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Captured as part of the 2017-18 CIP, this project represents 10cm high accuracy 3 band (RGB) photography over selected towns in the North East of Victoria.
5 metre contour interval , Buildings in alpine village, roads, tracks, and lifts
Captured as part of the 2016-17 CIP, this 20cm relaxed accuracy photography covers various locations East of the Greater Melbourne area and is useful for general change over time monitoring or as a generalised backdrop for GIS applications.
Captured as part of the 2016-17 CIP, this relaxed accuracy photography project covers several towns within Mitchell Shire at various resolutions and is useful for a range of Local Council purposes
This layer contains polygon features delineating local government area boundaries prior to the 1994 amalgamations. The dataset has been superseded with the new 1994 Local Government Area boundaries All features are identified and coded according to the Australian Standard GIS - Geographic Data Interchange of feature coded digital mapping data AS2482 - 1989.
Last updated 31/07/2010 This dataset represents the spatial extent of prescribed burns planned for ignition on Public Land in Victoria. This data is prepared annually for prescribed burns planned for the immediate three-year period. This data set also includes landscape burns which are symbolised in the Fireplan map service with a cyan outline.
Captured as part of the 2016-17 CIP this relaxed accuracy 16cm resolution visible (RGB) colour photography covers the western extent of Goulburn Murray Water management area - parts not already covered by current photography projects - and is useful for regional change over time monitoring or as a backdrop for GIS applications. The North East extent is available in MGA55 and VG94 projections. The South West extent is available in MGA54, MGA55 and VG94 projections
The Victorian Coastal Inundation Dataset (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of eight spatial layers modelling the extent of land subject to coastal inundation due to projected sea level rise from 2009 to 2100. This product is recommended for use at a scale of approximately 1:75,000 or less detail to reflect the limitations in the modelling and the recommended catchment to regional scale of inundation assessments with this product. The product is NOT suitable for assessments of potential risks at property level. The datasets available are: Sea Level Rise: - SLR00CM_2009 - Current (2009) sea level - SLR20CM_2040 - Projected 20cm sea level rise by 2040 - SLR47CM_2070 - Projected 47cm sea level rise by 2070 - SLR82CM_2100 - Projected 82cm sea level rise by 2100 Storm tide (1-in-100 year) with added wind forcing plus sea level rise - SLR00CM_ST_2009 - Current (2009) inundation to 1-in-100 year storm tide level - SLR20CM_ST_2040 - Inundation to 1-in-100 year storm tide level with storm surge increased by 6% plus 20 cm sea level rise - SLR47CM_ST_2070 - Inundation to 1-in-100 year storm tide level with storm surge increased by 13% plus 47 cm sea level rise - SLR82CM_ST_2100 - Inundation to 1-in-100 year storm tide level with storm surge increased by 19% plus 82 cm sea level rise Interactive Map:- http://mapshare.maps.vic.gov.au/gvh270hydra/ > Future Coasts (Modelled) This data has been computed to support the Victorian Governments Future Coasts Project.
This layer represents linework for the state boundary, zero contour, coastline and the data extent for Vicmap Elevation & Vicmap Features, Vicmap Hydro, Vicmap Transport.
Last updated: October 2014 This dataset represents the spatial extent of prescribed burns planned for ignition and associated mechanical and vegetation works on Public Land in Victoria. This data is prepared annually for prescribed burns planned for the immediate three-year period.