Metadata Name Descriptions
Resource Name: FCOV1000_1869
Title: Forest Cover of Victoria in 1869
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803001008
This layer delineates the extent of Forest Cover in Victoria in 1869 based on a historial map prepared by William Slight under the direction of R.Bough-Smyth FGS in 1866 and revised by A.Everett in 1869.
Search Words: BiotaFarming
Publication Date: 01 February 2018
Dataset Status: Completeness of coverage The data set is complete for Victoria. Completeness of coverage The data set is complete for Victoria.
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Resource Name: FCOV1000_1869
Title: Forest Cover of Victoria in 1869
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803001008
Jurisdiction: Victoria
This layer delineates the extent of Forest Cover in Victoria in 1869 based on a historial map prepared by William Slight under the direction of R.Bough-Smyth FGS in 1866 and revised by A.Everett in 1869.
Search Words: BiotaFarming
This layer has primarily been used to quantify changes in forest cover since European settlement.
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
Beginning to Ending Date: 1860-12-31 - 1869-12-31
Maintainence and Update Frequency: Unknown
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL - All major formats available
Positional Accuracy:
Precision: 1 km. to 10 km.
Determination: Deductive Estimate. Based on the 1 1 000 000 scale at which information was captured, a 1 to 3 mm error translates to a 1 to 3 km positional accuracy.  This does not take into account the inaccuracies present in the historical map.
Attribute Accuracy:
Due to the small number of areas involved, and checking procedure envoked, an attribute accuracy of 100% is estimated.
Logical Consistency:
Not relevant, only one item.
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Historical color forest trees map engraved by William Sligh under direction of R. Bough-Smyth  FGS, in 1866, and revised by A. Everett in 1869.  The original map was compiled from record maps in the Office of the Surveyor-General, and other authentic sources.  In 1987, a color print was manually interpreted by Peter Black onto a 1 : 000 000 base map and  subsequently digitised by Adam Choma using the 1:500 000 streams as a base.

Dataset Originality: Primary
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2017-03-08
Additional Metadata:
                              Relationship to other Datasets: The 1869 forest cover data set will constantly be used in conjunction with more contemporary version of forest cover to provide forest cover change estimates.  The forest cover boundary has been registered to the 1:500 000 stream base.

Current Design Issues: Since this data set is from the one source and only differentiates presence and absence of forest  cover, only one attribute has been used in the layer design.

Future Design Issues: The original manuscript from which the 1869 forest cover boundary was captured also differentiates broad forest types.  There are proposals to capture this information, and this will subsequently require the addition of a forest type attribute.  As the data set is refined using historical records, and biophysical data sets like landsystems to refine obvious anomalies, a source attribute will also be required.

Related Documents: None

Everett, A (1869) Victoria: Distribution of Forest Trees.  Revision of color map engraved by William Sligh under the direction of R. Bough-Smyth FGS in 1866.  The original map is held in the Museum of Victoria.
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments