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  • VCMP Sites - Coastal Erosion Indicators The Coastal Erosion Indicators dataset features five statistics and a combined coastal erosion indicator value to describe the state of a beach. The statistics are calculated from data collected cross sites monitored by the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program (VCMP) along Victoria's coastline, Sites are spatially represented as polygon data. Coastal Erosion Indicators (Erosion Warning Indicators) There is no one simple metric that can effectively describe the state of a beach. The approach here is to use a combination of statistics and combine them into a single 'Coastal Erosion Indicator'. This gives a multi-faceted assessment of erosion characteristics at a given site and allows for quantitative comparison across sites. The 5 erosion statistics are: 1. Long-term shoreline change (1988 to 2021) – averaged across each site using Digital Earth Australia satellite shorelines. 2. Short-term change (last 2-years) – averaged across each site using VCMP drone surveys. 3. Ratio of shoreline eroding (last 2-years) - using VCMP drone data. 4. Ratio of backshore (dune/cliff line) eroding (last 2-years) – using VCMP drone data. 5. Max. backshore erosion (last 2-years, 3-point average alongshore) – using VCMP drone data. The VCMP drone survey short-term outputs include shorelines for each survey, taking the ‘shoreline’ as the +1 m AHD contour for Open Coast sites, and +0.5 m AHD contour for large bay sites. Drone survey data collection is performed as described in Pucino et al., 2021 and Ierodiaconou et al., 2022, and outlined as: - Data processing and quality control conducted within the Propeller platform (, with additional manual quality control checks, to achieve a horizontal-vertical uncertainty of 0.1 m or better (Pucino et al., 2021), with output products of Digital Surface Models (DSM) and orthomosaics - Analysis is conducted using a statewide framework of 30-m spaced transects More information about the Coastal Erosion Indicators dataset and the calculation of the erosion indicator statistics, and other datasets generated from the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program, can be found at

  • This layer represents the spatial extent of Strategic Permanent Fuel Breaks defined as a line.

  • The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion, inundation and groundwater hazard scenarios. The product is recommended for use at the regional scale around Port Phillip Bay. Application of the data should be guided by the accompanying Port Phillip Bay hazard assessment technical reports (CSIRO 2022, Water Technology 2023, Kennedy 2022) and expert advice. The product is not suitable for individual property scale assessments. The datasets available are as follows. Further detail on technical assumptions for these scenarios are provided in the accompanying technical reports. Additional data sets referenced in the reports are also available on request. Storm tide inundation Storm tide inundation extents for the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m, 1.1m): - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_00SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_02SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_05SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_08SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_11SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_14SLR - PPBCH A_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_00SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_02SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_05SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_08SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_11SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_14SLR_WITHRAINFALL Storm tide inundation extents for each SLR scenario are presented as a combined vector layer that incorporates the modelled 95th, 50th, and 5th percentiles. Erosion Erosion extents for the 1%AEP for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m, 1.1m). - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2010_00SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2040_02SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2070_05SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_08SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_11SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_14SLR Erosion hazard extents are the modelled 95th percentile. Sea level of 0m as of 2010. Groundwater Groundwater extents indicating where the hazard is shallow (within 0 to 2m below land surface) for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m): - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_00SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_02SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_05SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_08SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_11SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_14SLR Shallow groundwater extent layer is derived from the groundwater depth raster. Report Citations: CSIRO - McInnes, K.L., O’Grady, J.O., Prakash, M., Dahlhaus, P., Rosengren, N.J., Hoeke, R.K., Lauchlan Arrowsmith, C., Hernaman, V., Cohen, R., Seers, B., Chen, Y., Walters, D., Couto, P., Trenham, C., Forbes-Smith, N. Gregory, R., Hemer, M. and Power, R. (2022) Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment: Final Report. Report to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. 236 pages + 11 Appendices. Water Technology (2023) Erosion Hazard Summary Report, Port Phillip Bay Coastal Erosion Hazards, Report to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Kennedy, D. M. (2022), Tertiary Coastal Compartments in Port Phillip Bay: Review, Definition and Methodology, Report to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne.

  • The dataset contains the locations of wetlands removed from consideration under the native vegetation removal regulations.

  • The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion, inundation and groundwater hazard scenarios. The product is recommended for use at the regional scale around Port Phillip Bay. Application of the data should be guided by the accompanying Port Phillip Bay hazard assessment technical reports (CSIRO 2022, Water Technology 2023, Kennedy 2022) and expert advice. The product is not suitable for individual property scale assessments. The datasets available are as follows. Further detail on technical assumptions for these scenarios are provided in the accompanying technical reports. Additional data sets referenced in the reports are also available on request. Storm tide inundation Storm tide inundation extents for the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.5m, 0.8m, 1.1m): - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_00SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_05SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_08SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_11SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_14SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_00SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_05SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_08SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_11SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_14SLR_WITHRAINFALL Storm tide inundation extents for each SLR scenario are presented as a combined vector layer that incorporates the modelled 95th, 50th, and 5th percentiles. Erosion Erosion extents for the 1%AEP for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m, 1.1m). - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2010_00SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2040_02SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2070_05SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_08SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_11SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_14SLR Erosion hazard extents are the modelled 95th percentile. Sea level of 0m as of 2010. Groundwater Groundwater extents indicating where the hazard is shallow (within 0 to 2m below land surface) for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m): - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_00SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_02SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_05SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_08SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_11SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_14SLR Shallow groundwater extent layer is derived from the groundwater depth raster. Report Citations: CSIRO - McInnes, K.L., O’Grady, J.O., Prakash, M., Dahlhaus, P., Rosengren, N.J., Hoeke, R.K., Lauchlan Arrowsmith, C., Hernaman, V., Cohen, R., Seers, B., Chen, Y., Walters, D., Couto, P., Trenham, C., Forbes-Smith, N. Gregory, R., Hemer, M. and Power, R. (2022) Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment: Final Report. Report to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. 236 pages + 11 Appendices. Water Technology (2023) Erosion Hazard Summary Report, Port Phillip Bay Coastal Erosion Hazards, Report to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Kennedy, D. M. (2022), Tertiary Coastal Compartments in Port Phillip Bay: Review, Definition and Methodology, Report to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne.

