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  • This is a pseudocolour image of Total Magnetic Intensity Reduced to the Pole (TMI RTP) Victorian state-wide grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher magnetic intensity values, in nanoTeslas (nT). A single RTP correction, calculated for the centre of the state-wide grid, has been applied to the whole grid. Colour: TMI (RTP) 2011 Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2011 TMI (RTP) Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This is a pseudocolour image of the radioelement total count (TC) Victorian state-wide grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher TC in nanoGrays per hour (nGy/h) values. Colour: 2005 total count Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2005 total count Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This is a pseudocolour image of potassium (K) Victorian state-wide grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher K percentage values. Colour: 2005 potassium Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2005 potassium Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This is a pseudocolour image of uranium (U) Victorian state-wide grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher U parts per million (ppm) values. Colour: 2005 uranium Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2005 uranium Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This ternary radioelement image of potassium–thorium–uranium data is a red-green-blue (RGB) composite using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch on each of the three channels, draped over a sun illuminated radioelement total count (TC) intensity surface. The red, green and blue channels represent potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U) respectively, for K values in percent (%), Th values in parts per million (ppm) and U values in ppm. Mixed compositions are indicated by the ratio of the corresponding additive primary colours. For example yellow represents the presence of both K and Th, magenta the presence of K and U, and aqua the presence of Th and U. Black indicates low concentrations and white represents high concentrations of all three radioelements. Colour: 2005 Ternary Ratio Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2005 total count Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • A presence/absence of tree cover dataset is derived from statewide dataset aerial photography with a minimum of 20cm pixel resolution. The mapping of tree cover was based a upon a machine learning technique. Tree cover is defined as woody vegetation greater than approximatley two metres in height.

  • This is a pseudocolour image of Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) Victorian state-wide grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher magnetic intensity values, in nanoTeslas (nT). Colour: TMI 2011 Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2011 TMI Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.