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Captured as part of the larger 2015-16 North East Towns CIP project, this 10cm RGB photography covers the whole of Wodonga LGA and is useful for a wide range of Council purposes
Captured as part of the 2015-16 CIP this 3 band (RGB) covers the Baw Baw urban growth corridor and townships of Neerim South and Willow Grove with 10cm high accuracy photography and is useful for a range of visual, mapping and feature recognition purposes.
The Central Highlands LiDAR survey provides elevation data over a 4580 km² northeast of Melbourne in Victoria. The LiDAR data will be used in conjunction to map the key forest structure. The LiDAR was captured between January to May 2016, at a nominal density of four outgoing laser pulses per square metre with 50% overlap in swaths. A set of seamless products were produced to project specifications, including a digital elevation model (DEM), Canopy Height model (CHM), Foliar Cover Models (FCMs), and First Return Intensity Images
As part of the 2016-17 CIP, this project is for three Melbourne epochs (Spring 2016, Summer 2016-17, Spring 2017) and one Geelong epoch (Spring 2017)of relaxed accuracy 10cm photography for use in the areas of rail maintenance, local council planning and the monitoring of urban growth by a variety of Local Government and State Agencies covering Greater Melbourne and Greater Geelong areas.
Captured as part of the 2015-16 CIP, this project covers a large swathe of North Eastern Victoria with 20cm 3 band (RGB) relaxed accuracy photography which is useful for a range of mapping and visualisation purposes
The data contains linear geological structure data not included in GEOL - this includes anticlines, synclines and bedding form surfaces. The data have been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing geology outcrop and boundaries, miscellaneous lines and points, miscellaneous polygons, metamorphism, and placer deposits.
This data contains areas of regolith materials classified according to their radiometric response. The interpretation concentrates on areas of alluvial and colluvial sediments and is intended to give an indication of the provenance of the material contained in these deposits.
This dataset is a modified version of TREE100 which has been intersected with the 25 thou mapsheet index to break up the larger polygons.
Four return multi-pulse LiDAR was captured over selected floodplains within Victoria to achieve a vertical accuracy of +/- 10 cm. The classified unthinned ground returns were used to derive a 1 metre gridded 2D digital elevation model of a quality suitable for flood modelling and landuse planning. In addition to the DEM, contours with an interval of 0.5m were produced over the Bendigo area. Keywords: Floodplain, Victoria, LiDAR, Elevation, DEM,
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Bass Strait commercial fisheries since April 1998. This layer is used by the Ocean - General, Ocean Purse Seine, Ocean Scallop and Trawl - Inshore fisheries, and is based on divisions of 10 minutes latitude by 10 minutes longitude.