

277 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 277
  • Boundaries defining the approximate jurisdiction of the Urban Water Corporations. This data was loaded in June 2018, it has never been updated by the water group.

  • This layer is part of a set that defines the beneficial use of Victoria's groundwater resources. According to the Victorian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), a beneficial use is a use to the environment, or a segment of the environment which is conductive to public benefit, welfare, safety, health or aesthetic enjoyment and which requires protection from the effects of waste discharges, emissions or deposits. A beneficial use may be an existing or potential use. A resource may have more than one beneficial use. The State's groundwater resources have a number of beneficial uses. These uses primarily depend on groundwater quality and aquifer yield and can be assigned to broad water quality classes.

  • Winterfill sustainable diversion limit volumes (SDLs) have been developed across Victoria and represent the upper limit on winterfill diversions, beyond which there is an unacceptable risk that additional extractions may degrade the environment. The SDL_BASIN dataset is a spatial representation of river basins, which represent an aggregate of the intermediate SDL catchments. These basins DO NOT reflect the Victorian surface water river basins as defined by the Australian Water Resources Council. Winterfill SDL data is held in the SDL_DATA layer.

  • This layer is used in association with the GMA layer and represents the internal zone boundaries within each GMA (if applicable).

  • This dataset contains the digitised centroids of smaller man made waterbodies (including farm dams) in northern Victoria using a combination of satellite and aerial imagery. Should be used in conjunction with FARM_DAMS. This data was updated in January 2019 to improve the usefulness of the attribute data.


  • This dataset is a subset of the Victorian Groundwater Data Inventory, developed by DELWP. The Data Inventory collated available data relating to four themes: groundwater recharge, aquifer/aquitard properties, groundwater use and aquifer/aquitard thickness. Information has been sourced from 65 hydrogeological studies and contains a spatially enabled representation of data coverage. This dataset represent the Aquifer Properties component of the Data Inventory.

  • The ISC2004_SCORES dataset represents the 2004 Index of Stream Condition (ISC) overall score and subindex scores for each ISC river reach in the state of Victoria. This was the second ISC assessment providing a snapshot of river health for major rivers and streams in Victoria, using data collected over a five-year period from 1999 to 2004. The methods used in 2004 differed to the 1999 assessment. Method changes were undertaken to strike a balance between incorporating new scientific advances while maintaining compariability of results with the 1999 benchmark. The 2004 ISC provides scores for five components of stream condition: (i) hydrology (based on change in volume and seasonality of flow from natural conditions); (ii) physical form (based on bank stability, influence of artificial barriers, and abundance and origin of coarse woody debris); (iii) streamside zone (based on types of plants; spatial extent, width, and intactness of riparian vegetation); (iv) water quality (based on an assessment of phosphorus, turbidity, electrical conductivity and pH); and (v) aquatic life (based on number of families of macroinvertebrates). Further information available at:

  • The Water Act, 1989, requires that anoyone wishing to extract groundwater must apply for a groundwater licence. Groundwater licences are issued to protect the rights of licence holders, ensure that water is shared amongst users and to ensure that environmental requirements are protected. This dataset is derived from the Victorian Water Register.