Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Port Fairy Seawall in Place Hazard Lines
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005640
The Port Fairy Local Coastal Hazard Assessment (LCHA) provides information on the extent of coastal hazards and their physical impacts for the Port Fairy coastal environment.

This data considers setback of the present day shoreline due to coastal erosion if existing seawall (where present) remains in place. The four key components of coastal setback that are incorporated into this hazard line are: 
- S1, allowance for short term storm erosion (storm demand 100 year ARI); 
- S2, allowance for dune stability (zone of reduced foundation capacity); 
- S3, allowance for ongoing underlying recession; and, 
- S4, allowance for recession due to future sea level rise. 

The total design setback (S) for three planning horizons comprises:
- Present day: S = S1 + S2;
- 2050: S = S1 + S2 + S3(2050) + S4(2050);
- 2080: S = S1 + S2 + S3(2080) + S4(2080); and
- 2100: S = S1 + S2 + S3(2100) + S4(2100).

Sea level rise projections utilised for the planning horizons were 0.4 m for 2050, 0.8 m for 2080 and 1.2 m for 2100 respectively. Where appropriate, the +6 m AHD contour was used as a reference as it was considered to represent the coastal alignment reasonably. The crest of the rock revetment was used as the reference contour on the southern half of East Beach. For low-lying dune systems the +2 m AHD contour was used.

Details of the assumptions made in the derivation of this information can be found in project reports on the Our Coast website:
Users of this information should read these project reports to understand the limitations of the data.
Search Words: EnvironmentOceansGeoscientific informationClimatology, meteorology, atmosphere
Publication Date: 02 February 2018
Dataset Status: Port Fairy and surrounds Completeness Verification: Last verified in 2013
Progress: Completed
Access Constraint:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) ( License Text )
No constraints General. The information is not for detailed design purposes. This data may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the data is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this dataset.
Data Existence:
Metadata Name Descriptions
Title: Port Fairy Seawall in Place Hazard Lines
Anzlic ID: ANZVI0803005640
Jurisdiction: Victoria
The Port Fairy Local Coastal Hazard Assessment (LCHA) provides information on the extent of coastal hazards and their physical impacts for the Port Fairy coastal environment.

This data considers setback of the present day shoreline due to coastal erosion if existing seawall (where present) remains in place. The four key components of coastal setback that are incorporated into this hazard line are: 
- S1, allowance for short term storm erosion (storm demand 100 year ARI); 
- S2, allowance for dune stability (zone of reduced foundation capacity); 
- S3, allowance for ongoing underlying recession; and, 
- S4, allowance for recession due to future sea level rise. 

The total design setback (S) for three planning horizons comprises:
- Present day: S = S1 + S2;
- 2050: S = S1 + S2 + S3(2050) + S4(2050);
- 2080: S = S1 + S2 + S3(2080) + S4(2080); and
- 2100: S = S1 + S2 + S3(2100) + S4(2100).

Sea level rise projections utilised for the planning horizons were 0.4 m for 2050, 0.8 m for 2080 and 1.2 m for 2100 respectively. Where appropriate, the +6 m AHD contour was used as a reference as it was considered to represent the coastal alignment reasonably. The crest of the rock revetment was used as the reference contour on the southern half of East Beach. For low-lying dune systems the +2 m AHD contour was used.

Details of the assumptions made in the derivation of this information can be found in project reports on the Our Coast website:
Users of this information should read these project reports to understand the limitations of the data.
Search Words: EnvironmentOceansGeoscientific informationClimatology, meteorology, atmosphere
Geographic Extent Polygon:

Geographic Bounding Box:
Beginning to Ending Date: 2012-04-30 - 2013-04-30
Maintainence and Update Frequency: Not planned
Stored Data Format:
Available Format(s) Types: ESRI
Positional Accuracy:
As stated in project reports on the Our Coast website:
Attribute Accuracy:
As stated in project reports on the Our Coast website:
Logical Consistency:
Not applicable
Data Source:
Dataset Source: Managed by CMAs and DELWP

Dataset Originality: Derived
Contact Organisation:
Contact Position:
Email Address:
Metadata Date: 2022-10-19
Additional Metadata:
                              Related Documents: None
Column Name Obligation Unique Data Type Reference Table Comments