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  • EPA to update metadata record. TBC re-name copy of GQRUZ_POINT. Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These zones have been subject to clean up in line with the relevant environmental standards. However, restrictions remain on what the water can be used for if it is extracted via a groundwater bore. A GQRUZ remains when attempts have been made to clean up the groundwater at the affected site, but full clean-up was not possible - as it is often difficult to remove 100 per cent of groundwater pollution. It also may be impractical to clean up groundwater to the level needed to restore it to its original condition. EPA then identifies restrictions that should remain on how the water can be used without further treatment. GQRUZ do not represent a comprehensive list of all sites where groundwater quality may not be suitable for use. Rather, they represent locations where EPA has formally recognised that groundwater is polluted, following site investigations under EPA's environmental audit program. Other sources of information on groundwater quality include EPA's Priority Sites Register, which lists sites which are currently undergoing clean-up under EPA's compliance and enforcement activities. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the GQRUZ data published. EPA will not be held liable or responsible for any errors, or for any loss incurred from reliance on this data. Further information about a GQRUZ can be found in the audit report for the selected site. This dataset mirrors the GQRUZ data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.

  • Robust threatened flora records specifically for eMap layer - post 1980 records, spatial accuracy 300m or less, excludes observation types that affect spatial accuracy (literature records, personal communication, evidence in predator scat etc). Should be used in conjunction with VBA_EMAP_FAUNA and VBA_EMAP_RESTRICTED_1M.

  • This layer contains a snapshot of flora taxa records from the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) (including most threatened taxa). The main attributes in this layer are survey id, survey location, date, time, locational accuracy, taxa recorded, counts, observation type, survey type, collector, and reliability of the record. The VERS_DATE column identifies the currency of the data. Although this is a point layer, the actual accuracy of the site can range from +/- 1m to +/- 500m. The FFG field has been updated to reflect the 2021 FFG Act amendments, and the Victorian Advisory List (VICADV) is now obsolete. This layer excludes restricted taxa records. These records are contained in the related (but restricted) dataset VBA_FLORA_RESTRICTED. Public users wishing to view the general location of these records should refer to the related dataset VBA_RESTRICTED_1M.

  • EPA to update metadata record. TBC re-name of GQRUZ_POLYGON. Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These zones have been subject to clean up in line with the relevant environmental standards. However, restrictions remain on what the water can be used for if it is extracted via a groundwater bore. A GQRUZ remains when attempts have been made to clean up the groundwater at the affected site, but full clean-up was not possible - as it is often difficult to remove 100 per cent of groundwater pollution. It also may be impractical to clean up groundwater to the level needed to restore it to its original condition. EPA then identifies restrictions that should remain on how the water can be used without further treatment. GQRUZ do not represent a comprehensive list of all sites where groundwater quality may not be suitable for use. Rather, they represent locations where EPA has formally recognised that groundwater is polluted, following site investigations under EPA's environmental audit program. Other sources of information on groundwater quality include EPA's Priority Sites Register, which lists sites which are currently undergoing clean-up under EPA's compliance and enforcement activities. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the GQRUZ data published. EPA will not be held liable or responsible for any errors, or for any loss incurred from reliance on this data. Further information about a GQRUZ can be found in the audit report for the selected site. This dataset mirrors the GQRUZ data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.

  • This dataset contains polygon features representing land use zones (such as residential, industrial or rural) for all Victorian planning schemes. This layer is attributed with: - scheme code - zone number - zone status - zone code - LGA name - LGA code

  • Part of the VLAT dataset series. This dataset contains the polygons for the authoritative Locality boundary dataset for Victoria. This dataset s a raw superset of VMADMIN_LOCALITY_POLYGON. It shows the current and retired states of each feature instance. It supports feature versioning (UFI_RETIRED) and enables feature edting chaining (UFI_OLD). Locality Boundaries are as defined by Local Governments and registered by the Registrar of Geographic Names (GeoNames). The Vicmap Admin Locality data only contains Bounded Localities (known as LOCB in the GeoNames data). There are also unbounded localities/neighbourhoods (LOCU or NBHD) in the GeoNames data but this is NOT contained within Vicmap Admin Locality. Aligned to Vicmap Property.

  • Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These zones have been subject to clean up in line with the relevant environmental standards. However, restrictions remain on what the water can be used for if it is extracted via a groundwater bore. A GQRUZ remains when attempts have been made to clean up the groundwater at the affected site, but full clean-up was not possible - as it is often difficult to remove 100 per cent of groundwater pollution. It also may be impractical to clean up groundwater to the level needed to restore it to its original condition. EPA then identifies restrictions that should remain on how the water can be used without further treatment. GQRUZ do not represent a comprehensive list of all sites where groundwater quality may not be suitable for use. Rather, they represent locations where EPA has formally recognised that groundwater is polluted, following site investigations under EPA's environmental audit program. Other sources of information on groundwater quality include EPA's Priority Sites Register, which lists sites which are currently undergoing clean-up under EPA's compliance and enforcement activities. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the GQRUZ data published. EPA will not be held liable or responsible for any errors, or for any loss incurred from reliance on this data. Further information about a GQRUZ can be found in the audit report for the selected site. This dataset mirrors the GQRUZ data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website interaction portal.

  • This dataset contains line features representing a boundary which indicates the long-term limits of urban development in metropolitan Melbourne. It only affects 17 LGAs within the Melbourne metropolitan area. This layer is attributed with: - scheme code - zone number - zone status - zone code - LGA name - LGA code

  • Vicmap Planning History is the map data representing the land use zone and overlay controls for all Victorian planning schemes. Planning schemes cover the 79 local government areas and three other areas in Victoria. Planning schemes are regularly amended, and Vicmap Planning is continually updated to reflect the official planning scheme at any time. Datasets in the series are listed below. See them for more detailed metadata. - Planning scheme zones - Vicmap Planning (VMPLAN_PLAN_ZONE_HISTORY); - Planning scheme overlay - Vicmap Planning (VMPLAN_PLAN_OVERLAY_HISTORY); - Planning scheme codelist - Vicmap Planning (VMPLAN_PLAN_CODELIST) Current data model is Version 3.0.1 (Draft) 15 July 2017.

  • This layer contains a snapshot of fauna taxa records from the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) (including most threatened taxa). The main attributes in this layer are survey id, survey location, date, time, locational accuracy, taxa recorded, counts, observation type, survey type, collector, and reliability of the record. The VERS_DATE column identifies the currency of the data. Although this is a point layer, the actual accuracy of the site can range from +/- 500m to +/- 10 km. The FFG field has been updated to reflect the 2021 FFG Act amendments, and the Victorian Advisory List (VICADV) is now obsolete. This layer excludes restricted taxa records. These records are contained in the related (but restricted) dataset VBA_FAUNA_RESTRICTED. Public users wishing to view the general location of these records should refer to the related dataset VBA_RESTRICTED_1M.