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  • Refer to FORMB100 (Forest Management Boundaries) - Product version ANZVI0803003301

  • 10cm relaxed accuracy RGB photography over Greater Melbourne captured as part of the 2019-20 CIP.

  • This layer is part of Vicmap Hydro and contains point features delineating hydrological features. Includes; Rapids, Springs, Waterfalls & Water body points (dams). Attributed for name but necessarliy populated.

  • Under the Melbourne Strategic Assessment program, liabilities are calculated through the use of the `Environment Mitigation Dataset'. This dataset is made up of two sub-sets, the `Environment Mitigation Polygon Dataset' and the `Environment Mitigation Point Dataset' (this dataset). The `Environment Mitigation Polygon Dataset' provides the habitat areas across the levy area, while the `Environment Mitigation Point Dataset' (this dataset) provides the point data for scattered trees. Liability is based on the hectares of habitat and the price for that habitat type, and the number of scattered tree locations and the price for a scattered tree location. A parcel of land, or other area for which a liability is imposed, may have a liability imposed based on the coverage over that land of one or more of the following: > Native vegetation area > Matted Flax-lily habitat area > Spiny Rice-flower habitat area > Golden Sun Moth habitat area > Growling Grass Frog habitat area > Southern Brown Bandicoot habitat area > Scattered tree location Each of these are represented in the `Environment Mitigation Dataset', with the points for scattered tree locations represented in this sub-dataset.

  • Contains polygon features delineating and describing Regional Forestry Agreement boundaries. All arc features are identified and coded according to the AS2482 standard.

  • 10cm relaxed accuracy RGB photography over Greater Melbourne captured as part of the 2019-20 CIP.

  • 10cm relaxed accuracy RGB photography over Greater Melbourne captured as part of the 2019-20 CIP.

  • Part of Vicmap Transport, TR_ROAD_LOCALITY_SECTION is an Aspatial table.

  • This table will hold polygons depicting indicative extents of the area of the hydro feature. Each of these features has some type of non specific but best derived boundary. These geographic hydro areas depict features such as bays, beach, bend, entrance, inlet, passage, reach and seas. The polygons contain intelligent information including name, feature type and a Scale Use Code to enable labelling which is both multi scale and non scale dependent.

  • The MOG spatial dataset shows the modelled extent of Old Growth Forest in Victoria. This spatial layer is based on the MOG2009, with reduced extent based on disturbances from fire and timber harvesting up to July 2018. Coming soon - The addition of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data for parts of the Central Highlands and East Gippsland will be added progressively through 2019-20. The addition of these LiDAR derived classifications to the MOG dataset, will provide Victoria's most complete and up to date assessment of Victoria's modelled old growth forest extent.