset is linked to Fire_History - but is a subset only showing fire scars not fire severity.

Thsi is a dissolved version of FIRE_HISTORY -all severity classes for a given incident are disccolved, with unburnt areas being excluded.
End result is a single 'fire scar' polygon for a fire or burn
Derived directly from FIRE_HISTORY from a python ETL task

Future Design Issues: The present design has a single layer for each fire season.  With the promise of overlapping polygon capability of the next generation of ArcInfo software, the separate years may be amalgamated into a single layer.  This option is currently being explored.
This dataset is created from a MASTER_FIRE_HISTORY dataset.

Related Documents: None

Regional records
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments