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  • Regen survey polygon information from the field specifically for Regen surveys

  • Abstract This project represents a timeslice series of historical aerial photography datasets around Warrnambool-Mepunga, Kingston, Latrobe Valley and Mallacoota from the 1930's to the 1990's.The purpose of creating the ortho photo mosaics was to detect and measure changes (long term, progressive or cyclic). The type of shoreline change the photography aimed to identify included sandy beach-dune, scarped 'soft-rock', muddy mangrove shores and asset removal/construction. A secondary purpose of the photography was to map the change of vegetation. To achieve the purpose, a time series of repeated aerial photography was planned with epoch intervals of approximately 10 years (and a minumum of five years separation). The seven epochs planned for were 1930's,1940's,1950's,1960's,1970's 1980's and 1990's. For any given epoch where the study area was not covered completely by a historic photography project (series of air-photos taken on the same date or within a few days of each other) then the next most recent photography project was identified, processed and used for comparison. The aim was to keep each epoch as close as possible, This data is only available for Whole of Victorian Government use.

  • The Inverloch Region Coastal Hazard Assessment is a modelled dataset assessing sea level rises, planning horizons and storm events to determine erosion hazard zones in the study area. The sea level rise components and subsequent planning horizons consisted of 0m (2020), 0.2m (2040), 0.5m (2070), 0.8m (2100). The design storm events modelled were 1%,5% and 10% AEP (annual exceedance probability). The study reports can be obtained by contacting - some generalisation for publishing in CoastKit.

  • Permanent Growth Plots 500m Buffer

  • Abstract This project represents a timeslice series of historical aerial photography datasets around Warrnambool-Mepunga, Kingston, Latrobe Valley and Mallacoota from the 1930's to the 1990's.The purpose of creating the ortho photo mosaics was to detect and measure changes (long term, progressive or cyclic). The type of shoreline change the photography aimed to identify included sandy beach-dune, scarped 'soft-rock', muddy mangrove shores and asset removal/construction. A secondary purpose of the photography was to map the change of vegetation. To achieve the purpose, a time series of repeated aerial photography was planned with epoch intervals of approximately 10 years (and a minumum of five years separation). The seven epochs planned for were 1930's,1940's,1950's,1960's,1970's 1980's and 1990's. For any given epoch where the study area was not covered completely by a historic photography project (series of air-photos taken on the same date or within a few days of each other) then the next most recent photography project was identified, processed and used for comparison. The aim was to keep each epoch as close as possible, This data is only available for Whole of Victorian Government use.

  • Regen survey point information from the field specifically for Regen surveys

  • This land use map has been prepared under contract with Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) for Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC). The classification scheme followed here was the Australia Land Use Mapping (ALUM) classification version 4 (BRS, 2001). ALUM version 4 was developed by BRS as a modification of Baxter - Russell Classification, in coordination with State agencies. This product is based on information from a number of sources: Corporate Geospatial Data Library (CGDL), DNRE regional data sets, satellite imagery from ACRES, the planning maps from Infrastructure Department, and the newly acquired field survey information. Product was independently validated. Overall accuracy is 89.27%.

  • The Inverloch Region Coastal Hazard Assessment is a modelled dataset assessing sea level rises, planning horizons and storm events to determine erosion hazard zones in the study area. The sea level rise components and subsequent planning horizons consisted of 0m (2020), 0.2m (2040), 0.5m (2070) and 0.8m (2100). The design storm events modelled were 1%,5% and 10% AEP (annual exceedance probability). The study reports can be obtained by contacting - some generalisation for publishing in CoastKit.

  • This land use map has been prepared under contract with Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) for Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC). The classification scheme followed here was the Australia Land Use Mapping (ALUM) classification version 4 (BRS, 2001). ALUM version 4 was developed by BRS as a modification of Baxter - Russell Classification, in coordination with State agencies. This product is based on information from a number of sources: Corporate Geospatial Data Library (CGDL), former DNRE regional data sets, satellite imagery from ACRES, the planning maps from Infrastructure Department, and the newly acquired field survey information. Data was sourced from 1996 to 2005. Product was independently validated. Overall accuracy is 89.27%.

  • This layer contains the line and polygon features depicting the outline of Victoria and major waterbodies at 1:500,000. The linework was derived from the VICMAP 1983 Digital map of Victoria.