Victorian Soil pH mapping (VicDSMv1)
Obsolete dataset.
This dataset comprises soil property mapping across the whole State of Victoria at 6 prescribed depths. The set depths are 0 to 5 cm, 5 to 15 cm, 15 to 30 cm, 30 to 60 cm, 60 to 100 cm and 100 to 200 cm. The mapped soil properties are pH (1:5 water), EC (dS/m), % clay and soil organic carbon (SOC %).
The dataset has been created by the Understanding Soil and Farming Systems project (CMI 102922)and is referred to as Version 1.0 of the Victorian Digital Soil Map (VIC DSM 1.0).
Soil point data stored in the Victorian Soil Information System (VSIS) from over 6,000 sites has been standardised to the set depths (using equal area splines or a value weighting derived from the proportional contruibution of each sample to the depth class). This processed data was used to attribute soil land units from a collection of surveys (mapped at 1:100k or better) collated to provide the best map unit coverage across the State. Only data from sites that match the soil type of the dominant soil within the land unit being attributed were used. Sites and land units were assigned an Australian Soil Classification (to the Suborder level) to aid this process.
The raw profile data stored in the VSIS (as of March 2013) used to produce these maps were:
pH data were either laboratory based (1:5 soil/water suspension) or field pH (Raupach and Tucker 1959).
Clay % was laboratory derived particle size data (PSA all methods), or converted field observations of texture class (McKenzie et al. 2000).
Organic Carbon measurements methods was either Walkley and Black or Heanes wet oxidation.
Electical Conductivity was 1:5 soil/water extract (dS/m).
The data is available in polygonal format (i.e. the land units) with soil property median value, standard deviation and assignment qualifier attributes. ESRI grids in ascii format at 100 m cell resolution have been generated from the attributed land unit polygon dataset for each soil property at each depth interval.
The assignment qualifiers have been created in order to provide a level of quality evaluation for the soil property assignment to each polygon. Reliability maps generated from these qualifiers have been produced together with each soil property map.
The strength of these products is our ability to leverage on the significant investment in soil site and survey mapping data procurement and the capture of tacit knowledge of former soil surveyors.
A revised version of these digital soil maps is due to be released at the end of 2014.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2019) Victorian Soil pH mapping (VicDSMv1) Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Acquisition Info
- Raster Data Details
- Raster Type Details
- Point Cloud Data Details
- Contour Data Details
- Survey Details
- Title
- Victorian Soil pH mapping (VicDSMv1)
- Alternate title
- Supplemental Information
- Relationship to other Datasets: Many of the boundaries (ideally) are derived fro the aggregation of land units/land systems, forming a hierarchical land type, particularly in relation to landform. Current Design Issues: - Future Design Issues: - Related Documents: None
- Status
- Obsolete
- Horizontal Accuracy
- 250m
- Code
- 4283
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Title
- ArcSDE Feature Class 10
Point of contact
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Steve Williams
(Senior Research Scientist - Agriculture Victoria Research)
PO Box 3100 Bendigo Delivery Centre
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Farming
- Geoscientific information
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- . The detail available in the current datasets is good for their mapping scale but is not sufficient to provide landscape analysis at finer scales and should not therefore be used to plan land use strategies at more detailed scales (eg. 1:25 000 and larger). It should be noted that soil attributes (for example texture, sodicity, pH) are expected to vary between acquired soil sites. As the variability of soil attributes within a map unit is difficult to predict, it is important to note that representative soils should be used as a guide only.
- Classification
- Limited Distribution
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Land unit survey mapping Soil profile and chemistry data held in, or prepared for, the Victorian Soil Information System Dataset Originality: Primary & Derived
- Description
- Collection Method: Field work, API, and derived with other datasets
- Description
- Survey of existing soil and land unit mapping data from earlier studies. Compilation of a state-wide land unit map from best available existing land surveys mapping Assignment of dominant soil type (to Australian Soil Classification Suborder level) to each map unit. Assignment of Geomorphology Unit mapping to each land unit polygon. Preparation of Soil Site (profile) data from the Victorian Soil Information System (VSIS); including assignment of ASC Suborder, allocation of GMU tier 3 and land unit polygon numbers to each site, use of quadratic equal area splines to standardise data from observed depths to the 6 set prediction depths. Python scripts to a) select sites that represented a land unit polygon (by location and by soil type) and b) calculation of median and standrad deviation values from these selected sites Validation of the mappng outputs through expert opinion Some modification of site matching emthodology where obvious discprenceies between predicted property median values and expert opinion existed. Much data preparation and cleansing occured throughout the process.
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Limited Distribution
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- Labelled with third tier geomorph eg. 1.3.1
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- Not defined
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- Not defined
Missing Data
- Comments
- Some gaps exist where the soil property prediction method did not produce a value Completeness Verification: -
Excess Data
- Comments
- -
Acquisition Info
Raster Data Details
Point Cloud Data Details
Contour Data Details
Survey Details
Provided by

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