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  • FMZ100_V_ZONE is a view of FMZ100. It is a simplified version which shows the zones within

  • The PLMGEN dataset is a generalised view of PLM25 which includes land management information on LCC recs, on ground management, land manager, reserve information and legal information. This dataset is from the PLM25 suite of datasets. It is designed to be used at 1:100 000 scale. This dataset has been simplified, in that only the name field, labelling, management categories and land manager information is shown. All other fields shown in PLM25 are dropped. The data has also been dissolved to reduce the number of polygons. PLM25 and PLMGEN have replaced the obsolete PLM100 datasets. Any errors can be reported to

  • FMZ_MAP100 is a simplified version of FMZ100. The dataset is used for creating medium to small scale maps of the forest management zone. The code of forestry practice is dissolved into their relevant GMZ and SMZ. Polygons less than 1 hectares that are non SPZ and SMZ are eliminated. For detailed mapping/representation and analysis of FMZ, use the FMZ100 dataset.

  • Train Corridor Centreline depicts a spatial object (polyline) representing the centre of a series of tracks ie multiple parallel tracks are represented as a single line. A segment name is attributed to the centreline.

  • Forest management planning (FMP) in Victoria aims to attain a balance between economics, conservation, and social values in managing the States forests. This may be achieved by integrated planning for multiple-use with effective public participation. The FMP process results in a zoning scheme which divides state forest into zones which can be managed for specific purposes, such as conservation or timber harvesting, whilst maintaining an overall balance between uses, and assuring the forest resource is managed sustainably. Please refer to the 'Coverage' section of the 'Quality' page for an explanation of area differences between FMZ 100 and the published Forest Management Plans.

  • This layer depicts spatial objects (points) representing regional coach (V/Line) stops. Each coach stop has attributes that describe StopID, StopName, Lat/Long. The data has been generated from the PTV GTFS data with extra attributes from PTV's TransNet database. This dataset supersedes "PTV_BUS_STOP" (which included metro and regional stops). This dataset was first loaded into the VSDL in March 2018 and will be updated approximately quarterly.

  • Regional Services Fire and Land District Action Plan (DAP). DAPs incorporate forest operations that are classified as Level 1 or Level 2 in accordance with the District Action Planning Guidelines. THIS IS AN ARCHIVED VERSION For prior years please contact the data custodian or refer to BLD_DAP found in gis_public\GISDesk\GISData\RegionalData.gdb

  • This dataset describes public land management for the State of Victoria, where Public Land is defined as land held by/vested in/or owned by DELWP and other government departments, public authorities, Commonwealth government and municipalities. Refer to VEAC Act 2001 for more details. Public land includes state forests, parks and reserved and unreserved Crown land, including estuarine, coastal and marine areas to the 3 nautical mile limit (5.5 km) from the high watermark. This layer is represented at a scale of 1:25 000 and describes the primary management, land manager and the VEAC recommendations. PLM25 is a derived layer, using VMPROP.PARCEL_CROWN_APPROVED as the base layer. It relies on tabular and spatial sources to get the land description. PORTAL, PRIMS are the tabular sources of information. PARKRES, VEACRECS25 and CL_TENURE are the spatial sources. Additional layers were also created to describe areas of state forests, plantations, water frontages and commonwealth land. PLM25 has replaced the old PLM100 datasets. Any errors can be reported to

  • This version is a subset of the cultural heritage sensitivity dataset and does not contain any attribute information. This layer has been filtered on Registered cultural heritage places (buffered point data) and this data is buffered 100m. This dataset contains a spatial representation of "Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity" as specified in Division 3, Part 2 of the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. Areas of cultural heritage sensitivity are areas that are either known to contain, or are likely to contain Aboriginal cultural heritage places and objects. These areas, which include various landforms within Victoria, are defined in the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. This polygon dataset is a representation of those areas as defined in the Regulations. The polygon features within the dataset have been derived from several sources, including geological and hydrological data. Note: This dataset is based on the best available information and should be used in conjunction the information contained in Division 3, Part 2 of the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. This data is under active revision to improve the representation as better quality source data becomes available.

  • Train Car Park depicts a spatial object (polygon) representing the outline of train car parks at Metropolitan Railway Stations. Each train car park polygon has attributes that describe the Station name and commuter capacity.