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This dataset contains interpreted geological data, both units underlying the basins and magnetic (mostly volcanic) units enclosed by the basin sediments. The linear features in the data set are geological boundaries, major faults, lesser faults and dykes. The onshore magnetic, radiometric, topographic and gravity data have been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. This has been supplemented by offshore magnetic and bathymetric data collected by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation and deep seismic data collected by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation and company sources. The map attempts to reconcile the onshore geology interpreted in Simons & Moore (1999) with the geophysical responses in a way that is geologically reasonable, and to carry this interpretation offshore at least as far as the Tasmanian sea boundary (generally 39 degrees 12 minutes South). The legend broadly uses the same time breaks as that of the Pre-Permian geological map, but includes younger packages that lie beneath the basin. No attempt has been made to subdivide granitic rocks of a particular age. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing lava flows and the basin edges. Lava flows have been interpreted either from intersections in drill holes or from magnetic responses. References: MOORE, D.H., 2002. Eastern and central Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia: basement interpretation and basin links. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 69, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. MOORE, D.H., 2002. Basement-basin relationships in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 78, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. SIMONS B.A., & MOORE, D.H., 1999. Victoria 1:1 000 000 Pre-Permian Geology. Geological Survey of Victoria.
This dataset contains interpreted geological data, both units underlying the basins and magnetic (mostly volcanic) units enclosed by the basin sediments. The linear features in the data set are geological boundaries, major faults, lesser faults and dykes. The onshore magnetic, radiometric, topographic and gravity data have been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. This has been supplemented by offshore magnetic and bathymetric data collected by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation and deep seismic data collected by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation and company sources. The map attempts to reconcile the onshore geology interpreted in Simons & Moore (1999) with the geophysical responses in a way that is geologically reasonable, and to carry this interpretation offshore at least as far as the Tasmanian sea boundary (generally 39 degrees 12 minutes South). The legend broadly uses the same time breaks as that of the Pre-Permian geological map, but includes younger packages that lie beneath the basin. No attempt has been made to subdivide granitic rocks of a particular age. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing lava flows and the basin edges. Lava flows have been interpreted either from intersections in drill holes or from magnetic responses. References: MOORE, D.H., 2002. Eastern and central Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia: basement interpretation and basin links. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 69, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. MOORE, D.H., 2002. Basement-basin relationships in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 78, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. SIMONS B.A., & MOORE, D.H., 1999. Victoria 1:1 000 000 Pre-Permian Geology. Geological Survey of Victoria.
This dataset contains Lava flows that have been interpreted either from intersections in drill holes or from magnetic responses. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing geological boundaries, major faults, lesser faults, dykes and the basin edges. References: MOORE, D.H., 2002. Eastern and central Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia: basement interpretation and basin links. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 69, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. MOORE, D.H., 2002. Basement-basin relationships in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 78, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. SIMONS B.A., & MOORE, D.H., 1999. Victoria 1:1 000 000 Pre-Permian Geology. Geological Survey of Victoria.
This dataset contains Lava flows that have been interpreted either from intersections in drill holes or from magnetic responses. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing geological boundaries, major faults, lesser faults, dykes and the basin edges. References: MOORE, D.H., 2002. Eastern and central Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia: basement interpretation and basin links. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 69, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. MOORE, D.H., 2002. Basement-basin relationships in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 78, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. SIMONS B.A., & MOORE, D.H., 1999. Victoria 1:1 000 000 Pre-Permian Geology. Geological Survey of Victoria.
This dataset contains the Gippsland Basin and Otway Basin edges. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing geological boundaries, major faults, lesser faults, dykes and lava flows. References: MOORE, D.H., 2002. Eastern and central Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia: basement interpretation and basin links. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 69, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. MOORE, D.H., 2002. Basement-basin relationships in the Otway Basin, Victoria, Australia. Victorian Initiative for Minerals and Petroleum Report 78, Department of Natural Resources and Environment. SIMONS B.A., & MOORE, D.H., 1999. Victoria 1:1 000 000 Pre-Permian Geology. Geological Survey of Victoria.