Water Frontages
Water Frontages are a subset of the VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_CROWN_APPROVED dataset. From the LIMS database, water frontage licences were selected and the associated parcels were selected on the SPI number or the P Number.
The parcels selected were compared to the list of streams reserved under the 1881 reservation of water frontages for public purposes. A majority of streams were identified.
Some stream beds and banks have not yet been parcelised, so any unidentified parcels were selected which aligned with the hydrology layer and had an irregular shape and were added to the layer.
The VicMap hydrology layer was used to label water frontages.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2010) Water Frontages Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action https://metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/37c0ce2a-b617-5bed-b7ab-1956fa0872c4 |
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Point of contact
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Naomi Withers
(Product Manager)
13/8 Nicholson Street
East Melbourne
Identifiers and Keywords
- ANZVI0803003697
- Jurisdiction
- Victoria
- Topic category
- Inland waters
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- No constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Other Dataset Details
- Date ( Revision )
- 2010-02-05
- Status
- Planned
- Purpose
- This layer shows water frontages across the state of Victoria, both licenced and unlicenced frontages. This dataset is an updated version of the stream frontages shown in PLM100.
- Format
- Supplemental Information
- Related Documents: 1881 "List of Rivers, Creeks, Lakes etc. subject to permanent reservation for public purposes of certain Crown lands comprising the beds and specified limits on the banks" as published in the 'Victorian Lists of Counties Parishes and Townships'. - List of river, creeks and lakes which were permanently reserved for public purposes (water frontage) in 1881 in the Government Gazette. Subset of the VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_CROWN_APPROVED dataset
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Description
- General - Victoria
![](https://metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv//eng/region.getmap.png?mapsrs=EPSG:3857&width=500&background=osm&geomsrs=EPSG:4326&geom=POLYGON((150 -39,150 -34,141 -34,141 -39,150 -39)))
- Begin date
- 2009-06-30
- End date
- 2009-10-30
- Conceptual Consistency
- The dataset has been created, but it has not been validated with field checking or aerial photograph interpretation. So not everything currently identified as a water frontage may be a water frontage. Further work is needed to improve the data quality.
- Missing Data
- The dataset covers the state of Victoria
- Attribute Quality
- Not Known
- Positional Accuracy
- Positional accuracy Vicmap Property is classified as "BB" accuracy. That is, 90% of well-defined features are within 1mm (at plot scale) of their true position, eg 1:500 equates to +/- 0.5metre and 1:25,000 equates to +/- 25 metres. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the spatial accuracy of the major part of the data set (at all scales) is frequently better than BB. Where subdivisions have been submitted in digital form, the "survey accurate" data has been used to extend the accuracy of the surrounding detail. This information has not been included in the precision attribute but a proposal is being considered to populate the precision value for every point that describes the cadastral boundaries. Relative accuracy No "shift" of data as a means of "cartographic enhancement" to facilitate presentation has been employed for any real world feature.
- Description
- Water Frontages are a subset of the VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_CROWN_APPROVED dataset. 1. From the LIMS database, all water frontage licences were selected and extracted and this information joined to the VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_CROWN_APPROVED layer on the SPI number or the P Number. 2. From the LIMS database another table was extracted, of data where the LCC Reserve Type was Water Frontage or the LCC Future Use was Public Land Water Frontage Reserve and this data was also joine don the SPI or P Number. These two datasets made up the licenced and unlicenced water frontage layers. 3. The list of 1881 permanent water frontage reservations was then compared against the water frontage dataset. A majority of streams were identified. 4. Some stream beds and banks have not yet been parcelised, To identify these water frontages the DRAFT.PARCEL_V_ALLOT_UNK layer was used as it shows Crown parcels which are in the process of being parcelised. Any parcels attributed with UNK or XX were selected and from this selection any parcels which aligned with VicMap hydrology were selected. The focus was on parcels which were long and sinuous and looked like water frontages rather than parcels which might have been roads, railways or channels. This was a manual process, so some water courses might have been missed, and other parcels included which are not water frontage. The water frontage parcels were compared with the hydrology layer and labeled with the watercourse name where possible. The water frontage layer was also compared with the PLM100 water frontage data to check that all water frontages identified in 1996 were included. These water frontages were included with the licenced and unlicenced water frontages. The licenced and unlicenced water frontages were also compared with the VicMap hydrology layer and other sources to name as many water courses as possible. Once the UNK and XX parcels were added these were also compared with the 1881 reservation of water frontages for public purposes to ensure as complete a dataset was created. Not all streams from this list could be identified due to changes in names, and may potentially only be identified by detailed local knowledge or use of historical documents or plans. 5. Once the dataset was appended together, any large parcels were removed which were located in park or were clearly not water frontage. Some parcels remain which are larger and have extensive sides abutting a water course. These parcels potentially need to be split to seperate the water frontage from the adjoining crown land. This dataset is still in draft and further edits will be made when additional information is provided on a parcels status.
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Subset of VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_CROWN_APPROVED dataset From the LIMS database, water frontage licences were selected and identified through the SPI number. Then from 1881 reservation of water frontage public purposes reserves, VicMap Hydrology data was used to identify water frontage parcels which aligned with these streams. Then any unidentified parcels were selected which aligned with the hydrology layer and had an irregular shape. The VicMap hydrology layer was used to label water frontages. Dataset Originality: Derived
About the Metadata Record
- Metadata identifier
- 37c0ce2a-b617-5bed-b7ab-1956fa0872c4
No information provided.
- Resource Type
- Dataset
- Date info ( Revision )
- 2010-02-05
- Standard Name
- ISO 19115-3:2018
- Profile Name
- DELWP Profile
- Profile Version
- Version 1
- Profile Date
- 2019-05-24
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
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