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  • Pumped hydro facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single polygon for the centre of the Pumped hydro Facility This dataset is replaced by Renewables and Renewables_point from 30/04/2024.

  • Solar Farm properties for Victoria. The locations are polygons for the combined properties that form the solar farm. This dataset is replaced by Renewables and Renewables_point from 30/04/2024.

  • Gas facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single point for the centre of the Gas Facility This dataset is replaced by Renewables and Renewables_point from 30/04/2024.

  • This layer contains line, point and annotation features delineating utility features. All features are identified and coded according to the Australian Standard Geographic Information Systems - Geographic Data - Interchange of feature-coded digital mapping data AS2482 - 1989.

  • Hydrogen facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single polygon for the centre of the Hydrogen Facility This dataset is replaced by Renewables and Renewables_point from 30/04/2024.

  • Residual data following processing of AUSLIG and Survey and Mapping data for hydrology, roads, contours and utilities layers. Data is left over when it does not match any layer feature or is incorrectly coded.

  • Wind Farm Locations for Victoria. Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. The locations are a single point for the centre of the windfarm. This dataset is replaced by Renewables and Renewables_point from 30/04/2024.

  • This dataset contains 5 minute graticule points covering the state of Victoria.

  • Pumped hydro facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single polygon for the centre of the Pumped hydro Facility

  • Battery facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single polygon for the centre of the Battery Facility This dataset is replaced by Renewables and Renewables_point from 30/04/2024.