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  • 2009-10 Casey Cardinia and Bass Coast Project

  • The Strzelecki Ranges area was captured by Photomapping Services using a Optech Gemini LiDAR system (Airborne Laser Scanning) between the 11th and 23rd of October 2009. The data was captured in order to provide bare earth DTM and contours.

  • The Department of Primary Industries ¿ Fisheries Research Branch (FRB) is undertaking a seagrass monitoring program in Port Phillip Bay. Photography is being flown annually in the period late March to end of May from 2008-2011. The photography is to be used for seagrass mapping and to support marine habitat assessment in Port Phillip Bay.

  • The DSE Natural Resources Division seeks to establish an ongoing land cover mapping program to improve knowledge of land and biodiversity assets across the state. This program will contribute directly towards monitoring and reporting on progress towards State Wide Natural Resource Management outcomes and will improve the States ability to demonstrate the impact of policy, strategy and investment. The imagery will be manually interpreted and mapped for land cover types and stratified in a manner to facilitate targeted analysis of land cover. The 2009-10 CIP Vic Land Cover Photo Project will capture and provide photography for areas not covered by the 2008-9 CIP photography projects.

  • Represents one of AAM Hatch's first captures with their digital camera.

  • This layer contains modelled old-growth forest which has been updated with forest harvesting and fire. The base layer used in western part of the state is og100 which was updated by lastburnt100, lastlog25 and boundaries of the 2006 Grampians fire from ECC. The base layer for the eastern part of the state is mog2003 updated by lastlog25 & lastburnt100. The old-growth forests in the base layers were identified to meet the Victorian definition of old-gwoth forest based on a set of modelling criteria, rules and input datasets. The data is not reliable at scales less than 1:100,000. Old-growth polygons have not been confirmed through field checking and the reliability of modelled old-groth stands have not been assessed.

  • Captured as part of the 2009-10 CIP, this 15cm orthorectified imagery was captured for Wyndham City Council for mapping, asset management and monitoring purposes.

  • Digtal photography over the City of Warrnambool

  • This dataset was developed from the database of Ocean Sciences Institute of Sydney University (AUSEABED) and from surveys conducted by MAFRI.

  • This is a single image created by resampling TM10095 and projecting it into VICMAP. The resampled pixel size is 90 metres. Processing of this dataset included the use of the ERIM image restoration algorithm giving a much sharper image than achieved with previous datasets.