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97 record(s)
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  • GEDIS REFID: 42119; SOURCE MAP: G42119_Goldfield_Bright-Wandiligong-Freeburgh_31k_colour_published-version_georef.tif; SUBJECT: KENNY, J.P.L. & EASTON, J.G., 1925. Bright Wandiligong and Freeburgh Goldfield 1:31,680 (40 chains:1 inch) geological map Edition 1. Department of Mines, Victoria.

  • This dataset is the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution. It refers to the salinity distribution for Aquifer Number of 102 (Upper Tertiary/Quaternary Aquifer). The salinity distributions reflect the beneficial use segments prescribed in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) (2018) Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution for detailed information.

  • Records about historic linear features on Victorian public land, collected as a result of field survey by NRE staff and contractors. Some data updated during Old Growth Forest survey and modelling up to 20210 Primarily updated in 2018-2019 as part of the RFA Review Contains, water races, channels tramlines and other linear historic features, forestry or minig mainly Some line features 1:100k others are from VICMAP HYDRO/ROAD UFID - unique feature identifier added Jan 2023

  • This dataset is the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution. It refers to the salinity distribution for Aquifer Number of 104 (Upper Tertiary Aquifer (Marine)). The salinity distributions reflect the beneficial use segments prescribed in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) (2018) Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution for detailed information.

  • Polygon features representing 'Declared' or otherwise delineated floodways as at 2012. Declared floodways are a legally defined area subject to flooding, documented through the municipal planning schemes. Floodways are typically areas of low lying land close to rivers that are prone to flooding. They may include natural or modified depressions and intermittent lakes. Data originally sourced from Flood Data Transfer Project, 2000. This layer superceedes floodway25.

  • Hydrographs from over 2000 state observation bores were reviewed in order to group bores which have a similar water level trend and are screened in the same aquifer. The groupings of observation bores are referred to as 'suites' and are classified according to the Upper, Middle, Lower and Basement aquifers aligning with the Victorian Aquifer Framework. By applying a statistical technical, a normalised hydrograph was developed for each suite using the observed water levels from all bores within the suite. This hydrograph is representative of the groundwater trend within the suite. A spatial boundary has been created for each suite which encompasses all bores within the suite. The boundaries were manually constructed and cover the extent of the mapped aquifers.

  • This dataset is the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution. It refers to the salinity distribution for Aquifer Number of 112 (Lower Tertiary Basalts). The salinity distributions reflect the beneficial use segments prescribed in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) (2018) Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution for detailed information.

  • This dataset is the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution. It refers to the salinity distribution for Aquifer Number of 105 (Upper Tertiary Aquifer (Fluvial)). The salinity distributions reflect the beneficial use segments prescribed in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) (2018) Please refer to the master metadata record VAF 'Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) Salinity Distribution for detailed information.

  • This dataset is a subset of the Victorian Groundwater Data Inventory, developed by DELWP. The Data Inventory collated available data relating to four themes: groundwater recharge, aquifer/aquitard properties, groundwater use and aquifer/aquitard thickness. Information has been sourced from 65 hydrogeological studies and contains a spatially enabled representation of data coverage. This dataset represent the Recharge component of the Data Inventory. A total of 35 groundwater recharge data sources were identified for Victoria and 31 were successfully sourced and added to the database.

  • This table is used by the Groundwater Resource Reporting Tool to display the contact details of Rural Water Corporations in the report. Each row in the table relates to a groundwater catchment and the relavent corporation who manages the catchment area.