Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: DEPI Land and Fire District Boundary Lines
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005296
Line layer contains DEPI Land and Fire District Boundaries used for Land and Fire Management purposes.
Search Words: Environment
Publication Date: 01 February 2018
Dataset Status: The state is complete. The state is complete.
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: DEPI Land and Fire District Boundary Lines
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005296
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Line layer contains DEPI Land and Fire District Boundaries used for Land and Fire Management purposes.
Search Words: Environment
This line layer is for cartographic use and for determining broad categories of boundary types, eg Murray River, coastline, state border. The polygon layer LF_DISTRICT is the key layer for departmental activities that require Fire District  Boundaries.
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
141 150
Beginning to Ending Date: 2014-07-01 - 2015-07-01
Maintainence and Update Frequency: Irregular
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL - All major formats available
Positional Accuracy:
Dataset aligns to VicMap data sources where appropriate
Attribute Accuracy:
Signed off by District Managers
Logical Consistency:
Topology tests were undertaken to ensure no overlapping and alignment to roads and topological features where applicable
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Maps detailing the fire district boundaries were provided by Fire Suppression Section of Fire  management Branch.  If the boundary follows a stream, road, land management, local government  area or forest management boundary, then those arcs were copied from those layers.

Dataset Originality: Primary & Derived
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2017-03-08
Additional Metadata:
                              History: The forest management boundaries coverages (FORMB100) were copied, and the relevant arcs that formed fire district boundaries were highlighted and put into FIREDIST100.  Roughly 80% of FIREDIST100 arcs came from FORMB100.
The remainder of the arcs were copied from ROAD100, HYDRO100, LANDMMT100 and LGA100.  There were also a few arcs that were digitised from the maps provided by Fire Suppression Section.
Minimal processing was performed on FIREDIST100.  Clean was avoided at all costs. (Greg Esnouf /  Lisa Kollmorgan , Fire Suppression Section Hugo Caro, NRS)

Relationship to other Datasets: The layer FIREDIST100 has been derived from ROAD100, HYDRO100, LANDMMT100,  LGA100 and FORMB100 layers.
Though a large percentage (~80%) of the fire district boundaries come from the forest  management boundary coverages (FORMB100), if the forest management boundaries alter this will not require a subsequent edit FIREDIST100

Current Design Issues: This layer indicates boundaries of the Fire Districts.

Related Documents: None
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments