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4 band Fast Look Georeferenced Image Frames of the Tallageira Fire Area
Captured for fire severity assessment of 2007 Great Divide Fires
Part of the Vicmap Crown Land Tenure dataset series - superseded by GOV_ROAD_POLYGON. This dataset plays a key role in the management of Victoria's Crown land. It is being created (June 2003 - Feb 2004) from migrating LCMP layers into the Vicmap structure. At this stage it does not cover Metropolitan Melbourne. The layer provides information about Crown Roads. The dataset is continually maintained, obtaining maintenance from authoritative sources within State Government. GOV_ROAD_POLYGON is a polygon layer depicting Government Roads including roads as laid out on Parish Plans & proclaimed as Road in Government Gazettes.
Captured for fire severity assessment of 2007 Great Divide Fires
Captured as part of the 2006-7 CIP Program, this "orthophotography" consists of 3 visible bands (red,green,blue) only. The images are available as tiles. This project was acquired over several days in November 2006.
This photography was captured for the Shire of Murrindindi as part of the 2006-7 CIP Program. The photography was acquired using a Zeiss LMK 2000 camera. The imagery includes 3 visible bands, and has been fully orthorectified, and tiled into 1km tiles. It is available in both TIFF and ECW compressed format.
Landsat 5 - TM - Orthocorrected. The corresponding Landsat image from 2001 was used as the base image.
This photography was captured for the City of Yarra as part of the 2006-7 CIP Program. The photography was acquired using a Vexcel UltrCam D digital camera. The imagery includes 3 visible bands, and has been fully orthorectified, and tiled into 500m tiles. It is available in TIFF, TAB and ECW compressed formats.
1:250,000 Groundwater Flow System layer converted to a grid based on DEM25
Area covering the Central Goldfields Shire with a 2km buffer