Type of resources
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This layer contains the yearly standard outputs reported to DELWP by CMAs. The raw submissions have gone through a statewide consolidation process which QAs selected common attributes.
This dataset consists of 'modified' and 'unmodified' waterways for Victoria which have been attributed as 'perennial' or 'non-perennial' (i.e. ephemeral).
Areas of catchments that drain to points on main tributaries immediately upstream of Victorian estuaries. The layer was derived by Deakin University as part of the project: "Linking catchments to the sea: Understanding how human activities impact on Victorian estuaries" funded by the National Heritage Trust and the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
Priority Rivers was created from two primary input datasets: (1) Victorian Priority Rivers 2008 (DEPI); (2) Significant Rivers (Melbourne Water Corporation (MWC)). The Priority Rivers 2008 dataset indicates high priority rivers across Victoria and relates to a combination of environmental, social and economic values. This information was derived from the Regional River Health Strategies that were developed by the various Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs). The RRHSs use a tool called RiVERS to assess waterways, of which the Index of Stream Condition (ISC) is a significant information source. Given that the ISC was developed for rural rivers and creeks, it is not relevant to MWCs urban waterways and hence MWCs jurisdiction was not included in the Priority Rivers 2008 dataset. Instead, MWC utilises a tool called the Index of River Condition (IRC), which was modified to account for the urban rivers and creeks in their operating area. For this reason a second dataset called Significant Rivers was used for the MWC area to indicate the presence of high priority waterways.
This data differentiates 5 quality classes of groundwater, based on salinity levels. These classes are further differentiated by yield rates. The data shows only one aquifer at any one point, usually the Upper Tertiary sand or limestone. These are the aquifers most developed or likely to be developed.
This dataset is a subset of the Victorian Groundwater Data Inventory, developed by DELWP. The Data Inventory collated available data relating to four themes: groundwater recharge, aquifer/aquitard properties, groundwater use and aquifer/aquitard thickness. Information has been sourced from 65 hydrogeological studies and contains a spatially enabled representation of data coverage. This dataset represent the Recharge component of the Data Inventory. A total of 35 groundwater recharge data sources were identified for Victoria and 31 were successfully sourced and added to the database.
Water Frontages are a subset of the VMPROP.V_PARCEL_MP_CROWN_APPROVED dataset. From the LIMS database, water frontage licences were selected and the associated parcels were selected on the SPI number or the P Number. The parcels selected were compared to the list of streams reserved under the 1881 reservation of water frontages for public purposes. A majority of streams were identified. Some stream beds and banks have not yet been parcelised, so any unidentified parcels were selected which aligned with the hydrology layer and had an irregular shape and were added to the layer. The VicMap hydrology layer was used to label water frontages.
This dataset representst Victoria’s Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) Where groundwater has been intensively developed in Victoria, or has the potential to be developed, Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) are established and the Permissible Consumptive Volume (PCV) is progressively set. Monitoring of the groundwater resource in these areas is undertaken by the Department of Sustainability and Environment through the State Groundwater Monitoring Network. Water levels and the amount of water allocated to groundwater users in the areas are closely monitored.
This layer contains the line and polygon features depicting the outline of Victoria and major waterbodies at 1:500,000. The linework was derived from the VICMAP 1983 Digital map of Victoria.
This table is used by the Groundwater Resource Reporting Tool. It includes GMAs and WSPAs.