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  • This is a pseudocolour image of Total Magnetic Intensity Reduced to the Pole (TMI RTP) Victorian state-wide grid data generated using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch draped over a sun illuminated intensity surface. ‘Cooler’ colours indicate lower values and ‘warmer’ colours represent increasingly higher magnetic intensity values, in nanoTeslas (nT). A single RTP correction, calculated for the centre of the state-wide grid, has been applied to the whole grid. Colour: TMI (RTP) 2011 Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2011 TMI (RTP) Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This dataset is populated by members of the public, sharing observations of flying-foxes on the public-facing Flying-fox map. Members of the public add to this dataset via the Flying-fox map, by recording flying-fox observations, pinpointing the location and sharing additional information on flying-fox numbers, behaviour etc. Records will be vetted by DEECA before sharing on the Flying-fox map. Data will be uploaded to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas periodically. This dataset will inform the public of recent flying-fox observations across Victoria. The dataset may also alert DEECA to newly established camps or unusual flying-fox activity.

  • This dataset contains information on flying-fox camps across Victoria, including locations of camps and latest monitoring estimates. This dataset is populated by DEECA to update monitoring estimates, information on camp permanence and status, and data on new camps. Camp monitoring data will be uploaded to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas periodically for public access.

  • This dataset is populated by members of the public, sharing observations of flying-foxes on the public-facing Flying-fox map. Members of the public add to this dataset via the Flying-fox map, by recording flying-fox observations, pinpointing the location and sharing additional information on flying-fox numbers, behaviour etc. Records will be vetted by DEECA before sharing on the Flying-fox map. Data will be uploaded to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas periodically. This dataset will inform the public of recent flying-fox observations across Victoria. The dataset may also alert DEECA to newly established camps or unusual flying-fox activity.

  • This dataset is created by joining FLYING_FOX_CAMP_SURVEY dataset with VMFEAT.LOCALITY_POINT for presentation requirement in Webmap This dataset contains information on flying-fox camps across Victoria, including locations generalised at the vicmap locality point and latest monitoring estimates. This dataset is populated by DEECA to update monitoring estimates, information on camp permanence and status, and data on new camps. Camp monitoring data will be uploaded to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas periodically for public access.

  • This ternary radioelement image of potassium–thorium–uranium data is a red-green-blue (RGB) composite using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch on each of the three channels, draped over a sun illuminated Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model (SRTM DEM) intensity surface. The red, green and blue channels represent potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U) respectively, for K values in percent (%), Th values in parts per million (ppm) and U values in ppm. Mixed compositions are indicated by the ratio of the corresponding additive primary colours. For example yellow represents the presence of both K and Th, magenta the presence of K and U, and aqua the presence of Th and U. Black indicates low concentrations and white represents high concentrations of all three radioelements. Colour: 2005 Ternary Ratio Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model (SRTM DEM) data 90x90m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • This ternary radioelement image of potassium–thorium–uranium data is a red-green-blue (RGB) composite using a histogram-equalised colour-stretch on each of the three channels, draped over a sun illuminated radioelement total count (TC) intensity surface. The red, green and blue channels represent potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U) respectively, for K values in percent (%), Th values in parts per million (ppm) and U values in ppm. Mixed compositions are indicated by the ratio of the corresponding additive primary colours. For example yellow represents the presence of both K and Th, magenta the presence of K and U, and aqua the presence of Th and U. Black indicates low concentrations and white represents high concentrations of all three radioelements. Colour: 2005 Ternary Ratio Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Intensity: 2005 total count Victorian state-wide 50x50m grid. Sun illumination was set at 45 degrees azimuth and 60 degrees altitude.

  • Categories  

    This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25 000, using VicMap topographic data to create more accurate and identifiable boundaries. PLM25_OVERLAYS is located under the CROWNLAND schema. It has been created in conjunction with PLM25 to ensure the overlays match the PLM25 land management categories. PLEASE NOTE: This dataset now replaces the PLM100 overlays. PLM25_OVERLAYS_NCA is a view of PLM25_OVERLAYS. This dataset is a representation of the certified plans - the gazettal and certified plans are the official boundaries. Currently the creation process is not automated or synchronised with PLM25 updates.