Catch and Effort Cells for the Gippsland Lakes fisheries
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Gippsland Lakes commercial fisheries since April 1998. This layer is also used by the Gippsland Lakes and Gippsland Lakes (Mussel Dive) fisheries.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2016) Catch and Effort Cells for the Gippsland Lakes fisheries Department of Primary Industries |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Acquisition Info
- Raster Data Details
- Raster Type Details
- Point Cloud Data Details
- Contour Data Details
- Survey Details
- Title
- Catch and Effort Cells for the Gippsland Lakes fisheries
- Alternate title
- Purpose
- The CE_GIPPSLAND_LAKES_1998 layer provides cells on which various summary catch and effort data for the Gippsland Lakes fisheries can be imported, displayed, and analysed. Catch and effort data can be used to display trends in fishing activity. Summary information such as extent of catch, total catch, effort, catch per unit area, and catch per unit effort can be represented. This information is crucial to ensure effective fisheries management, research and monitoring. This data set may be displayed in conjunction with a variety of environmental data capable of providing an insight into the behaviour of the many species caught in the Gippsland Lakes. A depth model, ocean currents, temperature profiles and salinity levels, are useful data that may assist in gaining an understanding into the ecology of these species.
- Supplemental Information
- History: 4 Feb 2004 - Creation of original layer and addition of new attributes and attribute values. 2 Mar 2005 - Projection of shapefile into GDA. Relationship to other Datasets: This layer was originally created from a layer of Gippsland Lakes area cells. The shoreline of the lakes is derived from the 1:25,000 Linear Hydrological Features (HYDRO25) layer of the Corporate Geospatial Data Library (CGDL), which is itself derived from Land Victoria's State Digital Map Base topographic layer, converted from Microstation DGN format to ArcInfo format. Current Design Issues: The layer from which this dataset was created was originally designed in accordance with the specifications set out in the Victorian Gippsland Lakes And Lake Tyers Fishing logbook. It was later revised based on feedback received from the Catch And Effort Unit, Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Queenscliff. Related Documents: None CGDL HYDRO25 metadata is available at the address below for DSE/DPI staff only http://sysx/cgi-bin/websql/metadata/dataset_full.hts?name=HYDRO25
- Status
- Completed
- Horizontal Accuracy
- 25m
- Code
- 4283
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
Point of contact
Department of Primary Industries
David Ball (retired)
(Habitat Ecology Section Leader)
POBox 114 2a Bellarine Highway
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Farming
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- DataVic
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Land Victoria - State Digital Map Base. Gippsland Lakes And Lake Tyers Fishing areas Dataset Originality: Derived
- Description
- Collection Method: Generated from locations of specific coastline features
- Description
- Source description not available
- Description
- Source description not available
- Description
- The polygons from another coverage of Gippsland Lakes areas were dissolved by their area code to create the dataset. In the new dataset, the region features were dropped, a polygon corresponding to an area no longer fished was deleted, two other attributes were added to the dissolve item and their values were calculated for all of the polygons. This dataset was later converted to a shapefile and projected into the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA)
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- All attributes have been validated by the Habitat Ecology section, DPI, and are complete.
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- The area code polygon boundary lines in this dataset link specific geographic features. For the source layer: * Description: From the State Digital Map Base - Topographic metadata (Geospatial Information), "The planimetric accuracy attainable will be the sum of errors from three sources: the positional accuracy of the source material, errors due to the conversion process and errors due to the manipulation process". * Determination: Survey controlled with 8 points per mapsheet with a residual error less than 10m at ground scale * Horizontal Accuracy: 90% of well defined points will fall within ±12.5m of their true position. * Vertical Accuracy: 90% of elevations will fall within ±0.5 of a contour interval, which are at 10 or 20 metres.
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- This data has been validated by the Habitat Ecology section, DPI.
Missing Data
- Comments
- This layer is complete for the Gippsland Lakes.
Excess Data
Acquisition Info
Raster Data Details
Point Cloud Data Details
Contour Data Details
Survey Details
Graphic Overview of Data Footprint
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