Principal Freight Network 2021 Road, Rail and Places
The Principal Freight Network (PFN) is a strategic network of current and recognised future freight places and connecting movement corridors (road and rail) which are nationally, state and/or regionally significant. The PFN places and corridors are where freight of significant quantity, value or importance is generated, stored, distributed, handled or carried.
This collection of datasets that depict PFN road and rail corridors and freight places (areas).
PFN Road Corridors are classified as:
PFN Road: a road corridor that forms part of the PFN.
PFN Road - committed future removal: a road corridor that will be removed from the PFN upon the completion of the relevant funded project.
PFN Road - in delivery: a road corridor that has committed funding and is in delivery.
PFN Road - planned: a potential road corridor identified for inclusion on the future PFN once funded.
PFN Road - area for potential PFN (polygons): an area identified that will contain a future road corridor that will form part of the PFN once funded.
PFN Rail Corridors are classified as:
PFN Rail: a rail corridor that forms part of the PFN.
PFN Rail - in delivery: a rail corridor on the network that has committed funding and is in delivery.
PFN Rail - planned: a potential rail corridor identified for inclusion on the PFN once funded.
PFN Rail - area for potential PFN (polygons): an area identified that will contain a future rail corridor that will form part of the PFN once funded.
PFN Places are classified as:
PFN Place: a place where goods of significant value, quantity or importance is generated, stored, distributed, handled or carried.
PFN Place - Planned: a planned freight place once funded.
The PFN was reviewed and updated in 2021 through consultation with local government and industry, building on the previous PFN which was last updated in 2013.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2022) Principal Freight Network 2021 Road, Rail and Places |
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Identifiers and Keywords
- ANZVI0803008950
- Jurisdiction
- Victoria
- Topic category
- Transportation
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- Unrestricted
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)
Other Dataset Details
- Date ( Revision )
- 2022-02-16
- Status
- Completed
- Purpose
- The purpose of the PFN is to facilitate the efficient, safe, sustainable and economic movement of freight in Victoria and enable future growth of the freight task on the Victorian transport network by: 1) GUIDING future transport network and land use planning and infrastructure investment to ensure consideration and prioritisation of freight. 2) PROTECTING the principal freight network and future capacity of this network through appropriate legislation, planning scheme and policy provision. 3) INTEGRATING multi-modal supply chains and end-to-end supply chains to achieve productivity gains and industry competitiveness.
- Format
- Supplemental Information
- History: The version updates the PFN network which was last updated in 2013 Related Documents: None
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Description
- General - Victoria
- Reference system identifier
- Begin date
- 2021-06-24
- End date
- 2021-06-24
- Missing Data
- This dataset covers Victoria
- Positional Accuracy
- Where possible on road segments are snapped to the road network. Off road segments are snapped to Vicmap Trails or aligned with aerial photography
- Description
- The Road PFN data was created based on road segments from Vicmap TR Roads. For future PFN links, the alignments were based on conceptual alignments or if the alignment is not known, then an appoximate polygon has been represented.
- Statement
- Dataset Source: The data was created by Freight Victoria and the Mapping Team of the Department of Transport (DoT). Victoria. Dataset Originality: Primary
About the Metadata Record
- Metadata identifier
No information provided.
- Resource Type
- Product
- Date info ( Revision )
- 2022-02-16
- Standard Name
- ISO 19115-3:2018
- Profile Name
- DELWP Profile
- Profile Version
- Version 1
- Profile Date
- 2019-05-24
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
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