Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan - Industrial Aug2020
This data has been developed as a part of the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (MICLUP) and represents the spatial extent of industrial and commercial land identified in that plan for metropolitan Melbourne.
This dataset represents the spatial extent of existing and future industrial land in metropolitan Melbourne. The layer stores details of the precinct name (where known), metropolitan region, local government area, status (existing or future) and classification as identified in MICLUP.
Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. There are three separate dataset layers as follows:
Commercial land - existing;
Commercial land - future;
Industrial land - future and existing.
The layers store details of Metropolitan Region, Local Government Area, MICLUP classification and, depending on the layer, a range of other information relating to land area or floorspace area for each precinct identified in the MICLUP may also be included.
NOTE: The industrial dataset was updated in August 2020 to correct an error in relation to state-significant industrial precincts in the vicinity of Beveridge and Officer-Pakenham.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2020) Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan - Industrial Aug2020 Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Acquisition Info
- Raster Data Details
- Raster Type Details
- Point Cloud Data Details
- Contour Data Details
- Survey Details
- Title
- Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan - Industrial Aug2020
- Alternate title
- Purpose
- This layer is created for the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (MICLUP) and represents the spatial extent of industrial land in metropolitan Melbourne as identified by the MICLUP.
- Supplemental Information
- Current Design Issues: As part of Spatial Information Infrastructure's spatial data framework strategy, work will continue to bring Vicmap Planning more closely into alignment with current versions of Vicmap Property, particularly in terms of vertical topology. Currently this is only being carried out for the metropolitan area of Victoria. Future Design Issues: It is anticipated that a new attribute be added to the data, being a unique feature identifier, or similar. This will enable features to be identified individually. A definite timeframe has not been put on this development. Related Documents: None
- Status
- Completed
- Horizontal Accuracy
- 25m
- Code
- 4283
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
Point of contact
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
Yang Bai (left)
(Project Support Officer)
Level 9, 8 Nicholson Street,
East Melbourne
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Society
- Economy
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- .
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Derived from Property Parcels, Urban Development Program, Planning Scheme Zones Dataset Originality: Primary
- Description
- Collection Method: ,
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- The allowable error in attribute accuracy is consistent across the entire data set and would be as little as 1 to 2%. This is checked each time the data is posted back to production and involves checking for: · a valid Zone Number; · a valid Zone Code; · a valid Zone Status; · a valid date; · correct colour. If any attribute fails to match, it is sent back for correction.
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- Vicmap Planning is directly aligned to a control version of Vicmap Property 75%-80% of the time, and the remainder (20%-25%) is aligned to natural features such as waterways, vegetation patterns or land contours. Zone and overlay boundaries are generally aligned node-for-node to the Vicmap Property cadastral data. Additionally, the zoning polygons (and where appropriate the overlay polygons) must be node-for-node aligned to neighbouring zoning polygons. Therefore, the positional accuracy of this data is as accurate as Vicmap Property. (Note that the version of Vicmap Property to which it is aligned is not necessarily the latest version, which can lead to inconsistencies when viewing the two datasets together.) As stated in the product description for Vicmap Property, this dataset "is classified as 'BB' accuracy, ie. 90% of well-defined features are within 1mm, at plot scale, of their true position, eg. 1:500 equates to +/- 0.5metre and 1:25,000 equates to +/- 25 metres. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the spatial accuracy of the major part of the data set, at all scales is frequently better than BB. The following topology rules are adhered to in Vicmap Planning: · no gaps exist between polygons (ie. no slivers); · a polygon does not overlap another polygon (no overlaps); · whole polygons are not duplicated (no duplicates). Vicmap Planning is a seamless data set covering the whole state, however some slivers exist between the different planning schemes, due to the original digitising being done against different boundaries. There are also a small number of polygons missing from the final data set. When the data has been processed to convert it from the planning scheme map data to Vicmap Planning, some of the polygons have not formed properly due to topological problems. The "unformed_polygon" layer displays these polygons as lines so users are aware of where the problems exist.
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- Planning scheme map data is required to conform to a defined level of consistency with respect to table structure and attributes. Planning scheme map data is currently stored on the basis of local government areas, (with the exception of Alpine Resorts, French Island and Port of Melbourne Planning Schemes), and the total Victoria-wide data set must be contained in a consistent map projection. Before data is transferred to DSE production environment the data is quality assured according to a predefined set of rules for logical and attribute consistency. This involves checking for: · the correct table structure; · occurrence of non-polygon objects; · records without graphical objects; · duplicate polygons; · polygons within the zoning tables do not overlap; · all polygon boundaries close; · the file name is consistent with naming conventions; · the correct coordinate system; · a valid combination of zone code and zone number; · no control/overlay data is in the zoning table; · no zoning data is in the control/overlay table. Customer feedback and error reports are also encouraged to improve the quality of the data.
Missing Data
- Comments
- Data covers the greater Melbourne metropolitan area.
Excess Data
Acquisition Info
Raster Data Details
Point Cloud Data Details
Contour Data Details
Survey Details
Provided by

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