Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Port Phillip Bay seagrass mapping at nine aerial assessment regions in April 2011
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803004665
This polygon layer represents seagrass habitat at nine regions in Port Phillip Bay in April 2011 mapped from aerial photography.  The mapping was undertaken for the Baywide Seagrass Monitoring Program (CDP_ENV_MD_022 Rev5 - Port of Melbourne Corporation, 2010). The program is being undertaken for the Port of Melbourne Corporation as part of Baywide Monitoring to support the Channel Deepening Project.
Search Words: BiotaFarmingOceans
Publication Date: 23 January 2018
Dataset Status: All of the regions mapped are covered by this layer Completeness Verification: The dataset has been verified for all attributes.
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Port Phillip Bay seagrass mapping at nine aerial assessment regions in April 2011
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803004665
Jurisdiction: Victoria
This polygon layer represents seagrass habitat at nine regions in Port Phillip Bay in April 2011 mapped from aerial photography.  The mapping was undertaken for the Baywide Seagrass Monitoring Program (CDP_ENV_MD_022 Rev5 - Port of Melbourne Corporation, 2010). The program is being undertaken for the Port of Melbourne Corporation as part of Baywide Monitoring to support the Channel Deepening Project.
Search Words: BiotaFarmingOceans
The objective of the Baywide Seagrass Monitoring Program is to detect changes in seagrass health outside expected variability. Seagrass is being monitored at several spatial scales including aerial mapping undertaken annually in April/May. This data presents seagrass mapping from aerial photography at one of nine detailed aerial assessment regions established in the main seagrass areas in Port Phillip Bay. The seagrass mapping will be compared to the previous year's mapping and historic mapping to detect changes in percent cover outside expected variability.
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
Beginning to Ending Date: 2011-04-06 - 2011-05-30
Maintainence and Update Frequency: Annually
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL: Standard GIS Vector layers
Positional Accuracy:
Description:  Positional accuracy of the mapping is dependent on the accuracy of the source aerial photography, and the accuracy of the habitat boundaries is related to the mapping accuracy.
Determination:  The estimate of positional accuracy for the aerial photography was determined by comparison to known ground-control points.  Overall mapping accuracy was determined by comparison with video-ground-truthing, and no quantitative measure of positional accuracy was undertaken.
Attribute Accuracy:
Description:  The habitat layer attributes describe the dominant habitat (substratum and vegetation) and vegetation density.  The accuracy of the mapping was determined by comparison to point observations from underwater video.
Determination:  Overall mapping classification accuracy was determined by generating an error matrix from the video ground-truthing overlayed on the mapping.  The overall mapping accuracies for the regions are:
Altona-Point Cook: 100% based on 17 video ground-truthing points.
Blairgowrie: 96% based on 25 video ground-truthing points.
Curlewis Bank: 100% based on 12 video ground-truthing points.
Kirk Point: 100% based on 22 video ground-truthing points.
Mud Islands: 100% based on 15 video ground-truthing points.
Point Henry West: 100% based on 12 video ground-truthing points.
Point Richards-Bellarine Bank: 91% based on 35 video ground-truthing points.
St Leonards: 100% based on 17 video ground-truthing points.
Swan Bay: 77% based on 13 video ground-truthing points.
Logical Consistency:
Polygon topology was created in ArcInfo and all polygons were checked to ensure they had labels and an attribute value.
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Aerial photography flown by Aerometrex Pty Ltd 6-7 April 2011 and video ground-truthing by DPI Queenscliff from 19 April to 30 May 2011.

Dataset Originality: Primary & Derived
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2015-11-25
Additional Metadata:
                              History: See seagrass mapping in these regions from 2008-10.

Relationship to other Datasets: This data forms part of a range of seagrass health measurements being recorded across Port Phillip Bay at as part of the Baywide Seagrass Monitoring Program. Additional data collection at six of the regions (all except Altona-Point Cook, Curlewis Bank and Point Henry West) includes field-surveys using fixed quadrats at seagrass plots within the mapping area.

Current Design Issues: The mapping design is described in the Baywide Seagrass Monitoring Program Detailed Design (CDP_ENV_MD_022 Rev5 - Port of Melbourne Corporation, 2010).

Related Documents: None

Underwater video ground-truthing 2011, April 2011 aerial photography
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments