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  • The Inverloch Region Coastal Hazard Assessment is a modelled dataset assessing sea level rises, planning horizons and storm events to determine erosion hazard zones in the study area. The sea level rise components and subsequent planning horizons consisted of 0m (2020), 0.2m (2040), 0.5m (2070) and 0.8m (2100). The design storm events modelled were 1%,5% and 10% AEP (annual exceedance probability). The study reports can be obtained by contacting - some generalisation for publishing in CoastKit.

  • This layer delineates broad agricultural land uses in Victoria. LUSE250_1991 was created by manually interpreting 1991 LANDSAT TM satellite data and incorporating forest cover boundaries from FORCOV500-87. The land use boundaries have been registered to 1:500,000 topographic features. (not current - see revised LANDUSE250)

  • 1:50 000 Mapgrid of Australia Boundaries.

  • Transport Safety Victoria WaterWays Zones. Available in MapInfo tab format only.

  • Points representing the centroids of wetlands taken from a PC database managed by the Flora and Fauna Branch.

  • This layer identifies Forest Cover Changes in Victoria from 1972 to 1987. Forest Cover is defined as woody vegetation greater than 2 metres in height and with crown cover (foliar density) greater than 10%. The smallest unit of forest mapped was fifteen (15) hectares.

  • This is a single image created by resampling TM10095 and projecting it into VICMAP. The resampled pixel size is 90 metres. Processing of this dataset included the use of the ERIM image restoration algorithm giving a much sharper image than achieved with previous datasets.

  • Polygon coverage delineating Victorian forest types. Key attributes referenced through a forest type code include dominant and two associated species, maximum and minimum height, and maximum and minimum projective foliage cover.

  • The Inverloch Region Coastal Hazard Assessment is a modelled dataset assessing sea level rises, planning horizons and storm events to determine erosion hazard zones in the study area. The sea level rise components and subsequent planning horizons consisted of 0m (2020), 0.2m (2040), 0.5m (2070) and 0.8m (2100). The design storm events modelled were 1%,5% and 10% AEP (annual exceedance probability). The study reports can be obtained by contacting - some generalisation for publishing in CoastKit.

  • Polygons showing tree cover as defined by woody vegetation greater than 2 metres in height and with a crown cover (foliar density) greater than 10%. Tree cover is mapped down to a minimum area of one hectare. This layer was derived from LANDSAT TM digital data.