  • This dataset is created by sketching in the current burnt area from field data and linescan data. This data is updated every time the area of the fire is updated during an incident.The area is captured in the incident mapping system eMap. This data includes both FFMVIC and CFA fires. This data is provided in kml format. The data is only available for the current fire season and shows all fires with a status of Going, controlled or contained (UC1 and UC2) and Safe are included in this feed. . The layer will support fire prevention and suppression activities of DSE, and will be used to generate the FIRE100_{year} fire history datasets. This layer is the source of disturbance datasets used in the analysis of old-growth forest.

  • The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion, inundation and groundwater hazard scenarios. The product is recommended for use at the regional scale around Port Phillip Bay. Application of the data should be guided by the accompanying Port Phillip Bay hazard assessment technical reports (CSIRO 2022, Water Technology 2023, Kennedy 2022) and expert advice. The product is not suitable for individual property scale assessments. The datasets available are as follows. Further detail on technical assumptions for these scenarios are provided in the accompanying technical reports. Additional data sets referenced in the reports are also available on request. Storm tide inundation Storm tide inundation extents for the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.5m, 0.8m, 1.1m): - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_00SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_05SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_08SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_11SLR - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_00SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_05SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_08SLR_WITHRAINFALL - PPBCHA_INUNDATION_EXTENT_1AEP_11SLR_WITHRAINFALL Storm tide inundation extents for each SLR scenario are presented as a combined vector layer that incorporates the modelled 95th, 50th, and 5th percentiles. Erosion Erosion extents for the 1%AEP for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m, 1.1m). - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2010_00SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2040_02SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2070_05SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_08SLR - PPBCHA_EROSION_EXTENT_1AEP_2100_11SLR Erosion hazard extents are the modelled 95th percentile. Sea level of 0m as of 2010. Groundwater Groundwater extents indicating where the hazard is shallow (within 0 to 2m below land surface) for a range of Sea Level Rise (SLR) scenarios (0m, 0.2m, 0.5m, 0.8m): - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_00SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_02SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_05SLR - PPBCHA_GROUNDWATER_EXTENT_SHALLOW_08SLR Shallow groundwater extent layer is derived from the groundwater depth raster. Report Citations: CSIRO - McInnes, K.L., O’Grady, J.O., Prakash, M., Dahlhaus, P., Rosengren, N.J., Hoeke, R.K., Lauchlan Arrowsmith, C., Hernaman, V., Cohen, R., Seers, B., Chen, Y., Walters, D., Couto, P., Trenham, C., Forbes-Smith, N. Gregory, R., Hemer, M. and Power, R. (2022) Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment: Final Report. Report to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. 236 pages + 11 Appendices. Water Technology (2023) Erosion Hazard Summary Report, Port Phillip Bay Coastal Erosion Hazards, Report to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Kennedy, D. M. (2022), Tertiary Coastal Compartments in Port Phillip Bay: Review, Definition and Methodology, Report to Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne.

  • EPA maintains a searchable list of sites or properties issued with a certificate or statement of environmental audit in accordance with 53X of the Environment Protection Act 1970, and sites with a audit issued in accordance with section 53V of the Environment Protection Act 1970. EPA also maintains a searchable list of sites and properties issued with a statement of environmental audits issued in accordance with section 208 of the Environment Protection Act 2017. Since the 1st of July 2021, the notification of new 53X and 53V audits under the Environmental Protect Act 1970 ceased and all environmental audits since this date have been notified under section 208 Environmental Protection Act 2017. The types of audits notified under the Environmental Protection Act 2017 include, Land Suitability Audits which most commonly take place when land is proposed for new use and is potentially contaminated, or if it is already covered by an Environmental Audit Overlay. Risk of Harm from an activity audits which are related to sites with EPA permissions or licences, Risk of Harm from Contaminated Land, Pollution or Waste Audits which are mostly related to EPA notices relating to clean up of pollution or waste on sites. This dataset mirrors the audit data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website public register page.

  • This layer is part of Vicmap Lite and contains point features delineating geographic features from which key geographic landmarks can be labelled. Vicmap Lite datasets are suited for use between scales of 1: 250,000 and 1 : 5 million. The point features were sourced from GEO_POINT_LABEL. The level of attribute information and the number of features has been simplified to suit the 1: 250,000 - 1 : 5 million scale range. The concept of a Scale Use Code has been introduced to help control the level of detail displayed. THIS DATASET WAS LAST UPDATED IN AUGUST 2008