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  • FMZ100_V_ZONE is a view of FMZ100. It is a simplified version which shows the zones within

  • This dataset contains line features representing a boundary which indicates the long-term limits of urban development in metropolitan Melbourne. It only affects 17 LGAs within the Melbourne metropolitan area. This dataset has fields joined from the Codelist. This layer is attributed with: - scheme code - zone number - zone status - zone code - LGA name - LGA code - zone code group - zone code group label

  • This layer contains a view of the Crown land Parcels. A parcel is defined as the smallest area of land capable of sale without further approval to subdivide. It may consist of more than one piece. Parcels are described by a parcel description (either lot/plan or allotment/section/parish). It includes: - Parcel Identifiers, both freehold and crown; - Registered and proposed status; - Crown land differentiation - this is defined as CROWN_STATUS of "C" for Crown land, "V" for Vested land or "G" for Government Roads, - LGA code; - Unique Feature Identifiers, date stamps and data quality information. The layer replaces the "CROWNLAND.VM_CROWNSIMPLE" layer that was created for Mapshare sites as a quick way of drawing Crown land rather than all the Parcels. The Crownsimple layer has had issues with keeping in sync with the Parcel layer, whereas this layer will be re-created each time the Parcel layer is updated (every week). MetaX records this dataset as VMPROP.PARCEL_CROWN_APPROVED

  • ADDRESS_SUP is a dataset table of Address2 is a variant of the ADDRESS product and splits address vertically to overcome the 2 Gigabyte DBASE limit when delivering address in a MapInfo or Shapefile format. The layer and table names are:- ADDRESS_MAIN ADDRESS_SUP Users should use VICMAP_ADDRESS in all other circumstances. See metadata record VICMAP_ADDRESS (Vicmap Address) ANZVI0803002578 Vicmap Address is Victoria's authoritative geocoded database of property address points. The data includes predominately, but not exclusively, locational property address identifiers assigned by Local Government, considered to be the primary creator and custodian of property address. If accessible, other 'real life' property addresses created and used by the community, but not recognized by Local Government including retirement villages, assisted care facilities, industrial and public housing estates etc. are included. The 2011/2012 audit against Local Government addressing revealed a 97.41% match rate, increased from 92.43% in 2008/2009 following the 2009 Address Completion Initiative. Key validation fields are 'source' and 'source_verified', respectively indicating the address source and date last validated against that source. The minimum address attributes required for a property address to be included in Vicmap Address are road name and locality. However, the principal address details include the unit/house number(s), road name (including any type or suffix) and locality (town/suburb/rural district). Vicmap Address is jointly maintained with Vicmap Property (VMPROP), with every address relating to a VMPROP record, joined through a property_pfi link. Many additional attributes are included, where available, to facilitate use and relevance to the user community. N.B. Specifically excluded are non-property related, and electronic address details such as email, post office (PO) boxes, roadside delivery points (RSD's), roadside mail boxes (RMB's) and the like. Current data model: Version 6.1 (Oct 2016)

  • Approved easements represented as lines in a layer belonging to Vicmap Property Simplified 2 product. Only a subset of easements have been captured. This layer should be used in conjuction with the other layers and aspatial tables that make up Vicmap Property and replaces the CAD_LINE layer.

  • Property Base Approved a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..

  • The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects protected under the Heritage Act 2017.

  • Property Primary Proposed dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..

  • Proposed easements represented as lines in a layer belonging to Vicmap Property Simplified 2 product. Only a subset of easements have been captured. This layer should be used in conjuction with the other layers and aspatial tables that make up Vicmap Property and replaces the CAD_LINE layer.

  • Boundaries defining the approximate jurisdiction of the Melbourne Water Retailers. On 1 July 2021, Greater Western Water was formed by merging Western Water and City West Water.