Broadhectare Residential Land 2019
Identifies undeveloped land for residential development generally on the fringe of the metropolitan area. Each record in the database details the subdivision and planning status of the land, the area of the site in hectares and the potential lot yield. Other details are also records against each site .
This information maps land areas for both the supply and recent subdivision
-Unzoned englobo land requiring a PSP
-Zoned englobo land
-Proposed lots
-Lots with a title
Urban Development Program (UDP).
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2022) Broadhectare Residential Land 2019 Department of Transport and Planning |
- Title
- Broadhectare Residential Land 2019
- Alternate title
- BH2019
- Purpose
- The main purpose of the UDP is to provide accurate, consistent and up-to-date intelligence on residential and industrial land supply and consumption across metropolitan Melbourne. UDP is also extending it's coverage to regional Victoria. This in turn assists decision-makers in: - Maintaining an adequate supply of residential and industrial land in metropolitan Melbourne in line with Victorian Government commitments - Maintaining an adequate supply of broadhectare residential and industrial land stocks in the Geelong Region - Linking land use with infrastructure and service planning and provision - Taking early action to address potential land supply shortfalls and infrastructure constraints - Contributing to the containment of public sector costs by the planned, coordinated provision of infrastructure to service the staged release of land for urban development.
- Status
- Completed
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Structure
- Classification
- Unclassified
Acquisition Info
RFQ Number
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
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