Type of resources
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Update frequencies
Winterfill sustainable diversion limit (SDL) volumes have been developed across Victoria and represent the upper limit on winterfill diversions, beyond which there is an unacceptable risk that additional extractions may degrade the environment. Combined with the volume of current extractions the SDL provides water managers with a volume of available water in catchments across Victoria. This dataset shows for each 1611 Victorian SDL intermediate catchments: the diversion limit, the level of winterfill commitment as at 2014, and the volume of water available for new entitlements or trade. The catchments were originally developed in 2004. A major review in 2014 resulted in the addition of several additional catchments including the upper Snowy River, Phillip Island, French Island, and several new catchments in the Wimmera basin. Summary information from this dataset is available through the publicly accessible Mapshare platform. To use or understand particular fields within this database, please contact the data custodian.
This layer is used in association with the GMA layer and represents the internal zone boundaries within each GMA (if applicable).
This layer is to be used in conjunction with the WSPA layer. It represents individual zones within a specific Water Supply Protection Area.
Boundaries defining the approximate jurisdiction of the Urban Water Corporations. This data was loaded in June 2018, it has never been updated by the water group.
This layer contains the yearly standard outputs reported to DELWP by CMAs. The raw submissions have gone through a statewide consolidation process which QAs selected common attributes.
Hydrographs from over 2000 state observation bores were reviewed in order to group bores which have a similar water level trend and are screened in the same aquifer. The groupings of observation bores are referred to as 'suites' and are classified according to the Upper, Middle, Lower and Basement aquifers aligning with the Victorian Aquifer Framework. By applying a statistical technical, a normalised hydrograph was developed for each suite using the observed water levels from all bores within the suite. This hydrograph is representative of the groundwater trend within the suite. A spatial boundary has been created for each suite which encompasses all bores within the suite. The boundaries were manually constructed and cover the extent of the mapped aquifers.
This layer is part of a set that defines the beneficial use of Victoria's groundwater resources. According to the Victorian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), a beneficial use is a use to the environment, or a segment of the environment which is conductive to public benefit, welfare, safety, health or aesthetic enjoyment and which requires protection from the effects of waste discharges, emissions or deposits. A beneficial use may be an existing or potential use. A resource may have more than one beneficial use. The State's groundwater resources have a number of beneficial uses. These uses primarily depend on groundwater quality and aquifer yield and can be assigned to broad water quality classes.
Victorian Water Asset Database (VWAD), contains the identification of water assets and their attributes for the state of Victoria. The VWAD includes features such as lakes, rivers, creeks, wetlands, water storages, estuaries, groundwater aquifers, springs, large marine intertidal zones, but does not include specific irrigation and water supply infrastructure such as irrigation channels, bores and irrigation distribution networks.
This layer contains the yearly standard outputs reported to DELWP by CMAs. The raw submissions have gone through a statewide consolidation process which QAs selected common attributes.
This layer contains points locating groundwater research bores statewide. Note: This dataset should be deleted. Please use GW_SITES or refer to Visualising Victoria's Groundwater website (Re Peter Dahlhouse Ballarat Uni )