Mallee CMA - Difference DTM
Dataset: Mallee CMA - Difference DTM
Assembly: Single
Citation proposal Citation proposal
Mallee CMA - Difference DTM Department of Transport and Planning |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Title
- Mallee CMA - Difference DTM
- Resource Type
- Dataset
- Spatial representation type
- Grid
- Horizontal Accuracy
- 0.3m
- Code
- MGA Zone 54 GDA2020
- Title
- ESRI Ascii
Point of contact
Department of Transport and Planning
Coordinated Imagery Program
PO Box 500
East Melbourne
- Topic category
- Elevation
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- General
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Description
- DTM difference analysis was conducted on a per-river basis. The Difference DTM was generated by subtracting the existing 2009-10 DTM surface from the new DTM surface. This required the transformation of the 2009 data from GDA94 to GDA2020. The level of the old surface was vertically adjusted (co-registered) to the level of the new surface by comparing heights at selected sites representing unchanged areas. At least three unchanged co-registration sites per river were used.
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
Positional Accuracy
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- The desired level of co-registration (at the 3 co-registration sites) was specified as 0.1m. Despite achieving this level of co-registration, there can be variability in the level of surface co-registration across the broader river AOI. Surface co-registration variability will manifest in the DTM difference product as areas of changed surface level. There are several possible underlying reasons for differences in the DTM surface including innacuracies in either of the source DTMs or real surface change. Each river Difference DTM needs to be assessed at the local site level to ascertain whether surface differences are real, an artefact of either source dataset or the result of a problem with the co-registration process.
Missing Data
- Comments
- Complete for the common area of both river AOIs.
Excess Data
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