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  • Solar Farm properties for Victoria. The locations are polygons for the combined properties that form the solar farm.

  • Wind Farm substations for Victoria Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. The point features of substations for wind farms

  • Wind Farm cables for Victoria Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. The linear features of cabling that connects Turbines to substation

  • Gold Undercover Initiative Area The boundary denotes the area of primary interest of the Gold Undercover Initiative. Its’ boundaries approximate the outcrop to cover transition in the south and follow the Victorian border and an approximate 100m depth of cover limit to the north. Its’ area does include areas of outcrop in which deposits like Stawell, Bendigo and Fosterville are located, because they are included in many comparative studies in individual Gold Undercover projects. Developing Gold Undercover is a AUD$9 million initiative over 3 years as part of the government's Provincial Victoria statement. The project runs from July 2006 to June 2009. The Gold Undercover project will deliver the new geoscience insights and techniques required to discover the potentially large undiscovered gold resources presently concealed under cover. This project will stimulate the research and exploration communities in Victoria and help re-establish regional Victoria as a leading gold producer.

  • Wind Farms Turbine Locations for Victoria Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. The point dataset that refers to the locations of Turbines

  • Wind Farms Roads locations for Victoria Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. The linear dataset that refers to the locations of Turbines

  • Pumped hydro facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single polygon for the centre of the Pumped hydro Facility

  • Battery facility Locations for Victoria. The locations are a single point for the centre of the Battery Facility

  • Wind Farm Properties for Victoria. This layer is out of date. Please refer to WIND_FARM_POLYGON Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. Bounded polygon definition containing all Properties holding a turbine owned by proprietor

  • Wind Farm Locations for Victoria. Wind energy has the potential to provide a significant proportion of Victoria's growth in renewable energy generation over the next coming years. The Government supports the development of wind energy in appropriate locations. Planning Scheme Amendment VC82, make it clear where in Victoria a wind energy facility may be considered. The planning reform guarantees the residents of rural and regional Victoria certainty and fairness in wind farm planning decisions and ensures that communities are given a say in major planning applications. The locations are a single point for the centre of the windfarm.