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  • This 10cm high accuracy photography project was captured as part of the 2018-19 CIP and is useful for a wide range of State and Local Government applications.

  • The 3D Regional Proof of Concept (POC) purpose is to understand the feasibility of incorporating 3D datasets in the Vicmap suite of products. The 3D POC specifically focuses on the investigation of 3D model data types and the spatial capture technologies required to produce them, the quality of outputs and value-benefit for CIP partners as well as the community. Anglesea 3D Model project: 5cm Aerial Photography acquisition was completed over Anglesea on the 23rd of December 2019 for the purpose of creating a textured Photogrammetric Mesh (16.5km2). This project and other 3D Regional POC datasets can be visualised using Geocirrus 3D-GIS Web Application ( available until June 30, 2021 This project and other 3D Regional POC datasets can be visualised using Geocirrus 3D-GIS Web Application ( available until June 30, 2021 All 3D Regional POC dataset can be accessed/downloaded via the link

  • The 3D Regional Proof of Concept (POC) purpose is to understand the feasibility of incorporating 3D datasets in the Vicmap suite of products, providing value-add to existing Imagery and LiDAR capture through the Coordinated Imagery Program (CIP). The 3D POC specifically focuses on the investigation of 3D model data types and the spatial capture technologies required to produce them, the quality of outputs and value-benefit for CIP partners as well as the community. Ballarat 3D Model project: 10cm Aerial Photography acquisition was completed over Wangaratta on the 9th of October 2019 for the purpose of creating textured 3D Object Model (2.5km2), Photogrammetric Mesh (6.25km2). This project and other 3D Regional POC datasets can be visualised using Geocirrus 3D-GIS Web Application ( available until June 30, 2021 All 3D Regional POC dataset can be accessed/downloaded via the link This project includes a subset of Imagery and Elevation data over the 3D Model extent (3D Regional Towns LIDAR). Full extent of site/town Elevation GRIDs and Imagery dataset can be access via (Esri ASCII, ECW) In addition LiDAR point clouds and GRIDs can be accessed via Geoscience Australia - Elvis: (32bit GeoTIFF, LAZ)

  • 10cm relaxed accuracy RGB photography over Greater Melbourne captured as part of the 2019-20 CIP.

  • Part of the Vicmap Crown Land Tenure (Basic) dataset series. This dataset is a decoded version of Vicmap Crown Land Tenure. The model has been designed with simplicity of use in mind. Attributes have been populated with values from the aspatial tables normally supplied with Vicmap Crown Land Tenure. Vicmap Crown Land Tenure is a statewide dataset series that plays a key role in the management of Victoria's Crown land. It was created (June 2003 - Feb 2004) from migrating LCMP layers into the Vicmap structure. This layer plays a key role in the management of Victoria's Public and Government Land. All Apiary licence sites, including Bee farm and Range licences and Temporary Apiary rights, as defined by Crown Land Management (CLM), are included in this layer. There are a number of sites that may NOT be recorded in this layer because they do not have a valid "Tenure-ID" to assign to the site. A fair bit of data quality work has been done (April - May 2007) in updating this layer to include some VACANT sites that were previously not ever shown. The Apiary licence points that are within this layer, have been reconciled against Departmental records. All points have attached a "Tenure number" to the TENURE_ID field where the area is licenced. A "Tenure code" is also attached to the TENURE_CODE field and determines the type of Apiary licence and which Act the licence falls under. The TENURE_ID & TENURE_CODE fields are used as a key into the LIMS text system (PORTAL) for further details.

  • The Leadbeater's Possum Advisory Group (LBPAG) established in 2013, was tasked with developing recommendations (actions) to support the recovery of Leadbeater's Possum (LBP) while maintaining a sustainable timber industry (LBPAG Recommendations Report, January 2014). Bushfires in February 2009 and ongoing habitat decline have led to a reduced population of Leadbeater's Possum. The remaining wild populations is therefore critical to the species' recovery. Prior to the LBPAG there was no specific protection for known colonies. LBPAG recommended that colonies are protected to aid the capacity for the species to recover. This will be achieved by removing threats that can be directly controlled (e.g. timber harvesting) or implement programs that minimise the risk of unplanned impacts (e.g. bushfire).

  • This layer is part of Vicmap Hydro and contains line features delineating hydro/navigation features. Includes; Reefs & Ledges.

  • This layer identifies areas mapped as rainforest communities across Victoria. It involved a combination of modelling, using Sentinel satellite composites, species distribution modelling and interpretation and interpretation of high resolution extent of Rainforest across Victoria, excluding the Strzelecki Ranges. Within the Strzelecki Ranges, extent and type have been modelled but these outputs are yet to be confirmedand checked against high resolution aerial photography. The layer identifies five classes of rainforest community: 1. Cool Temperate Rainforest 2. Dry Rainforest 3. Gallery Rainforest 4. Littoral Rainforest 5. Warm Termperate Rainforest

  • The CAR Reserve dataset is derived from the PLM25 and FMZ100 datasets that were extracted in December 2019 and represents the approximate location and extent of areas reserved in dedicated and informal reserves, current as at 31 March 2020. The dedicated reserve reflects the spatial extent of Parks and Reserves from PLM25. The informal reserve reflects spatial extent of Special Protection Zone (SPZ) from the FMZ100 layer. Values protected by prescription, which form part of the informal reserve component of the CAR reserve are not presented in the dataset as values protected by prescription are subject to field verification.

  • This data has been developed as a part of the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (MICLUP) and represents the spatial extent of industrial and commercial land identified in that plan for metropolitan Melbourne. This dataset represents the spatial extent of existing commercial land in metropolitan Melbourne. The layer stores details of metropolitan region, local government area, centre classification, centre name, classification as identified in MICLUP and centre size and category. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. There are three separate dataset layers as follows: Commercial land - existing; Commercial land - future; Industrial land - future and existing. The layers store details of Metropolitan Region, Local Government Area, MICLUP classification and, depending on the layer, a range of other information relating to land area or floorspace area for each precinct identified in the MICLUP may also be included.