Metadata Name Descriptions
Resource Name: COAL_BDY
Title: Coal Model Boundary
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803002733
Extent of the Digital 3D Geological Model of the Latrobe Valley Coal Resource.

This polygon defines the area covered by the 2011 version of the Latrobe Valley Coal Model. The model is intended as a regional scale tool for supporting the management of the resource, matching coal to development opportunities and informing land use planning. It captures a century of coal delineation work in a powerful, flexible and contemporary format. 9086 cores have been modelled (an increase of  641 bores over the 2008 version) over a total area of 4912 km2, including all Gippsland brown coal fields identified in DPI's inventory of coal resources. Seams have been extended into the Seaspray Depression covering the Longford, Boodyarn, Won Wron, Greenmount, Alberton and Gelliondale coal fields; as well as into the Moe Swamp covering the Moe and Yarragon coal fields. The model is based on a pre-mine topography and substantial coal has already been extracted.

<a href=&#09;;>Link to Further Coal Seam model Information</a>

<a href=&#09;;>Link to Coal Model Data (works in firefox , but not internet explorer)</a>
Search Words: Utilities communicationEconomyStructureGeoscientific information
Publication Date: 23 November 2023
Dataset Status: 5% Completeness Verification: Metadata Custodian Review Frequency: never Metadata Last Reviewed by Custodian: November 2003
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Crown (State of Victoria) Copyright, 2003
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Resource Name: COAL_BDY
Title: Coal Model Boundary
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803002733
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Extent of the Digital 3D Geological Model of the Latrobe Valley Coal Resource.

This polygon defines the area covered by the 2011 version of the Latrobe Valley Coal Model. The model is intended as a regional scale tool for supporting the management of the resource, matching coal to development opportunities and informing land use planning. It captures a century of coal delineation work in a powerful, flexible and contemporary format. 9086 cores have been modelled (an increase of  641 bores over the 2008 version) over a total area of 4912 km2, including all Gippsland brown coal fields identified in DPI's inventory of coal resources. Seams have been extended into the Seaspray Depression covering the Longford, Boodyarn, Won Wron, Greenmount, Alberton and Gelliondale coal fields; as well as into the Moe Swamp covering the Moe and Yarragon coal fields. The model is based on a pre-mine topography and substantial coal has already been extracted.

<a href=&#09;;>Link to Further Coal Seam model Information</a>

<a href=&#09;;>Link to Coal Model Data (works in firefox , but not internet explorer)</a>
Search Words: Utilities communicationEconomyStructureGeoscientific information
To assist in the development of the coal industry.
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
Beginning to Ending Date: 2011-04-13 - 2011-04-13
Maintainence and Update Frequency: Not planned
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: ESRI Shapefile
Positional Accuracy:
Attribute Accuracy:
Logical Consistency:
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Generated in Minescape. Exported as ESRI shapefile. Converted from shapefile to SDE feature class via python script on July 2011.

Dataset Originality: Derived
Contact Organisation: DEECA
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2017-02-03
Additional Metadata:
                              Related Documents: None
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments