

275 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 275
  • This is a derived dataset that delineates the current Bioregional Conservation Status of EVCs within the modeled 1750 EVC dataset. The dataset is derived from a combination of both Victorian bioregions (VBIOREG100) and the modeled 1750 EVC dataset (NV1750_EVC), with an assigned conservation status on the basis of unique Bioregion EVC units. The dataset underpins the implementation of Victoria's Native Vegetation Management Framework, and the preparation of Regional Vegetation Plans in addition to other biodiversity planning. The dataset requires upgrading when either of the two input datasets change. Note erratum under Data Quality-Completeness-Classification

  • 1:250,000 Groundwater Flow System layer converted to a grid based on DEM25

  • Native Vegetation recording and counterbalance spatial information used for the implementation of the procedure for the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation, giving DELWP access to the Crown Land excemption in Clause 52.17 of all local planning schemes.

  • This layer summarises VBA fauna records against a standard grid of 5 degrees longitude/latitude (GDA94). Any VBA taxa record with its centre in a cell is counted as a record for that cell. The number of times a taxon has been recorded in a cell is collated in the RECORDS column. The first date and last date that a taxon has been recorded in a cell are also summarised. VBA data summarised against 10 and 1 minute grids are also available in related datasets. VBA records with a spatial accuracy worse than +/- 4.5 km are excluded from this layer.

  • This dataset is a simplified and generalised version of the NV2005_EXTENT dataset. The parameters of the simplification and generalisation have been set to produce a a product suitable for mapping at scales above 1:2000000

  • This layer contains modelled old-growth forest which has been updated with forest harvesting and fire. The base layer used in western part of the state is og100 which was updated by lastburnt100, lastlog25 and boundaries of the 2006 Grampians fire from ECC. The base layer for the eastern part of the state is mog2003 updated by lastlog25 & lastburnt100. The old-growth forests in the base layers were identified to meet the Victorian definition of old-gwoth forest based on a set of modelling criteria, rules and input datasets. The data is not reliable at scales less than 1:100,000. Old-growth polygons have not been confirmed through field checking and the reliability of modelled old-groth stands have not been assessed.

  • MOG2009 is now OBSOLETE Please refer to FORESTS.MOG for updated extent. Old growth forest was defined under the Code of Practice 2007 as forest which contains significant amounts of its oldest growth stage in the upper stratum usually senescing trees and has not been subjected to any disturbance, and if so the effect of which is now negligible. This data layer contains modelled old-growth forest which was updated by the department in 2009 in consideration of historical timber harvesting and fire disturbances. Previous old growth base layers used different sources to establish MOG 2009. The base layer in the western part of the state was og100 and the base layer for the eastern Victoria, other than East Gippsland FMA was mog2003. The base layer for East Gippsland FMA was mog100-2007eg. In the process to develop MOG2009, the previous old growth base layers were updated where necessary with the following input datasets : Lastlog25 (current to Jun 2013-14), lastburnt100 (current to the end of the 2009-10 fire season), fire_sev2006, fire_sev2007ap, fire_sev2007sp and fire_sev2009_poly (in East Gippsland FMA only). The old growth forests in the base layers were identified to meet the Victorian definition of old growth forest based on a set of modelling criteria, rules and input datasets. The data is not considered to be reliable (definitive) at scales less than 1:100,000. The old growth polygons should be treated as modelled information and whilst care has been taken in developing this layer, there is no guarantee that the information has been confirmed through extensive field checking. While some limited validation of Old growth polygons has been carried out in most studies, significant levels of field checking were undertaken in the mapping of analysis input datasets.

  • This dataset is a modelled dataset of the quality of Terrestrial Native Vegetation as per the "Habitat Hectares" approach (Parkes et al, 2003). Specifically it is a model of the "Habitat Score" which is an index comprising ten (10) separate metrics that are weighted and summed. Seven (7) of these are site-based vegetation condition metrics, referred to collectively as the "Site Score" and three(3) are related to the spatial context of the site and referred to collectively as the "Landscape Score". The Site Score comprises 75% of the final quality score and the Landscape Score makes up the other 25%. Site Score Components: Large Tree Score (10), Canopy Cover Score (5), Understorey Score (25), Litter Score (5), Log Score (5), Weed Score (15), Recruitment Score (10) Landscape Score Components: Patch Size/Shape (10), Neighbourhood &Connectivity (15)

  • This replaces NVR2013_LOCRISK_V2. This dataset describes the native vegetation location category for all land in Victoria for the purposes in the native vegetation removal regulations. Location category is calculated from a set of spatial models describing the importance of suitable habitat within the current extent of native vegetation for many rare or threatened species, and the location of an endangered Ecological Vegetation Class or sensitive coast or wetland area.

  • This is one of a series of restricted layers that identifies the nesting areas for threatened Egret species and records areas where breeding was confirmed and also identifies areas where breeding may have occurred in the past. Where breeding has occurred the year and month where available are listed. The site name is also given where known.