

54 record(s)
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  • Contains Low Impact Exploration Earth Resources within DSDBI datasets

  • The Victoria Coastal Cliff Erosion Assessment is a digital dataset (the product) consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion (cliff instability) and risk assessment scenarios. Application of the data should be guided by the Victoria Coastal Cliff Assessment technical report (Tonkin and Taylor, September 2023) and expert advice. The product is not suitable for individual property scale assessments. The datasets available are as follows. Further detail on technical assumptions for these scenarios are provided in the accompanying technical report "Victorian Coastal Cliff Assessment", Tonkin and Taylor, Sep 2023. Areas susceptible to coastal cliff instability and/or erosion (ASCCIE) for a range of sea level rise scenarios (SLR): ASCCIE_Present_day_0.0mSLR ASCCIE_2040_0.2mSLR ASCCIE_2070_0.5mSLR ASCCIE_2100_0.8mSLR ASCCIE_2100_1.1mSLR ASCCIE_2100_1.4mSLR Areas susceptible to Talus Runout (ASTaR): ASTaR_Present_day_0.0mSLR Coastal compartments aggregated cliff risk ratings: Cliff_RiskRating_ShortTerm Cliff_RiskRating_MediumTerm Cliff_RiskRating_LongTerm

  • The Gold Undercover Initiative area. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Datasets related to Regolith. Observation Points, regional and detail types and boundaries, regional duricrust, regional radiometric signatures. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Contains Seamless Geology Earth Resources within DJPR datasets

  • MRSDA Exploration Graticules, Mineral points and regions, Heavy Mineral Sands areas and lines, Mining and Mineral Operation Locations, Extractive Industry Interest Areas, Deep and Shallow Leads and Shallow Workings. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • The ISC2010_FULL_METRICS_PACKAGE represents the full set of available ISC2010 data sets. This includes all spatial (vector) features and all a-spatial statistical summary tables. The individual ISC2010 metric data sets can also be accessed separately. The Product Description "ISC2010 Remote Sensing Metrics" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create all ISC2010 Metic data sets. Go to http://ics.water.vic.gov.au/ics/ River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years using the Index of Stream Condition (ISC). The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) developed a methodology to assess the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation components of the ISC using remote sensing data, specifically LIDAR and aerial photography. A State Wide mapping project was undertaken in 2010-13 to accurately map the Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation metrics of the ISC . Other ISC metrics were not assessed in the project and were derived from other sources. The Physical Form and Riparian Vegetation Metric products are a combination of mapped Vector and Raster data as well as Tabular Summary Statistics about the mapped features. In the context of the project, the term Metrics is used to refer to both the mapped features and the summary statistics. Remote sensing data used includes 15cm true colour and infra-red aerial photography and four return multi-pulse LiDAR data. This source data was used to derive a variety of Raster data sets including Digital Terrain Models, Slope, Vegetation Height and Vegetation Cover. The Digital Terrain and Slope rasters were used to map Physical Form metrics including Stream Bed, Top of Bank and River Centre Lines while the Vegetation Height and Cover rasters were used to map the Riparian Vegetation metrics. The Project Report "Aerial Remote Sensing for Physical Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Mapping" describes the remote sensing and mapping approach used to create this data set.

  • Oil and gas facilities, oil and/or gas pipelines, oil and or/gas fields and the Petroleum Act Graticule. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Boreholes that are available to the public (from Minerals and Petroleum's database) and Petroleum Wells that are available to the public (from Minerals and Petroleum's DbMap database) Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI

  • Datasets relating to the coal model in the Latrobe Valley. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI