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  • LCC_ECC_VEAC_INVESTIGATIONS shows the geographic boundaries of the Land Conservation Council (LCC), Environment Conservation Council (ECC) and Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) investigation areas. Statewide extent investigations are not included in the dataset: Statewide Assessment of Public Land Use (1988), Rivers and Streams Special Investigation (1991), Wilderness special investigation (1991), Statewide Assessment of Public Land (2017).

  • The Statewide Marine Habitat Map 2023 was developed by DEECA applying novel machine learning methods that model and predict habitat distributions as well as a mosaic of former mapping products (listed below). The Statewide map represents 24 marine and coastal habitats complexes at Level 3, Victoria's Combined Biotope Classification Scheme (CBiCS) described by Edmunds and Flynn (2015, 2018; 2021). The final map comprises of 83% its area from predictive modelling, with the remaining 17% of area from synthesised existing habitat maps. Predictive Model: A total of 32,998 habitat survey sites (ground-truth records) were used within the model, along with 28 environmental properties mapped at a 10m resolution (including a Digital Elevation Model DEM (VCDEM2021), computed benthic terrain characteristics (toolkit: Walbridge et al. 2018), Chlorophyl a (IMOS 2000a), Sea Surface Temperature SST (IMOS 2000a), Net Primary Productivity NPP (IMOS 2000b), Sediments (Geoscience Australia; Li et al. 2011a,b,c), waves (Liu et al. 2022). To predict the distribution of habitats across Victorian waters the powerful and flexible Random Forest machine learning algorithm was applied. Random Forest is an ensemble model using bagging as the ensemble method and decision trees as the individual model (Breiman 2001). The modelling produced an accuracy (Out-of-bag) of 89%. Map Synthesis: A mosaic of former mapping products that provided higher resolution mapping by aerial imagery, field observations and high-resolution modelling were integrated into the map, classifying habitat according to the CBICS habitat classification scheme at level 3. Assessed and synthesised maps and citations include: Corangamite Coast Marine Habitat December 2009 (ANZVI0803005530); East Gippsland Marine Habitats November 2009 (ANZVI0803003974); Discovery Bay Marine National Park habitat mapping 2006 (ANZVI0803004053); Portland Coastal Habitats (ANZVI0803004236) ; Corner Inlet Mapping Marine National Park North and South 2004 (ANZVI0803004051) ; Merri Marine Sanctuary 2004 (ANZVI0803004058); Western Port Bay Biotope Mapping Fathom Pacific (2016) CBiCS-Mapping. Central Victoria Coastal Habitats (ANZVI0803004135); Mallacoota Coastal Habitats (ANZVI0803004235); Western Port Rhodolite (ANZVI0803005430) & Western Port Biogenic Reefs; Port Phillip Bay Habitat Map 2021 (ANZVI0803009278); Saltmarsh and Mangrove Habitats; DELWP 2021 Statewide Marine Habitat Map 2021 (ANZVI0803009286) and relevant citations: Ball (1999), Ball et al. (2010). Ball & Blake (2007a), Ball & Blake (2007b), Blake and Ball (2001), Blake et al. (2013), Boon et al. (2011), Cohen et al (2000), Deakin Marine Mapping (Zavalas, R et al. 2018), DELWP (1994), Edmunds &Flynn (2015), Fathom Pacific (2020), Ford et al (2016), GeoHab Victoria Estuaries Geomorphology (2010), Ierodiaconou 2007, Ierodiaconou et al. 2018, Mazor et al. (2021), Monk et al. (2011), Poore (1992), Roob and Ball (1997), Victoria Department of Transport (1999), Young et al. 2022, Zavalas, R et al. 2018. Applications: The Statewide Marine Habitat Map 2023 provides broad habitat complexes across the state and provides greater knowledge of the ecological diversity across Victoria¿s waters. The map should be used at broad scales of >25 m, and where information of larger habitat complexes is needed. This work can support the management of large-scale habitats, their condition, marine spatial planning, strategic management prospect (SMP), FeAST risk assessments, and other broad scale applications to support management decisions across Victoria. The habitat model and resulting map provides an updated broad-scale habitat map across Victoria¿s state waters and provides a baseline for future data to build upon. Full Methodology: Citation: Mazor, T., Watermeyer, K., Hobley, T., Grinter, V., Holden, R., MacDonald, K. and Ferns, L. (2023). Statewide Marine Habitat Map. Habitat Complex Modelling Method (CBiCS Level 3). The State of

  • VEACRECS25 shows recommended public land use for each Crown parcel. It portrays recommendations resulting from studies conducted by the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (and former Environment Conservation Council and Land Conservation Council). Recommendations shown are as approved or varied by Government, and include subsequent formal amendments and revocations. Land use categories have been assigned to Crown land parcels. VicMap Property parcel layer was used as the base. Boundaries are based on the best available information at the time. Continuing approved recommendations from previous studies are also shown. Note that public land use recommendations were not made for certain cities, rural cities, towns and boroughs. ..

