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219 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 219
  • This project covers LaTrobe City Council and Baw Baw Shire Council Areas with 3 band (RGB) 10cm relaxed accuracy photography. Although this project was developed for acquisition in 2017-18, the photography was captured during the 2018-19 financial year. The project numbering system retains the 2017-18 financial year for management purposes.

  • As part of the 2018-19 CIP, this project is for capture of 3 band (RGB) 10cm relaxed accuracy photography over the Shire of Loddon.

  • The 2017-19 River condition audit project has been undertaken to supplement and compare mapping undertaken in DELWPs 2009-10 Index of Stream Condition (ISC) assessment. The Department of Environment, Land, Water, Planning (DELWP) has developed a methodology to assess aspects of river condition using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. This project collects LiDAR and imagery for a subset of rivers mapped in the original 2009-10 ISC survey. In addition to supporting the generation of physical form and ripartian vegetation metrics, the data has been used to identify change over time. LiDAR and imagery was captured for 70 rivers across nine CMAs over two seasons (2017-18 and 2018-19). Corangamite CMA rivers were captured in the second season, so the data is from 2018-19. Barwon River was added later using LiDAR data flown 5th January 2017 and aerial imagery flown 12th January 2017. Remote sensing data collected includes LiDAR data at four points per m² and 12.5cm aerial photography. These were used to derive a range of standard and non-standard physical form and riparian vegetation raster datasets. The project was managed on a CMA by CMA basis with all source and derived datasets being organised this way.

  • This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Identifies undeveloped land for residential development generally on the fringe of the metropolitan area. Each record in the database details the anticipated development timing, the area of the site in hectares and the potential lot yield. Other details are also records against each site. This information maps land areas for both the supply and recent development categories they are; Supply area categoties >> 1-2years, 3-5years, 6-10years, 11+years, UGZ (PSP required) and Potential Residential (Geelong region only). Recently developed categories >> Developed land for years 2007, 2008 & land under construction. In addition to the development status categories, two other attributes describe whether the land is currently zoned residential and/or is low density.

  • This high accuracy photography project was captured in 2018-19 as part of the Coordinated Imagery Program and covers a number of towns within Colac-Otway, Corangamite, Southern Grampians and Warrnambool Local Government Areas.

  • Captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP, this project covers Glenelg Shire with 3 band (visible) 10cm relaxed accuracy photography and will primarily be used to support DELWP's Vicmap Topographic Verification Project and the modernisation of Victoria's digital cadastre.

  • Location of known mineral occurrences and deposits presented in the 1:1,000,000 Minerals of Victoria map compiled in 1993 by the Geological Survey of Victoria. NOTES CONCERNING MAPSHARE DISPLAY Will only display at scales smaller than 1:500,000

  • Areas that have been offered for work program bidding under the Geothermal Energy Resources Act 2005. This dataset is currently not relevant as there are no acreage releases at present (30/09/2009)

  • This dataset is the primary data output from the Glenelg Hopkins land resource assessment project undertaken in 1999-2001. It contains soil and land information at a scale of 1:100 000 for all land in the south western corner of Victoria. The study also includes generic soil erosion risk assessments and agricultural capability, although these are mapped in separate datasets. At the map scale of this dataset soil-landform units are not homogeneous. For each defined soil-landform unit, the number and proportion of landforms and soil types will vary. A dominant soil type has been identified within each unit and soil property attributes provided by 'representative' sites. Importantly it should be noted that soil attributes (for example texture, sodicity, pH) are expected to vary between acquired soil sites. As the variability of soil attributes within a map unit is difficult to predict, it is important to note that representative soils should be used as a guide only. The study report describing the project methodology and dataset attributes is available from the Victorian Resources Online website ( DOI 10.4226/92/58e717be5073e

  • Captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP, this 10cm high accuracy 4 band (RGBi) photography covers selected towns within Wellington and East Gippsland Local Government Areas and is useful for a wide range of mapping and analysis purposes.