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219 record(s)
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  • This Coordinated Imagery Program project represents LiDAR capture over Avenel township and surrounding area. LiDAR was captured at 4pts/m² by Photomapping Services on 24th October 2019. An Optech Galaxy LiDAR system was used for the aerial survey on the 24th of October 2019. The data was captured to provide classified laser point cloud, 1m DTM and 50cm contours. The data was primarily captured for the local water authority to use for asset management and state and local governments for flood modelling, urban planning and transport planning.

  • Captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP, this project is for 7.5cm relaxed accuracy photography over several Local Government Areas within Melbourne during Winter 2019.

  • The 2017-19 River condition audit project has been undertaken to supplement and compare mapping undertaken in DELWPs 2009-10 Index of Stream Condition (ISC) assessment. The Department of Environment, Land, Water, Planning (DELWP) has developed a methodology to assess aspects of river condition using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. This project collects LiDAR and imagery for a subset of rivers mapped in the original 2009-10 ISC survey. In addition to supporting the generation of physical form and ripartian vegetation metrics, the data has been used to identify change over time. LiDAR and imagery was captured for 70 rivers across nine CMAs over two seasons (2017-18 and 2018-19). North Central CMA rivers were captured in the first season, so the data is from 2017-18. Remote sensing data collected includes LiDAR data at four points per m² and 12.5cm aerial photography. These were used to derive a range of standard and non-standard physical form and riparian vegetation raster datasets. The project was managed on a CMA by CMA basis with all source and derived datasets being organised this way.

  • This 10cm high accuracy photography project was captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP and is useful for a wide range of State and Local Government applications.

  • This high accuracy photography project was captured in 2018-19 as part of the Coordinated Imagery Program and covers a number of towns within Colac-Otway, Corangamite, Southern Grampians and Warrnambool Local Government Areas.

  • This dataset representst Victoria’s Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) Where groundwater has been intensively developed in Victoria, or has the potential to be developed, Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) are established and the Permissible Consumptive Volume (PCV) is progressively set. Monitoring of the groundwater resource in these areas is undertaken by the Department of Sustainability and Environment through the State Groundwater Monitoring Network. Water levels and the amount of water allocated to groundwater users in the areas are closely monitored.

  • The 2017-19 River condition audit project has been undertaken to supplement and compare mapping undertaken in DELWPs 2009-10 Index of Stream Condition (ISC) assessment. The Department of Environment, Land, Water, Planning (DELWP) has developed a methodology to assess aspects of river condition using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. This project collects LiDAR and imagery for a subset of rivers mapped in the original 2009-10 ISC survey. In addition to supporting the generation of physical form and ripartian vegetation metrics, the data has been used to identify change over time. LiDAR and imagery was captured for 70 rivers across nine CMAs over two seasons (2017-18 and 2018-19). Corangamite CMA rivers were captured in the second season, so the data is from 2018-19. Barwon River was added later using LiDAR data flown 5th January 2017 and aerial imagery flown 12th January 2017. Remote sensing data collected includes LiDAR data at four points per m² and 12.5cm aerial photography. These were used to derive a range of standard and non-standard physical form and riparian vegetation raster datasets. The project was managed on a CMA by CMA basis with all source and derived datasets being organised this way.

  • Captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP, this project covers Colac Otway, Corangamite and Golden Plains Local Government Areas with relaxed accuracy 15cm photography and is useful for a wide range of regional change over time and planning applications.

  • This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 1-5 Contours & Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains relief features represented by lines at 1 metre intervals with some areas at 5 metres intervals. Data has been derived from Melbourne Water base maps and converted to Microstation .DGN format. Data is incomplete ie. there are "holes" in the data where for example there are quarries, or large building sites.

  • Location of known mineral occurrences and deposits presented in the 1:1,000,000 Minerals of Victoria map compiled in 1993 by the Geological Survey of Victoria. NOTES CONCERNING MAPSHARE DISPLAY Will only display at scales smaller than 1:500,000