  • This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25 000, using VicMap topographic data to create more accurate and identifiable boundaries. PLM25_OVERLAYS is located under the CROWNLAND schema. It has been created in conjunction with PLM25 to ensure the overlays match the PLM25 land management categories. PLEASE NOTE: This dataset now replaces the PLM100 overlays. PLM25_OVERLAYS_RA is a view of PLM25_OVERLAYS. This dataset is a representation of the certified plans - the gazettal and certified plans are the official boundaries. Currently the creation process is not automated or synchronised with PLM25 updates.

  • This version of the areas of the cultural heritage sensitivity dataset (ACHS) does not contain any attribute information. This dataset contains a spatial representation of "Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity" as specified in Division 3, Part 2 of the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. Areas of cultural heritage sensitivity are areas that are either known to contain, or are likely to contain Aboriginal cultural heritage places and objects. These areas, which include various landforms within Victoria, are defined in the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. This polygon dataset is a representation of those areas as defined in the Regulations. The polygon features within the dataset have been derived from several sources, including geological and hydrological data. Note: This dataset is based on the best available information and should be used in conjunction the information contained in Division 3, Part 2 of the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. This data is under active revision to improve the representation as better quality source data becomes available.

  • Replaced by the dataset VMADMIN_DEPI_REGION. This dataset contains the Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) Regional Boundaries as defined by DSE. The regions are based on the Victorian Government Regional Boundaries. The main difference is that the three metropolitan regions have been aggregated to form the Port Phillip region, and the Grampians and Barwon South-West regions have been aggregated to form the South West region. There are five regions. Aligned to Road Network - Vicmap Transport.

  • Dataset: melbourne_2022oct17_sat_vis_50cm_epsg32755 Assembly: Single

  • This is a pseudocolour image of the Isostatic Residual Anomaly Victorian state-wide gravity grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher Isostatic Residual Anomaly values, in micrometres per second squared (mm/s^2). The Isostatic Residual Anomaly grid includes a correction that accounts for the assumed variations in the depth of the Moho, removing long-wavelength anomalies in the gravity field inversely related to topography. Colour: 2009 Isostatic Residual Anomaly Victorian state-wide 250x250m grid. Intensity: 2009 Isostatic Residual Anomaly Victorian state-wide 250x250m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This hunting area dataset depicting areas where Pest hunting (Red Fox, European Hare, European Rabbit, Goat, Pig, Wild Dogs) is permitted, have boundaries largely derived from the PLM25 dataset which are supplemented with additional boundaries based on legislative restrictions on hunting. The dataset identifies the conditions under which hunting of given Game and Pest animal groups and species is permitted. The rules used to produce this product were developed by the legislation unit with the Land Management Division of the Department of Environment , Land, Water and Planning in consultation with the Game Management Authority, VicPolice, Parks Victoria and other relevant government authorities. These rules are based on requirements in the Forest Act, National Park Act, Crown land (Reserve) Act, Land Act, Wildlife Act. Note : Hunters are personally responsible for acting in accordance with the Firearms Act 1996 (including informing themselves about any prohibited locations within the areas shown on this map) and other relevant laws; obtaining the required hunting licence; and for hunting only within season. More information can be obtained from the Game Management Authority's web site. Vicmap Basemap Services | State Government of Victoria | @DELWP

  • This is a pseudocolour image of the Complete Bouguer Anomaly Victorian state-wide gravity grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher Complete Bouguer Anomaly values, in micrometres per second squared (mm/s^2). The Complete Bouguer Anomaly grid includes a terrain correction. Colour: 2011 Complete Bouguer Anomaly Victorian state-wide 300x300m grid. Intensity: 2011 Complete Bouguer Anomaly Victorian state-wide 300x300m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.