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Potential Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) are ecosystems identified within the landscape as likely to be at least partly dependent on groundwater. In 2011-2012 a species tolerance model was developed by Arthur Rylah Institute, collaborating with DPI, to provide a relative measure of sensitivity of those ecosystems to changes in groundwater availability and quality. The output was a species tolerance grid for Victoria. Each GDE map unit has been assigned a species tolerance value based on the median of it's contributing grid cells. Refer to the Potential Terrestrial Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems metadata record for each CMA for a full acount of the data product.
Potential Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) are ecosystems identified within the landscape as likely to be at least partly dependent on groundwater. State-wide screening analysis was performed to identify locations of potential terrestrial GDEs, including wetland areas. The GDE mapping was developed utilising satellite remote sensing data, geological data and groundwater monitoring data in a GIS overlay model. Validation of the model through field assessment has not been performed. The method has been applied for all of Victoria and is the first step in identifying potential groundwater dependent ecosystems that may be threatened by activities such as drainage and groundwater pumping. The dataset specifically covers the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) area. The method used in this research is based upon the characteristics of a potential GDE containing area as one that: 1. Has access to groundwater. By definition a GDE must have access to groundwater. For GDE occurrences associated with wetlands and river systems the water table will be at surface with a zone of capillary extension. In the case of terrestrial GDE's (outside of wetlands and river systems), these are dependent on the interaction between depth to water table and the rooting depth of the vegetation community. 2. Has summer (dry period) use of water. Due to the physics of root water uptake, GDEs will use groundwater when other sources are no longer available; this is generally in summer for the Victorian climate. The ability to use groundwater during dry periods creates a contrasting growth pattern with surrounding landscapes where growth has ceased. 3. Has consistent growth patterns, vegetation that uses water all year round will have perennial growth patterns. 4. Has growth patterns similar to verified GDEs. The current mapping does not indicate the degree of groundwater dependence, only locations in the landscape of potential groundwater dependent ecosystems. This dataset does not directly support interpretation of the amount of dependence or the amount of groundwater used by the regions highlighted within the maps. Further analysis and more detailed field based data collection are required to support this. The core data used in the modelling is largely circa 1995 to 2005. It is expected that the methodology used will over estimate the extent of terrestrial GDEs. There will be locations that appear from EvapoTranspiration (ET) data to fulfil the definition of a GDE (as defined by the mapping model) that may not be using groundwater. Two prominent examples are: 1. Riparian zones along sections of rivers and creeks that have deep water tables where the stream feeds the groundwater system and the riparian vegetation is able to access this water flow, as well as any bank storage contained in the valley alluvials. 2. Forested regions that are accessing large unsaturated regolith water stores. The terrestrial GDE layer polygons are classified based on the expected depth to groundwater (ie shallow <5 m or deep >5 m). Additional landscape attributes are also assigned to each mappnig polygon. In 2011-2012 a species tolerance model was developed by Arthur Rylah Institute, collaborating with DPI, to model landscapes with ability to support GDEs and to provide a relative measure of sensitivity of those ecosystems to changes in groundwater availability and quality. Rev 1 of the GDE mapping incorporates species tolerance model attributes for each potential GDE polygon and attributes for interpreted depth to groundwater. Separate datasets and associated metadata records have been created for GDE species tolerance.
20m aspect grid derived from VICMAP_ELEVATION_DTM_20M. ArcInfo Workstation used to generate aspect from DEM via GRID ASPECT(grid) command.
This layer is part of Vicmap Hydro and contains polygon features delineating hydrological features. Includes; Lakes, Flats (subject to inundation), Wetlands, Pondages (saltpan & sewrage), Watercourse Areas, Rapids & Waterfalls Attributed for name. Centroid layer also available.
