Creation year


104 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 104
  • GEDIS REFID: 10988; SOURCE MAP: G10988_parishplan_Moorarbool-West-part-Kerrit-Bareet_31k_600dpi_colour_master.tif; SUBJECT: FOSTER, H., 1937. Parish of Moorarbool West and portion of Kerrit Bareet 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Plan No 112p. Geological Survey of Victoria.

  • 2021-22 Colac Otways Golden Plains Photography

  • 2022-23 French Island and Phillip Island Photography and Elevation

  • This product was withdrawn 28/12/2023 Derived from the standard Melway images as provided by Melway Publishing to DELWP for internal use within Victorian Government, its agencies and instrumentalities. Melway Edition 47 - 2020.

  • GEDIS REFID: 10783; SOURCE MAP: G10783_goldfield_clunes-mtgreenock-talbot_31k_400dpi_joined_master_georef.tif; SUBJECT: MURRAY, R.A.F. & TAYLOR, D., 1883. Clunes, Mt Greenock and Talbot Goldfields 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map. Department of Mines, Victoria.

  • This dataset is the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution. It refers to the salinity distribution for Aquifer Number of 112 (Lower Tertiary Basalts). The salinity distributions reflect the beneficial use segments prescribed in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) (2018) Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution for detailed information.

  • This dataset is the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution. It refers to the salinity distribution for Aquifer Number of 111 (Lower Tertiary Aquifer). The salinity distributions reflect the beneficial use segments prescribed in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) (2018) Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution for detailed information.

  • This dataset is a subset of the Victorian Groundwater Data Inventory, developed by DELWP. The Data Inventory collated available data relating to four themes: groundwater recharge, aquifer/aquitard properties, groundwater use and aquifer/aquitard thickness. Information has been sourced from 65 hydrogeological studies and contains a spatially enabled representation of data coverage. This dataset represent the Aquifer Properties component of the Data Inventory.

  • The Water Act, 1989, requires that anoyone wishing to extract groundwater must apply for a groundwater licence. Groundwater licences are issued to protect the rights of licence holders, ensure that water is shared amongst users and to ensure that environmental requirements are protected. This dataset is derived from the Victorian Water Register.

  • Steavenson Taggert River Photography