Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent
A presence/absence of tree cover dataset is derived from statewide dataset aerial photography with a minimum of 20cm pixel resolution. The mapping of tree cover was based a upon a machine learning technique.
Tree cover is defined as woody vegetation greater than approximatley two metres in height.
Citation proposal Citation proposal
(2022) Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent Department of Transport and Planning |
- Description
- Temporal
- Spatial
- Maintenance
- Format
- Contacts
- Keywords
- Resource Constraints
- Lineage
- Metadata Constraints
- Quality
- Acquisition Info
- Raster Data Details
- Raster Type Details
- Point Cloud Data Details
- Contour Data Details
- Survey Details
- Title
- Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent
- Alternate title
- Purpose
- The Tree Extent is intended to show both the presence and density of tree cover at a large scale. The potential uses are many, however, the initial purpose is to provide a detailed, comprehensive and consistent statewide dataset. Tree_Extent provides the most detailed statewide picture of tree cover available to date and is an excellent source of data for any applications requiring the identification of tree cover across the state. The dataset also lends itself well to map presentation and makes an excellent backdrop for other thematic information shown on maps at a large scale.
- Credit
- John White, Cat Gilbert, Ross Honeyman, Emil Skender.
- Supplemental Information
- History: The aerial photography was sourced via Department of Environment Land Water and Planning Coordinated Imagery Program. Relationship to other Datasets: Vicmap Vegetation Tree Density is sourced from this tree_extent layer. Tree_Density is a polygon layers which has generalised the tree_extent layers and contains additional attribution describing the separation of tree cover (Dense, Medium and Sparse). This layer also includes extra information such as the source date of the aerial imagery used to map the tree cover. Current Design Issues: TREE_EXTENT is derived from high resolution aerial photography and machine learning utlising a semantic segmentation model. Due to a degree of variability in the input imagery in some areas the machine learning model did not perform as well in some areas and resulted in poor predictions or lower accuracy of the tree extent. This particularly occurred in the vicinity of Dargo High Plains (Eastern Victoria) and Wyperfeld and Big Desert National Parks (North West Victoria) where there is low reliability of the mapping of tree cover. These areas should be improved with the introduction of new imagery. The processing of the imagery was broken into small units of 1km x 1km in size. This has resulted in some edge effects visible in the layer where the prediction/mapping of tree cover did not consistently cross the tile boundary. Two different semantic segmentation models were used across the state to increase the accuracy as one model could not be used consistently due to the variation in the tree cover. This has led in some areas a join issue where tee cover mapping across the model boundaries is not constant. Related Documents: None
- Status
- Completed
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Irregular
- Title
- Digital 3
Point of contact
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
Cited responsible party
No information provided.
- Topic category
- Environment
- Biota
- Imagery base maps earth cover
- Farming
Resource Constraints
- Use limitation
- Data is available under a Creative Commons licence. For access please email
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Statement
- Dataset Source: Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent has been created using machine learning and high resolution aerial photography. Dataset Originality: Derived
- Description
- Collection Method: Digital classification
- Description
- A presence/absence tree cover dataset is derived from the Vicmap Vegetation Tree Extent statewide dataset (20cm pixels) . This classification was based upon a semantic segmentation machine learning approach where each pixel was assigned if it was tree cover or not with the resulting raster output having a cell value of one for existence of tree cover and zero for none. A mask was then applied to remove areas incorrectly classified as tree cover in water bodies and some crop types.
Metadata Constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Attribute Quality
- Comments
- This raster dataset classifies tree presence as a cell value of 1 and tree absense as a cell value as 0. Intersection over Union score (IoU) over the whole of the state was 80%. The IoU is the amount of area shared by the human delineated data (test set) and machine learning prediction (intersection) to the total area covered by either (union).
Positional Accuracy
- Comments
- The positional accuracy is determined by the geometric rectification of the high resolution aerial photography. The aerial photophaphy metadata can be found using the associated ANZLIC ID in the metadata for Vicmap Vegetation Tree Density. On average it was +/- 80cm RMSE
Conceptual Consistency
- Comments
- All polygons are automatically generated in a raster to vector conversion. All polygons are closed and labelled consistently. All relationships between attributes are logical.
Missing Data
- Comments
- Statewide Completeness Verification: After processing the state-wide tree extent data waterbody and selected crop masks were applied to remove any incorrect tree classification. No additional human intervention post processing was performed on the data. Intersection over Union score (IoU) was 80% across the whole of the state.
Excess Data
- Comments
- Primary input was derived from aerial photography which has a pixel resolution of 20cm (or was downsampled to 20cm from a higher resolution).
Acquisition Info
Raster Data Details
Point Cloud Data Details
Contour Data Details
Survey Details
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