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GEDIS REFID: 14514; SOURCE MAP: G14514_goldfield_Eaglehawk_719G2_6k_colour_published-version_georef.tif; SUBJECT: MURRAY, R.A.F., 1879. Plan showing surface extensions of quartz reefs north from Eaglehawk, including areas of alluvial workings, shaft and mining machinery locations. Parish of Nerring 1:6,336 (8 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No 719/G/2.
GEDIS REFID: 10974; SOURCE MAP: G10974_parishplan_Loy-Yang_31k_600dpi_colour_master.tif; SUBJECT: FERGUSON, W.H. & OWER, L.H., 1928. Parish of Loy Yang 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No 99p. Geological Survey of Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 38444; SOURCE MAP: G38444_goldfield_Castlemaine-Chewton_10k_450dpi_colour-balanced_master-archive.tif; SUBJECT: WILLMAN, C.E., 1994. Castlemaine goldfield - Castlemaine-Chewton 1:10,000 geological map. Geological Survey of Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 13937; SOURCE MAP: G13937_goldfield_Rheola-Berlin_GF12_15k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: DUNN, E.J., 1890. Geological map of Rheola (Berlin) Goldfield, with locations of reefs, dykes, alluvial gold working areas, nuggets and springs. Parish of Kangderaar 1:15,840 (20 chains:1 inch) geological map 1. Plan No GF12.
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA., 1965. Beechworth Goldfield with sections 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No 1012/G/3 [X size]. Department of Mines, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 45982; SOURCE MAP: G45982_goldfield_Daylesford_GF25_10k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: WHITELAW, H.S., 1972. Daylesford Gold Field Geological map. Plan No GF25. Department of Mines, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 10808; SOURCE MAP: G10808_goldfield_Newbridge_GF43_15k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: HUNTER, S.B., 1905. Geological sketch map of Newbridge Gold-Field (Nick of Time, and C) 1:25,344 (32 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No GF43. Department of Mines, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 10816; SOURCE MAP: G10816_goldfield_Sandhurst_GF10_31k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA., 1873. Sandhurst Goldfield 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No GF10. Department of Mines, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 10797; SOURCE MAP: G10797_goldfield_Inglewood_GF35_31k_200dpi_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA., 1896. Inglewood Gold Field shewing lines of reefs 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No GF35. Department of Mines and Water Supply, Victoria.
GEDIS REFID: 45994; SOURCE MAP: G45994_goldfield_New-Chum_M8b_6k_digitally-joined_colour_georef.tif; SUBJECT: TAYLOR, N., 1886. Plan showing outcrops of reefs on Supposed extension south of the New Chum Line of Reef from the Eureka Extended Co's ground (in 2 sheets) 1:6,336 (8 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No M8b.