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This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:100 000 regional maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:50 000 district maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the map index for the 1:100 000 regional maps.
This layer provides an annual view of residential dwellings for Metropolitan Melbourne defined by the 31 local government areas. Dwelling information is assigned to polygons representing Victoria's land parcels for the particular year. Key fields include: Number of residential dwellings on a parcel; parcel size, whether a parcel is vacant, whether construction activity is present, and the street address. Polygon information is sourced from the Parcel View - Vicmap Property dataset (VMPROP_PARCEL_VIEW).
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the map index for the 1:50 000 district maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the map index for the 1:15 000 Bendigo & Ballarat maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:20 000 town maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:15 000 Bendigo & Ballarat maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:20 000 town maps.
This dataset is derived from the Mapbook directory and contains the pagegrid for the 1:100 000 regional maps.