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Victorian state-wide dataset containing information on natural features at each ocean beach relating to the surf zone and hydrology, beach system or type, dominant shoreline geology and beach presence. The dataset includes surf zone data on rip currents, swash gradient, tidal range (neap and spring), modal wave height, dominant swell direction and wave frequency. This dataset has been adapted from the Australian Beach Safety and Management Program (ABSAMP) 1999, joined with the VicCoastline 2008 dataset and the geology classified using the smartline coastal data segmentation dataset as produced in the Australian Coastal Geomorphic and Stability Mapping Project.
This layer defines the approximate spatial extent, species distribution and density of seagrass and macroalgae in Western Port mapped from aerial photography in 1994 by the EPA.
This layer contains line features which represent isobaths (lines of equal depth) for Bass Strait.
This polygon layer represents marine habitat in the East Gippsland region mapped from satellite imagery and aerial photography with underwater video ground-truthing. The mapping was funded by Natural Heritage Trust to increase the capacity of natural resource managers to make informed decisions regarding asset identification, risk assessment, and management action targets for nearshore marine habitats in the region.
This dataset was developed from the database of Ocean Sciences Institute of Sydney University (AUSEABED) and from surveys conducted by MAFRI.
This dataset was developed from the database of Ocean Sciences Institute of Sydney University (AUSEABED) and from surveys conducted by MAFRI.
This dataset was developed from the database of Ocean Sciences Institute of Sydney University (AUSEABED) and from surveys conducted by MAFRI.
Aerial imagery to identify seagrass, reef and sediment habitat distributions for various marine habitat mapping projects across Victoria between 1997 to 2011 which have been subsumed into the Statewide Marine Habitat Map 2021.
This layer contains line features for depth contours (bathymetry) in Western Port.
The Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Regions is a digital dataset that contains reference areas of proposed and declared areas suitable for offshore renewable energy established under legislation. In the event of an inconsistency between this data and the legislation, the latter prevails. More information can be found at the Australian government's Australian Marine Spatial Information System: https://amsis-geoscience-au.hub.arcgis.com/datasets