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1:50 000 Mapgrid of Australia Boundaries.
1:30 000 format Mapgrid of Australia Mapsheet Boundaries as used for the A4 online topographic maps.
This layer details the boundaries of the Salinity Management Plans. These boundaries define the administrative extent for each Salinity Management Plan Not all areas of the state are covered by Salinity Management Plans.
EPA Victoria divides the state up into seven operational regional areas. Each is responsible for the control and co-ordination of all activities relating to the discharge of waste into the environment, the generation, storage, treatment and disposal of industrial waste, and the emission of noise in the region. Activities such as licensing, works approvals, enforcement, consideration of planning permit referrals (that is, referred from responsible planning authorities for consideration) are carried out by each office.
Parcels of land that have been determined to have a Native Title Claim by the Native Title Unit within Crown Land Management as enetered into PORTAL. WARNING: NOT UPDATED SINCE 2004
This layer contains line, polygon and annotation features. The boundaries consist of Catchment and Land Protection Board boundaries and Irrigation boundaries.
Land Victoria Senior Land Use Planning Officer (SLUPO) Areas are not the same as the Land Vic Areas , so a copy of their areas were taken and modified to produce the new layer. This layer is meant to indicate the SLUPO that is responsible for the land contained within a tenement.
1:25 000 Mapgrid of Australia Boundaries - Double Format
1:25 000 Mapgrid of Australia Boundaries.
Index of Vicmap Published pre 2000