Metadata Name Descriptions
Resource Name: FMA500
Title: Forest Management Areas
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803002842
This layer contains polygons delineating boundaries describing forest managment areas.  FMA500 can be used for a statewide overview.
Search Words: BiotaFarming
Publication Date: 02 February 2018
Dataset Status: All forest management areas are mapped. All forest management areas are mapped.
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Resource Name: FMA500
Title: Forest Management Areas
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803002842
Jurisdiction: Victoria
This layer contains polygons delineating boundaries describing forest managment areas.  FMA500 can be used for a statewide overview.
Search Words: BiotaFarming
FMA500 is the key layer for statewide overview of departmental forest management activities. It derived from the FMA regions of FORMB100 with generalised linework to 500 metres.
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
Beginning to Ending Date: unknown - now
Maintainence and Update Frequency: As needed
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL - All major formats available
Positional Accuracy:
Attribute Accuracy:
Logical Consistency:
The coverage would have been checked for label errors and items validated.
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Original boundaries of FROMB100 were derived from the VICBASE SHIRE500, ROAD500, HYDRO500, REGION500  where possible and remaining boundaries were digitised from the existing map held in Drafting  Services (G-1769).

Linework has been generalised with a weed tolerance of 500 metre to reduce layer size and for ease of transfer into SDE.

Dataset Originality: Primary
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2022-02-25
Additional Metadata:
                              History: FORMB100 was created to replace the original BLOCK100 coverage. which only contains  linework for the eastern half of the State.  With the introduction of 'regions' into ARC/INFO it is now possible to include BLOCK, FMA and  WORK_CENTRE boundaries in the one coverage, thus the new FORMB100 coverage was  created making the original BLOCK100 coverage redundant.  The BLOCK100 coverage will be  archived in order to retain the compartment boundaries which could be used as a guide for  collecting compartment boundaries at 1:25 000.  Unfortunately the arcs in BLOCK100 did not contain any attributes.  Ideally these arcs should  have been re-retrieved from the base coverages so that the arc attributes could be maintained but  due to time constraints this was not possible.  As a result, the following FMAs in the FORMB100  coverage contain very few coded arcs: North-East and Benalla-Mansfield.  The arcs in Central- Gippsland FMA contain AS2482 coding but very few SOURCED and SOURCEA coding.  While compiling the FORMB100 coverage, several new blocks were created and some block  numbers were changed.  The new blocks include: Darraweit, Werribee, Modewarre, Teesdale,  Bannockburn, Balliang, Werribee Gorge, Myrniong and Bullengarook in the Midlands FMA and  Wallan in the Central FMA. Details of any changes can be found in the file: Forest Management -  Block Standardisation - BLOCK1000/100/25 (file 94/1410).<P>FMA100 and BLOCK100 layers will be replaced by this single layer.<P>FORMB100   Layer Description1

Relationship to other Datasets: Some features in this layer may be derived from other layers such as SHIRE500.

Current Design Issues: FMA500 must differentiate between individual forest management areas.

Related Documents: None
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments