Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Corangamite Coast Marine Habitat December 2009
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005530
This polygon layer represents shallow marine habitats in the Corangamite catchment coastal region mapped from aerial photography and underwater video ground-truthing. This mapping was funded by the Natural Heritage Trust to increase the capacity of natural resource managers to make informed decisions regarding asset identification, risk assessment and establishment of management action targets for nearshore marine habitats in the region. This layer combines two datasets for east and west Corrangamite into a single layer.
Search Words: Oceans
Publication Date: 29 January 2018
Dataset Status: This layer is complete for the western Corangamite coastal region. Completeness Verification: The dataset has been verified for all attributes.
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Corangamite Coast Marine Habitat December 2009
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005530
Jurisdiction: Victoria
This polygon layer represents shallow marine habitats in the Corangamite catchment coastal region mapped from aerial photography and underwater video ground-truthing. This mapping was funded by the Natural Heritage Trust to increase the capacity of natural resource managers to make informed decisions regarding asset identification, risk assessment and establishment of management action targets for nearshore marine habitats in the region. This layer combines two datasets for east and west Corrangamite into a single layer.
Search Words: Oceans
This dataset aimed to improve knowledge about the location, spatial distribution, condition, and extent of shallow marine habitats (less than 15 m) and associated biodiversity in the Central Victorian marine bioregion. The project filled a knowledge gap and increased the capacity of natural resource managers to make informed decisions concerning asset identification, risk assessment, and establishment of management action targets for nearshore marine habitats in the region.
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
Beginning to Ending Date: 2002-08-27 - 2008-04-09
Maintainence and Update Frequency: As needed
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL - All formats available by request
Positional Accuracy:
Positional accuracy of the mapping is dependent on the accuracy of the source aerial photography (see the source imagery's metadata for more information), and the accuracy of the habitat boundaries is related to the mapping accuracy, which was determined by comparison with video-ground-truthing.  No quantitative measure of positional accuracy was undertaken.
Attribute Accuracy:
The habitat layer attributes describe the dominant habitat (substratum).  Overall mapping classification accuracy was determined by generating an error matrix from the video ground-truthing overlayed on the mapping.  The overall mapping accuracy was 81.8% based on 143 video ground-truthing points.  A lower producer's accuracy in classifying patchy reef (15.4% based on 26 video ground-truthing points) was primarily due to the different classification scale between the mapping from aerial imagery and underwater video interpretation. Areas classified as patchy reef in the video may have been mapped as multiple small separate areas of reef separated by sand. The mapping accuracy for all reef combined was 96% (91 of 95 video sites).
Logical Consistency:
Polygon topology was created in ArcInfo and all polygons were checked to ensure they had labels and an attribute value.
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Aerial photography flown for DSE at various dates between 27 August 2002 and 17 December 2007. Video ground-truthing by DPI Queenscliff between 27 December 2007 and 9 April 2008.

Dataset Originality: Primary & Derived
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2021-11-29
Additional Metadata:
                              History: This layer combines two datasets for east and west Corrangamite into a single layer.

Relationship to other Datasets: This dataset includes basic habitat attributes relating to habitat substratum with related video ground-truthing data providing further information relating to biota.

Current Design Issues: This dataset was created to improve knowledge about the location and spatial distribution of shallow marine habitats in the Corangamite Bass Strait coastal region. The mapping covers the marine habitats to a depth of up to 15m, dependent on water clarity in the aerial imagery. The dataset is split into two shapefiles covering the MGA Zone 54 and Zone 55 areas in the Corangamite region.

Future Design Issues: None.

Related Documents: None

Underwater video ground-truthing shallow marine habitats Corangamite.
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments