

276 record(s)
Type of resources
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Representation type
Update frequencies
From 1 - 10 / 276
  • This is one of a series of restricted layers that identifies the nesting areas for threatened Egret species and records areas where breeding was confirmed and also identifies areas where breeding may have occurred in the past. Where breeding has occurred the year and month where available are listed. The site name is also given where known.

  • Obsolete - replaced by NVR2017_CONDITION. Site condition aims to reflect three components - composition, structure and function. In practice, condition is measured through the prism of lifeforms, their cover and species diversity. Measuring the condition of native vegetation recognises that most remaining native vegetation in Victoria has been subject to some disturbances, such as historical land use, grazing or weed and pest animal invasion, and is subsequently reduced in condition; vegetation types vary spatially and temporally; circumstances fluctuate (e.g. seasons, natural disturbance events); degradation and rehabilitation occur; and naturalness is valued.

  • This is one of a series of restricted layers that identifies the nesting areas for threatened Egret species and records areas where breeding was confirmed and also identifies areas where breeding may have occurred in the past. Where breeding has occurred the year and month where available are listed. The site name is also given where known.

  • This layer contains modelled old-growth forest which has been updated with forest harvesting and fire. The base layer used in western part of the state is og100 which was updated by lastburnt100, lastlog25 and boundaries of the 2006 Grampians fire from ECC. The base layer for the eastern part of the state is mog2003 updated by lastlog25 & lastburnt100. The old-growth forests in the base layers were identified to meet the Victorian definition of old-gwoth forest based on a set of modelling criteria, rules and input datasets. The data is not reliable at scales less than 1:100,000. Old-growth polygons have not been confirmed through field checking and the reliability of modelled old-groth stands have not been assessed.

  • This layer summarises VBA fauna records against a standard grid of 5 degrees longitude/latitude (GDA94). Any VBA taxa record with its centre in a cell is counted as a record for that cell. The number of times a taxon has been recorded in a cell is collated in the RECORDS column. The first date and last date that a taxon has been recorded in a cell are also summarised. VBA data summarised against 10 and 1 minute grids are also available in related datasets. VBA records with a spatial accuracy worse than +/- 4.5 km are excluded from this layer.

  • Spatial dataset showing research sites within and surrounding Wilsons Promontory. Each mapped area provides details of the research project or report that studied that location.

  • Native Vegetation recording and spatial information used for the implementation of the procedure for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation, giving DELWP access to the Crown Land excemption in Clause 52.17 of all local planning schemes.

  • 1:250,000 Groundwater Flow System layer converted to a grid based on DEM25

  • WUP for years 2013/14 - 2015/16 WUPs incorporate all commercial timber harvesting activities, (not domestic firewood) and minor produce operations where tree felling is required, associated access roading, and significant stand management operations (including thinning, reforestation and treatment of unmerchantable trees) managed or undertaken by DEPI. WUPs may incorporate other operations which involve vegetation disturbance and soil removal as determined by the Level 1 Manager. The TUP essentially superseded the WUP after VicForests became responsible for these operations.

  • This layer is now Obsolete. This layer is now replaced by TRP which is the Gross extent and location of coupes on an approved Timber Release Plan for the period 13 January 2011 onward. There is also the TRP_20100107 & TRP_20100813 versions which is in the Obsolete schema. Compiled from Timber Release Plan (TRP) shapefiles: - all approved harvesting, and roading areas across VicForests Planning Area - Central, Benalla-Mansfield, Central Gippsland and Dandenong FMA's 2006/07 - 2011/12 TRPs - East Gippsland and North East FMAs 2009/10 - 2014/15 TRPs