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This boundary has been created at 1:25,000 showing the Metropolitan Melbourne Investigation, for the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council. The Minister, under Section 15 of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001 required VEAC to carry out an investigation of the public land in Metropolitan Melbourne. The area investigated is the LGA's predominantly not covered by the Melbourne 1 and Melbourne 2 Studies.
1:100,000 Landuse rasterised to 20m based on VICMAP_ELEVATION_DTM_20M. For more details see the Metadata for LANDUSE100.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
This dataset is provide to public based on information sourced from the Department of Justice and Regulation. The data shows the areas covered by Recognition and Settlement Agreements (RSA) with traditional owner groups under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic). RSA give formal recognition to traditional owner groups as the traditional owners of the agreement area. A RSA may include some or all of the following agreements - Natural Resource Agreement, Land Use Activity Agreement, Land Agreement. The area of Crown land within the RSA boundary is the area over which natural resource Authorisation Orders apply. These include the Flora and Fauna, Hunting, Forest Produce, Water and Camping Authorisation Orders. The boundary also indicates the area of Crown land over which the Land Use Activity Agreement applies. Aboriginal title with joint management arrangements (under the Land Agreement) over some Crown land parks and reserves may also apply within this boundary.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.
1:100,000 Landuse rasterised to 20m based on VICMAP_ELEVATION_DTM_20M. For more details see the Metadata for LANDUSE100.
This land use map has been prepared under contract with Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) for Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC). The classification scheme followed here was the Australia Land Use Mapping (ALUM) classification version 4 (BRS, 2001). ALUM version 4 was developed by BRS as a modification of Baxter - Russell Classification, in coordination with State agencies. This product is based on information from a number of sources: Corporate Geospatial Data Library (CGDL), DNRE regional data sets, satellite imagery from ACRES, the planning maps from Infrastructure Department, and the newly acquired field survey information. Product was independently validated. Overall accuracy is 89.27%.