Potential Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) are ecosystems identified within the landscape as likely to be at least partly dependent on groundwater. State-wide screening analysis was performed to identify locations of potential terrestrial GDEs, including wetland areas. The GDE mapping was developed utilising satellite remote sensing data, geological data and groundwater monitoring data in a GIS overlay model. Validation of the model through field assessment has not been performed. The method has been applied for all of Victoria and is the first step in identifying potential groundwater dependent ecosystems that may be threatened by activities such as drainage and groundwater pumping. The dataset specifically covers the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (CMA) area. The method used in this research is based upon the characteristics of a potential GDE containing area as one that: 1. Has access to groundwater. By definition a GDE must have access to groundwater. For GDE occurrences associated with wetlands and river systems the water table will be at surface with a zone of capillary extension. In the case of terrestrial GDE's (outside of wetlands and river systems), these are dependent on the interaction between depth to water table and the rooting depth of the vegetation community. 2. Has summer (dry period) use of water. Due to the physics of root water uptake, GDEs will use groundwater when other sources are no longer available; this is generally in summer for the Victorian climate. The ability to use groundwater during dry periods creates a contrasting growth pattern with surrounding landscapes where growth has ceased. 3. Has consistent growth patterns, vegetation that uses water all year round will have perennial growth patterns. 4. Has growth patterns similar to verified GDEs. The current mapping does not indicate the degree of groundwater dependence, only locations in the landscape of potential groundwater dependent ecosystems. This dataset does not directly support interpretation of the amount of dependence or the amount of groundwater used by the regions highlighted within the maps. Further analysis and more detailed field based data collection are required to support this. The core data used in the modelling is largely circa 1995 to 2005. It is expected that the methodology used will over estimate the extent of terrestrial GDEs. There will be locations that appear from EvapoTranspiration (ET) data to fulfil the definition of a GDE (as defined by the mapping model) that may not be using groundwater. Two prominent examples are: 1. Riparian zones along sections of rivers and creeks that have deep water tables where the stream feeds the groundwater system and the riparian vegetation is able to access this water flow, as well as any bank storage contained in the valley alluvials. 2. Forested regions that are accessing large unsaturated regolith water stores. The terrestrial GDE layer polygons are classified based on the expected depth to groundwater (ie shallow <5 m or deep >5 m). Additional landscape attributes are also assigned to each mappnig polygon. In 2011-2012 a species tolerance model was developed by Arthur Rylah Institute, collaborating with DPI, to model landscapes with ability to support GDEs and to provide a relative measure of sensitivity of those ecosystems to changes in groundwater availability and quality. Rev 1 of the GDE mapping incorporates species tolerance model attributes for each potential GDE polygon and attributes for interpreted depth to groundwater. Separate datasets and associated metadata records have been created for GDE species tolerance.
This data contains areas of regolith materials classified according to their radiometric response. The interpretation concentrates on areas of alluvial and colluvial sediments and is intended to give an indication of the provenance of the material contained in these deposits.
Details the location and attributes of coal subcrops in Victoria. Spatial accuracy defined as attribute "Loc_Acc" Data is from the "Victorian Coal - A 2006 Inventory of Resources" Available via the online store <a href=	>On Line store</a>
The groundwater resource along the South Australian-Victorian border is shared between the states. In recognition of the need to cooperatively manage these resources, the two states entered into the Border Groundwaters Agreement in 1985. This agreement establishes a Designated Area, extending 20 km on either side of the border, and from the coast to the Murray River.
This dataset displays areas of contact and regional metamorphism, and the style of metamorphism, mapped using using combined interpretations of airborne magnetic, radiometric and gravity survey data at 1:100,000. At scales larger than 1:120,000 the display is a combination of both 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 geophysical mapping. Recent 1:250,000 geophysical mapping has been of such quality and detail it has been used to supersede older coincident 1:100,000 mapping. This occurs in the following areas: St Arnaud 7524, Dunolly 7624, Charlton 7525, Wedderburn 7625 and part of Ararat 7423 are superseded by St Arnaud SJ54-4. Bendigo 7724, Heathcote 7824 and Nagambie 7924 are superseded by Bendigo SJ55-1. Balmoral 7223, Ararat 7423, Horsham SJ54-3 and St Arnaud SJ54-4 supersede Grampians 7323 where there is overlap. This data has been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. This dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing geological polygons and boundaries, sub-surface geological polygons, structural lines and miscellaneous lines.
This dataset contains primary geological data, namely outcropping/sub-cropping geological rock units and boundary types separating rock units. Other geological features (e.g. fault or dyke) are included where the feature forms a boundary to rock units. The polygon edges are constructed from the corresponding geological contacts and faults layer