

806 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 806
  • This is one of a series of restricted layers that identifies the nesting areas for threatened Egret species and records areas where breeding was confirmed and also identifies areas where breeding may have occurred in the past. Where breeding has occurred the year and month where available are listed. The site name is also given where known.

  • Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • Obsolete - replaced by NVR2017_CONDITION. Site condition aims to reflect three components - composition, structure and function. In practice, condition is measured through the prism of lifeforms, their cover and species diversity. Measuring the condition of native vegetation recognises that most remaining native vegetation in Victoria has been subject to some disturbances, such as historical land use, grazing or weed and pest animal invasion, and is subsequently reduced in condition; vegetation types vary spatially and temporally; circumstances fluctuate (e.g. seasons, natural disturbance events); degradation and rehabilitation occur; and naturalness is valued.

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • Calibrated MODFLOW storativity per model layer. As calculated from the DSE ecoMarkets groundwater flow modelling project. Storativity (also known as confined storage) indicates the amount of groundwatyer released from storage due to a unit depressurisation of a confined aquifer. The value is dimensionless and expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1. Number of model layers per groundwater model is listed below: North East - 6 Goulburn Broken - 8 North Central - 10 Mallee 1992 - 4 Wimmera - 8 Glenelg Hopkins - 5 Corangamite - 6 Port Phillip - 6 West Gippsland - 7 East Gippsland - 6 For further information: Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p

  • Energy use profiles support effective planning and targeting of energy saving and decarbonising energy supply programs and community engagement. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has developed energy consumption profiles for Victorian Local Government Areas. This tool transforms postcode-level source data provided by the Victorian energy distributors into consumption profiles across the municipality. It provides a profile of energy use by SLA for households across the municipality. Year to year comparisons can show changing patterns of energy use for households and on a per capita and per household basis. The tool also has the capacity to incorporate Commercial and Industrial energy use and trends over time.

  • MODFLOW modelled depth to water table (m) for each month in below nominated one year dry period. As calculated by the ecoMarkets groundwater modelling project. North East 2002 Goulburn Broken 2002 North Central 2002 Mallee 2002 (only annual depths available) Wimmera 2002 Glenelg Hopkins 1994 Corangamite - Port Phillip 2002 West Gippsland 1982 East Gippsland 2002 For further information: Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p