Forest Management Zones - MAP
FMZ_MAP100 is a simplified version of FMZ100. The dataset is used for creating medium to small scale maps of the forest management zone. The code of forestry practice is dissolved into their relevant GMZ and SMZ. Polygons less than 1 hectares that are non SPZ and SMZ are eliminated.
For detailed mapping/representation and analysis of FMZ, use the FMZ100 dataset.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2020) Forest Management Zones - MAP Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Acquisition Info
- Raster Data Details
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- Contour Data Details
- Survey Details
- Title
- Forest Management Zones - MAP
- Alternate title
- FMZ_MAP100
- Purpose
- The Forest Management Zone layer is designed primarily to support strategic forest planning. It will also be used for Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) analyses, as a basis for sustainable yield determination, and to indicate areas available for harvesting to field based staff. This layer contains the revised East Gippsland Forest Management Zoning as at April 2011. This layer was revised on July 21st, 2004, and now includes the Mid Murray and Mildura FMPs. 2011 edits 1. East Gippsland - same area of East Gippsland FMA a. Changes based on 2008-2011 review of East Gippsland Forest Management Zoning b. Includes new 2010 East Gippsland Parks and Reserves c. Major review of OMA's and owl zoning d. SMZ's for all harvesting constaints such as fire zoning and apiaries e. Any area without specific conservation targets has GMZ as default zone f. Values in previous SMZ unavailable for harvesting are now SPZ Forest Zoning (GMZ, SPZ, SMZ, CFP) in all FMA's has been edited to align with the new forest extent shown in PLM25 (release May 2011). Other public land categories in FMZ100 have not been aligned to fit the PLM25 boundaries.
- Credit
- Each FMA is compiled by different staff in the regions and head office, including Rolf Willig, Nadia Marine, Angela Murray, Martin Talento East Gippsland - Authors/Collators: Jan Radic, Michael May, Mark Tawasha, Stephen Henry.
- Supplemental Information
- History: Access Subject To Custodial Approval Relationship to other Datasets: This layer reflects planning decisions which are based on a number of other layers, primarily PLM25, FMZ_OTHER_PL_HARVEST, base topographic layers, and a large number of more specific layers covering flora and fauna, landscape, historic sites, etc. Spatial and data content errors in these layers may affect the accuracy of FMZ100. Current Design Issues: The principle reason for creation of this layer is to facilitate forest management planning. In this context, the layer must be able to support both analysis and map production. Layer design must be able to support the requirements of forest conservation planning, RFA reviews, timber release plan checking, allocation order development, and forest management decision making in general. To date, the existing layer in the library supports only map production. Analysis can not be completed on this layer because it is generalised, and small SPZ and SMZ areas (< 10 ha) are not shown. This will be replaced in future with a layer which will support both analysis and map production. Future Design Issues: To be replaced by a FMZ100 layer with boundaries adjusted where possible to 25,000 scale land tenure boundaries. Related Documents: None Current layer design is not adequate to support planning and systematic maintenance. A major review of the layer is being undertaken, with several FMAs undergoing an updated zoning process.
- Status
- Completed
- Horizontal Accuracy
- 100m
- Code
- 4283
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Quarterly
Point of contact
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Jeremy Allen
(Manager Strategic Policy and Coordination)
8 Nicholson St
East Melbourne
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Society
- Biota
- Farming
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- Access Subject To Custodial Approval Access Subject To Custodial Approval Access Subject To Custodial Approval
- Classification
- Limited Distribution
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Majority of datasets used in the compilation would be current corporate or other library data, or would be collected during the planning process. The majority of data would be from within DSE. Dataset Originality: Primary & Derived
- Description
- Collection Method: Aerial photo interpretation, Maps,Expert, interviews, Administrative process, anning decisions
- Description
- Source description not available
- Description
- FMZ100 is extracted from the library. Code (CFP) is dissolved into the Special Management (SMZ) and General Management (GMZ) zones. Polygons less than 10 hectares are dissolved into larger adjacent polygons or deleted if there are no adjacent polygons.
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- Data accuracy is estimated to be GT 95%. Polygon attributes are checked several times both visually and via data values before committing to the library . Output is checked by planners and field staff during the layer definition stage.
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- Precision: 10m to 100m Determination: Based on accuracy of input covers, primarily base topographic layers.
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- FMZ are the classisfication of land use into general categories for forest management. FMZ contains the forest management zone category used for conducting analysis. It includes small SPZ areas and Code of Forest Practice (CFP) exclusions. These small areas and CFP exclusions are filtered out for map production. This generalisation is reflected in FMZ_MAP. FMZ_NO identifies each SPZ and SMZ with a unique identifier that is list in the zoning scheme register of each of the Forest Management Plans. MAP_NO is the number identifying SPZ and SMZ zones that are listed in the zoning scheme register and are used in map production only. A zoning scheme register was not established for the West RFA. SPZ and SMZ numbering was identified for the draft zoning scheme published in the West RFA Consultation Paper (Jan 2000). Where polygons in the West RFA are the same as those in the West RFA Consultation Paper, the West RFA Consultation Paper numbering system has been adopted for reference to that report. Additional area of SPZ and SMZ appearing in the West RFA (but not in the West RFA Consultation Paper) may have a number assigned (identified with an asterix) but there is no published document that outlines the values protected within those zones. "Forest Management Zoning in the East Gippsland FMA does not indicate Code of Forest Practice exclusion areas. These are currently considered a wholly independent operational harvesting dataset which is no longer modelled or maintained by DSE. Since 2011 Forest Management Zone numbering in East Gippsland follows this syntax: Zone - Forest Management Block (which contains the polygons geometric centroid) - polygon number (starting at 01 for each zone / block combination). For example P-811-03 would be the third separate polygon of SPZ with its centroid in block 811. The zone polygons in East Gippsland are derived from dataset FMZ_EG_DETAIL. The polygons in FMZ_EG_DETAIL are dissolved to create the FMZ100 data where polygons of the same zone type (but with differing values) are adjoining within the same forest management block. The attributes in various value fields in dissolvedFMZ_EG_DETAIL polygons are concatenated to form the DESC_1 attribute in FMZ100. The FMZ100 number forms part of the FMZ_EG_DETAIL number to allow the location of specific attributes in an FMZ100 polygon to be searched for in FMZ_EG_DETAIL."
Missing Data
- Comments
- Once a Plan is completed, zoning will be reviewed on a yearly basis with updates being made if necessary. Changes to the layer may occur more frequently if required to facilitate forest planning. A map product for forest management zones currently exists in a SDE layer. Forest management zones have been identified for areas where an RFA and FMP has been completed. Areas for which an RFA or FMP have not been completed, has not had forest management zones identified.
Excess Data
Acquisition Info
Raster Data Details
Point Cloud Data Details
Contour Data Details
Survey Details
Graphic Overview of Data Footprint
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