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  • The polygons represent the depth from the surface to the Palaeozoic bedrock. The polygon data was constructed using the depth to basement contours at 50m interval generated from both drill hole data, and depth to magnetic source estimates. For detailed methodology refer to Gold Undercover report 21 - Depth to Palaeozoic basement of the Gold Undercover region using borehole and magnetic data.

  • The wind resource has been mapped on a 3 km x 3 km grid across Victoria. Average annual wind speeds have been modelled using the WindScape wind resource mapping tool that was developed by the Wind Energy Research Unit of CSIRO Land and Water in 2002. WindScape uses atmospheric data, and regional topography to model the wind resource at 65 metres above ground level to a resolution of 3 kilometres. The resolution of the modelled wind resource means that it does not incorporate the effects of local landscape features smaller than 3 kilometres in size, like small hills and ridges. This dataset is derived from the same data used to create the overview map of the Victorian wind atlas published by the Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria, c2003

  • The solar resource has been mapped on a 5 km x 5 km grid across Victoria, with the lowest achievable uncertainty (or error), for the following five components (or measures) of solar irradiance: - global horizontal irradiance (GHI) - global irradiance on a north facing plane inclined at latitude angle (GTI) - global irradiance on a 2 axis tracking normal plane (GNI) - direct beam irradiance (DNI) - diffuse horizontal irradiance (Diff). The data has been reformatted to include values for annual average as well as seasonal variations from data supplied by Hydro Electric Corporation trading as Entura The methodology is contained within the report prepared by Entura which is downloadable here:

  • Slope in degrees over 1km grid for Victoria, generated by Entura for the Solar Atlas project. The methodology is contained within the report prepared by Entura which is downloadable here:

  • Entura accumulated Level 3 data over 10 year period and interpolated to 5 km grid. Values of 'Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Depth' (AOT) from the MODIS Aqua data set are used in the analysis. These values are non-dimensional, with a valid range of -0.5 to +5.0 (negative readings are not physically valid but are retained for consistency of the algorithm). Typical values are between 0 and 1, with 0.0 representing clear sky; 0.0 to 0.5 representing moderate levels of aerosols; and 0.5 to 1.0 representing relatively high aerosol concentrations (typical of heavy industrialisation).Values over 1.0 are less common and represent considerable levels of aerosols). The methodology is contained within the report prepared by Entura which is downloadable here: