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  • Calibrated MODFLOW storativity per model layer. As calculated from the DSE ecoMarkets groundwater flow modelling project. Storativity (also known as confined storage) indicates the amount of groundwatyer released from storage due to a unit depressurisation of a confined aquifer. The value is dimensionless and expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1. Number of model layers per groundwater model is listed below: North East - 6 Goulburn Broken - 8 North Central - 10 Mallee 1992 - 4 Wimmera - 8 Glenelg Hopkins - 5 Corangamite - 6 Port Phillip - 6 West Gippsland - 7 East Gippsland - 6 For further information: Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p

  • MODFLOW modelled depth to water table (m) for each month in below nominated one year dry period. As calculated by the ecoMarkets groundwater modelling project. North East 2002 Goulburn Broken 2002 North Central 2002 Mallee 2002 (only annual depths available) Wimmera 2002 Glenelg Hopkins 1994 Corangamite - Port Phillip 2002 West Gippsland 1982 East Gippsland 2002 For further information: Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p

  • MODFLOW modelled depth to water table (m) for each month in below nominated one year wet period. As calculated by the ecoMarkets groundwater modelling project. North East 1992 Goulburn Broken 1992 North Central 1992 Mallee 1992 (only annual depths available) Wimmera 1992 Glenelg Hopkins 1992 Corangamite - Port Phillip 1992 West Gippsland 1974 East Gippsland 1992 For further information: Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p

  • Modelled long term (1958-2005) average diffuse recharge (in mm) for June as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river / stream / channel / reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.

  • Modelled long-term (1958-2005) average annual diffuse recharge (mm/yr) as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river/stream/channel/reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partitioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.

  • Modelled long term (1958-2005) average diffuse recharge (in mm) for October as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river / stream / channel / reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partitioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.

  • Calibrated MODFLOW horizontal hydraulic conductivity (m/day) per model layer. As calculated from the DSE ecoMarkets groundwater flow modelling project. Number of model layers per groundwater model is listed below: North East - 6 Goulburn Broken - 8 North Central - 10 Mallee 1992 - 4 Wimmera - 8 Glenelg Hopkins - 5 Corangamite - 6 Port Phillip - 6 West Gippsland - 7 East Gippsland - 6 For further information: Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p

  • Modelled long term (1958-2005) average diffuse recharge (in mm) for April as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river / stream / channel / reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.

  • Modelled long term (1958-2005) average diffuse recharge (in mm) for March as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river / stream / channel / reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.

  • Modelled long term (1958-2005) average diffuse recharge (in mm) for July as calculated using the Ensym model. Includes rainfall recharge and irrigation recharge however excludes river / stream / channel / reservoir leakage. Ensym estimates daily spatial recharge by solving for physical processes using analytical solutions and empirical equations. Water entering the soil profile is initially determined by subtracting the calculated surface runoff from the total daily precipitation and irrigation. Once in the soil profile, water can be removed by evapotranspiration, lateral flow and downward movement if soil capacity is exceeded. Water fills up lower soil layers until it exits the soil profile and becomes drainage. Drainage is then partitioned into sub surface lateral flow and recharge. For further information: Beverly, C., 2007. Technical Manual - Models of the Catchment Analysis Tool. Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environment.