Project layer depicting housing activity over the years from 2005 and 2016
This layer provides an annual view of changes in lots and residential dwellings associated with housing development projects over each year for Metropolitan Melbourne defined by the 32 local government authorities. Project lot and dwelling information is assigned to polygons representing housing development projects that comprise one or more land parcels for the particular year. Projects are only identified where there is development activity or change such as
demolition or construction.
Key fields include: Number of lots pre and post development; residential dwellings pre and post development; vacant lots pre and post development; total demolitions and constructed dwellings; and total construction projects. Polygon linework is consistent with the corresponding Parcel View - Vicmap Property dataset (VMPROP_PARCEL_VIEW) for when a project was first defined.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2022) Project layer depicting housing activity over the years from 2005 and 2016 Department of Transport and Planning |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Title
- Project layer depicting housing activity over the years from 2005 and 2016
- Alternate title
- Resource Type
- Dataset
- Purpose
- This annual change in lots and residential dwellings associated with housing development projects is one of two components of the housing development data suite (with the other being housing stock layers) that is an essential information resource for State Government housing and land monitoring functions. The data has been collected annually since 2004. The Projects dataset is consistent with and supported by the annual Stock dataset.
- Supplemental Information
- Related Documents: None
- Status
- Completed
- Time period
- 2004-12-012016-12-01
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Code
- 4283
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Biannually
Point of contact
Department of Transport and Planning
Warren Maguire
(Senior Spatial Developer)
Level 7, 8 Nicholson Street
East Melbourne
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Planning cadastre
- Structure
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- . State Government of Victoria
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Colour aerial photography from DELWP for the period December to March has generally been used as the basis for identifying housing development activity. The Urban Development Program (UDP) dataset prepared and maintained by DELWP - Planning Division, and Vicmap Address, has been used to identify and assign attributes to multi-unit development projects. Dataset Originality: Primary
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- Housing development project related attributes are estimated to range in accuracy between 1% to 5% based on the processes used to capture these attributes, the source materials used, and consistency attribute tests with the housing project datasets.
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- Positional accuracy is consistent with that of the Vicmap Property dataset on which it is based, which is classified as "BB" accuracy. That is, 90% of well-defined features are within 1mm (at plot scale) of their true position, eg 1:500 equates to +/- 0.5metre and 1:25,000 equates to +/- 25 metres.
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- Logical data consistency tests were undertaken based on the known relationship between dataset attributes, and on the relationship between Stock and Project layers within the same year and
Missing Data
- Comments
- Metro Melbourne and Geelong regions
Excess Data
Graphic Overview of Data Footprint
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