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  • Toll Roads are a linear representation of roads on Public land defined by if the road is used by VicForests for their logging operations. The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Toll Roads are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's ROADS database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets.

  • Property Base Approved a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..

  • Contains details only on current titles. The idea is to save the original area and when the title finally expires, transfer it to the expired layers eg ELHST

  • This dataset is created by sketching in the current burnt area from field data and linescan data. This data is updated every time the area of the fire is updated during an incident.The area is captured in the incident mapping system eMap. This data includes both FFMVIC and CFA fires. This data is provided in kml format. The data is only available for the current fire season and shows all fires with a status of Going, controlled or contained (UC1 and UC2) and Safe are included in this feed. . The layer will support fire prevention and suppression activities of DSE, and will be used to generate the FIRE100_{year} fire history datasets. This layer is the source of disturbance datasets used in the analysis of old-growth forest.

  • Fire Access code is a linear representation of roads on Public land defined by if the road is used for Strategic Fire Access The underlying linear data is derived from Vicmap Transport Roads. Fire Access Codes are assigned through a relational database connection and the arcs grouped to simplify data geometry. DEECA's ROADS database contains information relating to DEECA-managed road assets.

  • Property Primary Proposed dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..

  • Mining Inspectorate Boundaries and Land Exempted from Exploration or Mining Licences under the MRSDA (not the only land). Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Regolith information derived from field mapping. Includes information on regolith materials, landforms, bedrock lithology, geomorphological processes and environmental hazards for particular field sites.

  • Property Cadastral Area Boundary is an aspatial table that identifies the CAD_AREA_BDY lines associated wtith a PROPERTY_POLYGON. VLAT consists of data representing Victoria's land parcels and properties. This dataset s a raw superset of VMPROP_PROPERTY_CAD_AREA_BDY. It shows the current and retired states of each feature instance. It supports feature versioning (UFI_RETIRED).

  • This dataset is created by sketching in the current burnt area from field data and linescan data. This data is updated every time the area of the fire is updated during an incident.The area is captured in the incident mapping system eMap.The final fire shape is then combined with the planned burn area data to create the FIRE_HISTORY dataset. This data includes both FFMVIC and CFA fires. . The layer will support fire prevention and suppression activities of DSE, and will be used to generate the FIRE100_{year} fire history datasets. This layer is the source of disturbance datasets used in the analysis of old-growth forest.