Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Lineaments interpreted from Radiometric Data
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005005
This dataset was derived using 50m gridded radiometrics data including:

Plain raster images of individual channels (TC, K, Th & U)
Individual channels (TC, K, Th & U) draped over topography
RGB false colour images of K (red), Th (green) and U (blue) with and without topography and lineaments and compared to topography and lineaments.

(where Total Count - TC, Potassium - K, Thorium - Th and Uranium -U) .

The interpretation was completed on a regional or sub-regional scale using geophysical remote sensing techniques. By combining the radiometrics and topography datasets, a pseudo-geomorphology is created. The radiometrics respond to soil cover in first the 0.5m of depth. As soils may change across small fault boundaries, radiometric lineaments bear the best relationship with topographic lineaments. From the various radiometric outputs the following key observations have been made:

The ENE-WSW lineaments are evident but not as extensively as in the interpreted topographic dataset;
The NNW-SSE lineament datasets is most dominant in the radiometric data;
In the Otway Basin, many radiometric lineaments are parallel to the cost and are due to strandlines or basin faults;
In the Murray Basin, strandlines are obvious as they are evident in the topographic data;
In some cases, the soil radiometric chemistry changes across topographic lineaments, supporting the interpretation of topographic lineaments as evidence of small palaeo-fault movement.

The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.
Search Words: Inland watersGeoscientific information
Publication Date: 01 February 2018
Dataset Status: Victoria
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Lineaments interpreted from Radiometric Data
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005005
Jurisdiction: Victoria
This dataset was derived using 50m gridded radiometrics data including:

Plain raster images of individual channels (TC, K, Th & U)
Individual channels (TC, K, Th & U) draped over topography
RGB false colour images of K (red), Th (green) and U (blue) with and without topography and lineaments and compared to topography and lineaments.

(where Total Count - TC, Potassium - K, Thorium - Th and Uranium -U) .

The interpretation was completed on a regional or sub-regional scale using geophysical remote sensing techniques. By combining the radiometrics and topography datasets, a pseudo-geomorphology is created. The radiometrics respond to soil cover in first the 0.5m of depth. As soils may change across small fault boundaries, radiometric lineaments bear the best relationship with topographic lineaments. From the various radiometric outputs the following key observations have been made:

The ENE-WSW lineaments are evident but not as extensively as in the interpreted topographic dataset;
The NNW-SSE lineament datasets is most dominant in the radiometric data;
In the Otway Basin, many radiometric lineaments are parallel to the cost and are due to strandlines or basin faults;
In the Murray Basin, strandlines are obvious as they are evident in the topographic data;
In some cases, the soil radiometric chemistry changes across topographic lineaments, supporting the interpretation of topographic lineaments as evidence of small palaeo-fault movement.

The dataset was compiled by GHD to inform the report 'Potential Influences of Geological Structures on Groundwater Flow Systems' for DEPI's Secure Allocation Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project.
Search Words: Inland watersGeoscientific information
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
141 150
Beginning to Ending Date: 2011-06-30 - 2012-06-30
Maintainence and Update Frequency: As needed
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: DIGITAL
Positional Accuracy:
Not known
Attribute Accuracy:
Not known
Logical Consistency:
Not known
Data Source:
Dataset Source: The 50m gridded radiometric data comprising values for potassium, thorium, uranium and total count for the entire state was used as the key input dataset for the analysis. Lineament analysis was undertaken using ER Mapper and the radiometric data emphasising the interpretation of structures cross-cutting the bedrock lithology grain. This is in difference to the bedrock structural interpretation completed by the (former) Department of Primary Industries (DPI) which has largely identified key lineaments parallel to the bedrock lithology grain.
Linear structures evident to a greater or lesser extent from all of the east, north, north-east, north-west and overhead vertical sun angles were interpreted. For this study, because of the importance of NNW trending bedrock lithology grain and ENE (particularly) and WNW (to a lesser extent) trending cross-cutting structures, the sun-angles chosen for geophysical image display tend to be NNW to NNE and high in the sky (+70 degrees).

Dataset Originality: Derived
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2013-06-18
Additional Metadata:
                              Related Documents: None
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments